Chapter 30

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Judging from his voice, he was a male. He tightened his grip around my neck and put his free hand in front of my face, his forearm was covered in purple scars, seemingly caused by burns.

"You move an inch, and I'll-" a ball of blue fire appeared and danced on his palm, "-burn you alive, alright darling?" I stiffened, my jaw clenched and eyes wide.

"Who-who are you?" I whispered, picking my words very carefully to try to understand his motive.

"The names Dabi. Hey, ever heard of the League of Villains?" I nodded, and he continued. "You probably know the name Shigaraki, right? Well, we're looking for people who approve of his convictions, the League of Villains convictions. You're the perfect person for the League!" I opened my mouth to say something before he squeezed my neck even tighter. I winced, trying to keep my breathing steady.

"You yourself don't agree with the hero's ways. Your reaction to Snipes talk the other day says a lot, including the disagreement you had with him during your internship."

I began to panic. How did this guy, Dabi, know all of this? Was he watching me? A million questions surged my head, and a sudden pit of guilt formed in my stomach.

"You want me to join the League, don't you?" I could practically feel the guys smile behind my head, and a hum confirmed it.

"Shigaraki wants you. You're one of the few people who really see heroes in their true colours, and their true motives, you know who they are. I'm assuming you know Stain, the villain your green-haired friend fought," I nodded.

"The League follows some of his motives, in fact, he has very justifiable ones." He leaned in closer. "You agree. Deep down, you despise heroes. Maybe you don't see it now, but you'll start to believe in the League, believe in us." He paused for a moment.
"We'll give it some time for now. Goodbye, (Y/N)" His grip vanished, and I whirled around ready to attack, but he was gone. Disappeared in thin air.

I slumped against the wall, accidentally knocking over a few shoes while trying to catch my breath. His words lingered in my mind, and I gripped my head in denial. I didn't want to believe anything he was saying because it wasn't... true.

I sniffed and pulled my hood over my head and tucked my hands in my pockets, heading out the store. A whole scene of police and curious bystanders crowded the area, Deku in the middle explaining something to the officers. I caught his words and gulped. He mentioned the name 'Shigaraki', and what he talked to him about, which involved defeat and end of All Might and exposing how fragile justice itself can be.

After the crowd dispersed, the situation was reported which resulted in the mall closing. I went with Deku to the police station, and after he was finished telling them the whole story, I realized I hadn't reported my encounter with Dabi. I felt sick, sick of myself. What's wrong with me? It was too late to report it now since I was halfway home. Maybe some other time...


Over summer break, we had weeks of free time before the training camp started, and during that time Momo invited me along with the rest of the 1-A girls for sunbathing in the schools' pool. I agreed and dressed in the schools' swimwear, which was perfect for me with how much it covered my body.

The boys were also at the pool, but for endurance training only. Iida called everyone out for a break with drinks, and I climbed out of the pool. I took an orange can for myself and one for Deku.

"Here, drink up!" I handed him the drink which he accepted gratefully and gulped it down. My eyes traced his hair which was matted with water and followed the beads of water that trailed down his body.

I cleared my throat. "Are you okay, Deku? After the whole thing with Shigaraki?"

He lowered his can, about to answer before a voice yelled out to him, "Oi, Deku!" We both looked over to see Bakugo glaring at him with Kirishima a struggling to keep him back.

"Yo, Bakugo! What's up?" I greeted as he came near.

He nodded to me and directed his attention to Deku. "Wanna decide things right here right now?" He growled, releasing explosions. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my fizzy drink.

"Let's have a 50-meter swimming race to see who's the fastest from the boys! Quirks allowed!" Iida suggested, and everyone agreed to.

I put my back against the wall and slid down beside Todoroki, who would compete in the next round. A whistle sounded and started the race. Everyone leaped off the edge and swam... except for Bakugo who used his Quirk to get to the other side without touching the water.

I slapped a palm to my face then cupped my hands around my mouth, "Bakugo, that's not how you swim!"

"Shut up! I won fair and square! It's freestyle, isn't it?!" I sighed and wished good luck to Todoroki who was up next.

I slapped my palm against my face again when he too used his Quirk to get across. "Do you guys not know how to swim?" I muttered to myself.

Deku was up next, and I cheered loudly for him as he actually swam across with the help of his Quirk. He finished first. I got to the other end of the pool and extended my hand to help him out. He smiled and took my hand, but yanked me in the pool instead.

Surprised, I coughed and held onto his bare shoulders, then blinked water out of my eyes. His laughter echoed in my ears, and I shook my head.  "Dekuuuuu!"

"Haha, sorry (Y/N). But you know," he took my hand and slid his arm across my lower back. "You asked me earlier if I was okay. I am. But are you okay? You seemed like you had a lot of things on your mind." With each word, he leaned closer until we were nose to nose. I started breathing heavily.

"What-what do you mean? I'm fine..."

Deku shook his head. "After the incident, you started to look nervous, and you seemed like you had something to say." I gulped and parted my lips. He pressed his forehead against mine, his hair swishing softly over my head. His eyes seemed greener and bigger than usual.

"Are you really okay?"

A moment of silence. "De-Deku?" He blinked, then pulled himself away.

"Gah! I-I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I don't know what came over me..." He untwined his hand from mine and looked away, his cheeks shaded pink.

"Deku! Get your ass over here! It's me, you and Todoroki now!" Bakugo yelled, glaring at him when he swam over.

I watched the three from the opposite end of the pool and chuckled as they flopped into the pool with their Quirks erased. Aizawa stood in the doorway, making it clear that everyone's time in the pool was up.

As I packed my things, I couldn't help but think.

'Should I tell Deku and the others about Dabi and Kurogiri? Or should I keep it a secret? Maybe it's for the best to keep it hidden. Besides, they're all reaching out to be the number one hero and are busy with their goals, I probably shouldn't interfere and leave them alone...'

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now