A Stream | Chapter 44

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It had been a few weeks since I had starting staying at Jide and Simon's flat. Jacob was confused on why I didn't want to stay at the flat with him, but I said it was content related so he wouldn't ask any more questions.
It's been quite boring, nothing is going on at all. I brought my laptop and had played a few games with Simon, Ethan, and Jide although all at different times. I can say the highlight of my quarantine so far definitely had to be walking into Jide's room while he was recording and seeing all of the boys randomly with their shirts off.

It was definitely a strange sight, but I held my laugh in so that nobody heard me and I didn't ruin the video. Jide didn't even realize, so I just snuck my way back out, not wanting to ruin their recording by any chance.
I know it must be frustrating for them to have to many ideas of sidemen Sunday's they want to do, but not being able to record anything together in person. I had been struggling with content ideas recently, but my prerecorded videos have helped out so much with that.

Right now I was streaming some Minecraft since I haven't played in forever, and my fans loved seeing me play. Especially because they made fun of me for my lack of pvp skills. I was playing a round of hunger games on a server while Jj sat in a chair next to me and watched me play. Which I appreciated a lot, he never was one to pay attention to what games I was playing.

"Thank you HollyMinter for the £5 donation. I think I'm going to play for another hour or two" I said, answering my fans question of how much longer I would be staying on stream.
"They're saying Vik's here" Jj said as he pointed at my twitch chat while I was running from someone who was trying to kill me.

I took a quick glance over at my twitch chat and saw a message from Vik saying hello to me and my viewers.
"Hi Vik!! How are you feeling after the door accident?" I asked him. Turning around and attempting to kill the person following me, although I ended up dying and got sent to spectator mode.

- doing fine thanks Aria :)

"I'm glad you're doing fine. If you don't know what happened go check Vik's twitter, and if you don't already follow him there's something wrong with you" I said as I stared into my camera, as if I was staring at my viewers.

"Wait... what happened?" Jj asked, acting oblivious to the conversation.
"Jide stop being stupid! You literally were talking about it earlier. The resistance band issue Vik had" I told Jj. I swear sometimes he had me worried with how horrible his memory of things is.
"Ohhh. Right. I'm glad you're okay Vik" Jj said as he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.

After Jj had said that my chat filled up with viewers saying how cute it was and how they loved to see Jj being nice to Vik.
"If you like seeing Jj nice to Vik you better soak that moment in. Cause it might be the only one you get for a while" I joked with everyone.

I noticed Jj was still texting on his phone, so I decided to take a peak. Although as soon as I started to turn towards him he turned off his phone in his pocket.
"Keeping secrets Jide?" I asked him jokingly.
"You know I'm not Aria" He said as he rolled his eyes.
"I know I know" I said with a big smile. I almost leant in to give him a kiss, but I forgot we were on stream in front of almost three thousand people.

"I'm getting kind of bored of minecraft. Anyone have game suggestions?" I asked my chat. I got a few answers of games to play. Although a lot of people were asking me to do a twitter q&a live on stream with Jide.

"You guys want a q&a? Okay I'm fine with that. I'm tweeting out now so reply with questions" I told them before getting up to go grab a water from the kitchen. I had been talking for a really long time and finished drinking my original water a long time ago. When I got back I looked at my chat and it was filled with a bunch of people fangirling over something "cute".

"That was so adorable omd"
"I didn't know Jj could be this cute"
"So wholesome"

"What did you do while I was gone Jide?" I asked with a small laugh.
"Nothing" He said in response with a laugh, definitely not suspicious at all.

"Okay. First question. What's your favorite videos to record. Well I love to record any collab videos. I prefer them so much to single videos" I spoke to my chat as they still continued to take about whatever Jide had said.
"I like sidemen sunday, but reddit videos are chill too" Jj replied simply.

"Are you and Harry friends? We're very good friends actually. I'd easily say he's my best friend" I replied to the question.
"Well everyone knows me and Harry are friends" Jj said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you and KSI dating?" I read out the question, about to answer before Jj cut me off.
"No we're not together" Jj said simply. It kind of hurt to hear because I really want to be with him, but I knew what he said was true. We weren't officially together yet, but I was okay with waiting.
"Yep. Me and Jide aren't together" I said with a smile.

As soon as I was about to read out the next question I got an iMessage notification from Bog.

~ I talked to Katie. Can I call you

And as soon as I finished reading the text, his phone call came in.

"Uhhh. I've got to take this call real quick. Jj answer questions for me, you know enough. Simonn!! Come answer some questions with Jj please!" I yelled as I walked out of the room quickly. I walked over to the bathroom, locking myself in and answering the call.

"You talked to her Harry? What do you mean talked?" I asked him as soon as I answered, skipping the whole hello.
"She's denying it. I didn't get to ask her in person since I'm in Guernsey" Harry told me quickly.
"You didn't ask in person!? Don't you think that would've been a better idea?" I asked him, really confused on why he did it the way he did.
"It would be easier but I didn't have the time" Harry explained to me.
"I understand. How did you bring it up?" I asked him, curious on if he asked very straight forward or if he lead up to it.

"I asked her if she knew Jacob, and when she said yes I asked her if she enjoyed hanging out with him" Harry told me, I could hear his voice start to get quieter. Meaning he was probably getting sad talking about it.
"I'm glad you're talking to her about it though. She needs to know what she's doing isn't right" I told him quickly. I was listening to him but I was also thinking so much about what could be going on during my stream right now.

"Harry I'll FaceTime you later tonight. I need to get back to my stream" I said as I opened the bathroom door and could slightly hear Houdini playing from the room with my stream.
"Oh nelly! Of course. I didn't know you were streaming I'm sorry. After you hang up I'm gonna watch it" Harry said really enthusiastically. He really loved it when I streamed for some reason, even though after it ended he would joke that it wasn't even slightly entertaining.

"Thank you for the support Harry. Talk later yea?" I said with a big smile.
"Yea" Harry simply said before I hung up.

"THATS A BANGERRRR JIDE!" I yelled as I ran back into the room and in frame. Houdini was still playing through my stream and chat was going wild. They were begging Simon to do the elephant dance again since he had done it in one of his streams recently.

"I'm not doing the elephant dance!" Simon nicely yelled at the chat.
"Oh come on Simon! I never got to do it with you!" I joked around begging him. Although I kind of did want this to happen, the clip would be hilarious to use.

"Ugh fine. Be happy that I'm not being stubborn right now" Simon said with a laugh.

We got up out of the seat and stood next to me.
"The trunk" He said as he placed his arm out in front of his head, and I copied.
"And the tail" he said as he placed his other arms behind him.
"Now just go for it" He said as he started to bounce around. I started to bounce around too and couldn't stop laughing while doing so.

Jide looked at us both in such disappointment, although after watching for so long, he couldn't help but crack a big smile.

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