Morning After Movies | Chapter 11

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     I woke up very groggily still having my eyes closed for a few moments before I realized it didn't feel like I was on my bed. I opened my eyes and looked ahead to see my tv turned off and a few drink bottles and snack wrappers on my coffee table. I tried to move to get up but felt a resistance of my waist. I felt someone slightly stir underneath me and could understand that the thing around my waist was their arms. I looked up to see Vikk soundly sleeping, I can't lie, he looked really peaceful. I gently picked up his arms and put them both to the side of him so I could get up before he woke up. After getting off the sofa I looked towards my two other sofas and in one saw Harry sleeping in a pretty uncomfortable looking position, and in the other I noticed Will laying down covered in a blanket he must have found in my closet. I hadn't remembered falling asleep last night, but I know it had to be during the 3rd movie we watched, since I don't even remember the ending to that one.

"Oh, Aria. Hey" Gee said walking out of my bedroom with a silent Chip trailing behind her. She went over to my kitchen and sat down on the counter while Chip headed towards the restroom.
"Hey Gee. Where's everyone else" I said as I grabbed three bowls out of my cupboard and grabbed a bunch of cereal boxes and put them on the counter.
"They all actually stayed up and went home after the 3rd movie. Me and Chip fell asleep on the couch at first but then Harry accidentally kicked me, waking me up, so me and Gee went to your room. I hope you don't mind" Gee said checking her phone to see if she had any notifications.
"Oh I don't mind at all. Here's some cereal by the way. You can pick whichever you want, and I also have normal milk and almond milk" I said opening my fridge to show her the milk.
"Oooh I'll take the almond milk thanks" She said pouring her choice of cereal into her bowl, I grabbed the milk and brought it over to the counter for her. As I turned back around I saw Chip finally walking out of the restroom.
"Morning lil Chip!" I said a little loudly which must have triggered Will to wake up.
"Whey! Shut up!" Will said as he pulled the blanket over his ears to block out some of his hearing.
"Good morning Mr.Grumpy!" I said going over to Will and slightly yelling in his face.
"Oh fucks off" Will said annoyed, but still willing to laugh a little bit.
"Here come on. Let's get you some breakfast" I said as I pulled the blanket off of him and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the kitchen, forcing him to get up basically.

Chip and Will got their cereal as I went over to attempt to wake up Harry and Vikk. Vikk woke up pretty easily, but Harry was the challenge.
"Harryyyy!" I said getting close to him so I would sound loud.
"Hm" was all that came from his mouth after whisper yelling his name multiple times. I decided to flick him on his forehead and that what got him to finally get up. After I flicked him, he immediately jumped up confused to what had just hit him, but once he saw me, the scared look in his eyes calmed down to normal. I couldn't stop laughing at how scared he looked for a few seconds.

Me and Harry both decided we didn't want cereal, so I just decided to make us both toast. I tried to get Harry to help me, but let's say his 'help' wasn't very helpful.

"Bye Aria! We will hang out sometime soon" Gee said happily as she hugged me saying bye. Chip had already gotten out into the hallway, but he had already gave me a simple goodbye. Will was the only other person leaving right now and he stood beside Gee right now. I could tell he didn't know if he should just say bye or give me a hug too. So to save him from thinking over it too much I just went over to him and gave him a hug, which he hugged me back too.
"Bye guys. Love you lots" I said giving them the hand sign shaped as a heart. Gee gave it back as they walked down the hall towards the lift.

I walked back into the flat to see Vikk sitting by my counter on his phone, probably on Twitter.
"Where's Harry, literally how did he escape that quick" I said sitting down beside Vikk.
"Oh, he went into your room to sleep some more, probably won't wake up for another. I don't know. Maybe 3 hours" Vikk said using the time on his phone for reference.

"3-plus hours with Harry in my flat, when you're about to leave too. Oh nelly" I said letting out a giggle afterwards, along with a long sigh.

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