Chapter 7

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As soon as the day was over, I grabbed my bag and ran outside with Deku. We both decided to go to a ramen restaurant along with some friends of his. As we arrived at the restaurant, four others were sitting at the barstools, chatting amongst themselves quietly.

One which caught my eye.

The familiar red and white hair. I don't know why he was so interesting but the mysterious air around him and his usual quiet self was interested me. As Deku announced our arrival, we sat down. I glanced at everyone, trying to recall their names.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N) (L/N)" I waved hello.

"I'm Tsuyu Asui. Call me Tsu" a black haired girl croaked.

She must be that girl with the frog Quirk.

"My name is Tenya Iida"

"Hey, my name is Ochaco Uraraka!"

"Shoto Todoroki." The red and white haired boy said with almost no emotion.

"It's nice to meet you all!" I said happily. And from there, we ordered our ramen, (mine was extra spicy) got to know one another, and finally, it was time that I left. Deku offered to walk me home, but I told him that it was fine. As I walked home, I couldn't help but think if Todoroki thought well of me. I wanted to be on good terms with everyone in my class,  and maybe Todoroki was naturally a cold person. I snickered at my little pun and finally arrived home.


"(Y/N), you okay?" I raised my head to look at Deku.

"Oh, yeah, I'm alright. Just zoned out for a minute there, heh."

"Alright then." He sat down.

"I am... coming through the door like a normal person!" A voice boomed. Everyone gaped in awe at the number one hero that stood before them. I chuckled at the statement.

"Today, young ones, we will be doing a battle trial!" I snapped my full attention towards All Might. He explained a few things before he pointed towards the wall, vertical rows of containers that supposedly held our costumes inside.

I slid on my costume and unconsciously smiled. It was exactly what I wanted. I faced the mirror and examined myself. The black skin-tight suit hugged my body comfortably, allowing me to perform flexible actions. The material my suit was made of was fire-resistant and blade resistant too. A thick belt around my waist provided numerous areas for me to store my knives and guns. The matte black boots on my feet had special curves that allowed me to run at a faster pace and allowed me to do sharper turns. It was perfect. I followed the rest of the girls outside of the changing room and across the schoolyard where a cluster of buildings stood. I stood in the crowd of class 1-A, biting my lip anxiously. A hand slipped in mine, and I looked down to see a green-gloved hand.

"Whoa, Deku! Is that you? You look great!"

"Th-thanks! You do too, but you seem really nervous, are you alright?" He said, looking at me with a worried expression. I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. We both directed our attention towards All Might, who explained the whole process. To sum it up, we get our partners, then All Might decides who's the hero and who's the villain. I jerked my head up when I heard my name.

"...and Katsuki Bakugo," I stiffened and my head slowly turned to the side, looking at my partner. We made eye contact for a second, and he looked away with a scoff.

"Bakugo's team VS Midoriyas team!" All Mights voice rang out. I swear I almost fainted. The pairing couldn't have gotten any worse. I turned towards Deku and smiled.

"Don't go easy on us, alright?" He nodded, fresh determination shining in his eyes, which also gave me determination too. I gave him a thumbs up before walking away to join my own partner.

And before I could say anything to him he spoke, "Your only job is to guard the weapon. I'll get Deku..." His voice dropped to a growl. I scowled at him.

"Don't give me the look, loser. Just listen to what I tell you."

My jaw dropped. "Excuse me, who the heck do you think your talking to?! There is no way I am sticking to that sorry excuse for a plan! We have to work togeth-"

"Then why don't you leave it all to me then?!" He cut me off, and from there I kept my mouth shut, settling for his plan.

We walked towards the pretend villain base in suffocating silence, a pressing question tagging along in my head.

"Hey... Bakugo?" I said, hoping he didn't burst on me.

"What is it?" I was surprised at his calm response.

"Why... Why do you despise Deku so much?"

"I don't wanna answer, and I'm not obligated to either." It was a dry response, but nothing threatening. I decided to try again.

"Well, he's my friend, and you are too so isn't it fair that I should know?" He sighed.

"Look, now's not the time, alright?" He avoided eye contact with me from there on.

As we arrived there, Bakugo waved his hand and left the room, possibly planning a surprise attack or some other strategy. Meanwhile, I examined the area, wondering if Deku or his partner, Uraraka would come.

Thinking it thoroughly, I cleared up the area, convinced that Uraraka would be the one to come. And now, all that was left was to wait. The time for my training as a hero has come.

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now