Phone Taken | Chapter 19

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"What's up Simon" I heard Ethan speaking through the phone.
"What the fuck are you thinking" I spoke through Simon's phone quietly. Simon was in the other room and wasn't aware that I snatched his phone, before going into the bathroom to take this call.
"Aria? Uh- what do you mean" Ethan said back, sounding slightly suspicious at the beginning of his sentence.
"I know where you and Jj are going, and you need to stop" I said strictly, hoping to get the message across.
"Look. We're gonna be fine" Ethan said through the phone calmly.
"I know you're gonna be fine, but you could be even more than fine if you didn't do anythi-" I finished saying before getting cutoff by Simon on the other side of the door.

"Aria, are you alright?" He asked with confusion present in his voice.
"Yea, yea. I'm fine, just go sit back down" I said with slight irritation in my voice but still able to sound nice.
"You haven't seen my phone have you, I swear I put it on the sofa" Simon asked as he still stood by the door.
"Uhh nope, haven't. Sorry" I said hearing him finally walk away, probably to look for his phone.

"Okay... well anyways. It's all good Aria, don't even worry" Ethan spoke through the phone almost making it sound like they weren't even doing anything at all.
"Well I'm gonna worry when you won't tell me what you're going to do once you find him" I said quietly putting my hand up to the left side of my mouth to direct the noise to the right, near the phone.
"Look. We're just gonna go find him and have a talk, and by talk I actually do mean talk" Ethan said with a slight chuckle at the end.
"Okay I believe you, but I hope you're not lying" I said, hanging the phone up abruptly afterwards.

"Any luck?" I asked Simon as I opened up the bathroom door to see him looking around for his phone.
"Nope. Not yet" He said as he walked off into my bedroom to look in there. I walked over to the sofa and placed it in between two of the cushions.
"Have you just been sitting on the sofa this whole time?" I said as I had already taken a few steps away from the sofa, so I did seem weirdly too close to it.
"Yep. I haven't really gotten up much" He replied going over to the couch to look again. Putting his hand in between the cushions, he finally pulled his phone out and let a sigh of relief escape his lips.
"Finally" I said with a little laugh.
"I'm gonna head out. You know the other boys are around if you need them" Simon said as he put his shoes on and stood by my flat door.
"Okay. Thank you for staying a little longer and keeping me company" I said smiling at him.
"Yea, no problem. There's no more, drugs, here are there?" Simon asked me as he looked around.
"No there's not, and never will be. I promise you" I said as he put his hand on the doorknob and began to turn it.
"Bye Simon"
"Bye Aria"

A few hours later, and more of the nighttime instead of noon, somebody knocked on my flat door.
"Coming" I said hopping off of my sofa and over to my door, wondering who it could be. I reached the door and turned the handle, pulling it open, to reveal Ethan and Jj standing there with my phone in hand.
"Here" Jj said handing me my phone back.
"Thank you Jj, and you two come in right now" I said as I pointed into my flat and opened up the door wider. They both walked in and turned around to just look at me, probably knowing I was going to ask many questions.
I grabbed both of their hands in mine and led them over to my lounge to sit down. Once we all sat down I began to speak.

"So what happened when you guys got there" I asked as I looked back and forth between the two of them.
"Well-" Ethan got to say before Jj cut him off.
"We found his location sharing on your phone, and found where he lived. We parked outside, but a while down the road and called the police on him about drugs. They went into his home to talk to him and later he came out in handcuffs" Jj said very easily, almost as if he had thought out what he was gonna say.
"What the hell. If he even thinks that whoever called the police knows me, he'll snitch my name to the police and I'll get in trouble for drug possession" I said and put my head into my hands.
"You won't though. He doesn't even know we were the ones who did it, nor does he know that we know you" Ethan said trying to calm my nerves down.
"I sure hope so, you dicks" I said with a little laugh at the end.
"At least you don't take everything way too seriously" Ethan said as he got up on the sofa and patted my shoulder, before making his way over to my flat door.
"I've got to go. You two have fun, actually, don't. Please don't have fun Jj. Cause I know what your idea of fun is" Ethan said as he opened the door and walked out.

"Soooo..." Jj said awkwardly after the door had closed.
"Yea. So" I said with a giggle as I looked over at him.

The night ended with me and Jj watching a random show on Netflix. His arm laying across my shoulders, and me laying my head up against his chest. It felt great in all honestly, I always was the affectionate type and wanted to be close to people. Although I didn't know why.

The next morning, I woke up on the couch still in Jj's arms. I pried myself out of his arms and got up to make myself some breakfast. I ate a bowl of cereal, and even after I was done, Jj was still asleep. I took the alone time to start on some editing, since I was running out of my pre-recorded videos.
"Hey" I heard from behind me. Turning around in my seat, I saw Jj waking into my office.
"Hello big man" I said as I smiled at him, momentarily stopping my editing.
"I think I'm gonna head out. The boys want to film a Sidemen video today" Jj said as he leaned against my doorframe.
"Okay sounds good. I might have to stop by and see what you lot are up to later" I said as I stood up and began to walk to my flat door, with Jj following me there.
"Yea. You should" Jj said smiling at me.
"Okay well bye Jide" I said while pulling him into a hug.
"Bye Aria" He said with a small laugh as he hugged me back. After I pulled away from the hug, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and opened my door for him.
"Now get out" I said with a smile as I 'pushed' him out of my flat.
"Rude!" Jj said jokingly as he walked out of my flat. I closed the door once I saw him walking down the hallway. I walked back over to my office to finish getting my editing done. I mostly edited my gaming videos, since I have been slacking on those a little bit. I had a gaming video with Simon coming out soon, and I'm sure my fans would love it. They always loved it when I put any of the boys in my videos, and I understand why. Their personalities are just great for entertainment.

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