Chapter 53

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"You're so persistent, it's actually creepy." My goofy smile faltered and I pouted at Aizawas comment.

"Your caterpillar sleeping bag is creepy," I mumbled back, quickly apologizing when he flashed me a deathly glare.

It took Bakugo and me forever to find Aizawa. We walked around in circles for hours, only to find out by another teacher that Aizawa left the building right after making his announcement, which led us to wait in front of his office until he returned. "So, what do you want- actually, I know what you want. An explanation, right?" I nodded eagerly, ignoring Bakugo's remark on how childish I was acting.

"Sorry, but not right now." He shifted around the office, searching through stacks of paper and folders that looked older than he was.

"What do you mean? Aizawa, I'm not the only one who's curious and scared right now... we have the right to know what's going on outside of our own dorms. Besides, with this whole Keres thing-"

"(Y/N), I know! Just be quiet!" Aizawa snapped, surprising both Bakugo and I. He ran a hand through his black hair, making me notice his features that looked more tired than usual. There was something going on for sure.

"Oi, what's going on?" Bakugo stepped forward, his hands shoved in his pockets.

Our teacher sighed before collapsing in his chair. "Heroes are in a difficult situation now. Keres is stronger than we thought." He paused for a second, a flash of worry gleamed in his eyes. "I'm going to assemble all the students. We'll switch to the last resort."

We both watched as he continued to talk to himself, pulling out a mic that was connected to the intercom as he spoke into it. "All students please head to the gym for an emergency assembly."

He walked past us and out the door, not even bothering to tell us to get out.

I made eye contact with Bakugo, who nodded. We both thought the same thing and headed out towards the gym, the halls eerily quiet. I figured all the students and staff were already in the gym, and I guessed right.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and followed me as Deku waved me over to an empty section of the gym, Todoroki beside him. "Have you got any information from Aizawa?" He asked eagerly.

"Ah, just a little. From what Aizawa said and how he was acting, I could tell the heroes are in a tight spot. Then he mentioned something of a 'last resort'. I wonder what that could be..."

"Well, it looks like we're about to find out," Todoroki answered, gesturing to the platform where the U.A. staff stood in a line, a grim expression on all of their faces.

The principle stepped forward, raising his paw. "Students of U.A. I have requested you all to be here as the situation and fight against Keres has undoubtedly worsened." Mutters of worry spread quickly among the students, everyone shifting nervously in their seats before they were asked to quiet down.

"To get to the point, the heroes need help." It took a while for that sentence to sink in before I had an idea of what that meant, and I hunched over with a dreaded feeling.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Deku whispered, placing a comforting hand on my back. I shook my head, hoping that principal Nezu meant something else.

"And to elaborate, the heroes are asking for your help." Students stood from their seats, shouting phrases of anger, worry, and confusion.

"What the hell is this guy talking about?!" Bakugo also stood from his seat and began yelling, but I ignored it and zoned out.

'If the heroes are having a hard time trying to defeat this guy, what makes them think that ya students could do anything? It's too risky!' I thought, my mind becoming a jumbled mess.

Deku repeated a similar statement to my thoughts, and I nodded in agreement, turning back to the staff to hear what they had to say.

"Please settle down everyone, settle down. Now, I know you are all confused and worried at the moment, but the heroes are currently forging a plan that requires your help." The principle looked back to Aizawa, who nodded and stepped forward.

"You have all been training using the regiment I gave you recently. That training regiment is for this plan. Using those moves and techniques you have been practicing, the plan should go smoothly." He paused, thinking over something and leaving everyone in anticipation.

"I cannot guarantee your safety." The crowd erupted again in cries and shock, and he continued to speak even though his voice was drowned by the crowd. "It is your choice on whether you want to participate in this fight or not. Choosing to will give you many benefits in the future as a hero, and you will be known for your bravery and sacrifice.

"If you do not want to fight, you will not be forced to. It is strongly recommended and encouraged, as we need all the help we can get. Since most of you have your provisional licenses, you are all eligible to fight. The number of students that are capable of fighting in this battle is high, which raises our success rates to a little over 80%."

It was quiet as Aizawa finished, and his words which carried a heavyweight on them took a while for everyone's minds to process. There were danger and fear that lurked at the edge of this supposed, 'plan' that the heroes wanted us students to part take in, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of worthlessness wash down on me. I didn't have my provisional license, and I couldn't help in this fight against Keres. Even if I could, I figured I wouldn't be able to do much since I'm Quirkless. Useless and Quirkless.

"To wrap this assembly up, we're instructing all of the teachers to speak to their students and find out who would like to participate and fight alongside the heroes, and who isn't going to be participating, so please head to class. Thank you for listening, that is all for today." The stage lights went out, darkness shrouding the staff as they walked off the stage, leaving the students in confusion, fear, and turmoil.

I was so lost in thought I didn't realize that everyone got from their seats to head to class as instructed until a hand was placed on my forehand. "(Y/N), are you okay? Do you have a fever again?"

I snapped out of my state and smiled reassuringly at Todoroki. "I'm fine... let's get to class." He nodded and extended his hand, helping me from my seat.

I left the assembly with a bad feeling, a feeling that made me sick. Something big was going to happen, and I didn't know if there was anything I could do to prevent it.

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now