Purple Lights | Chapter 36

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     As a knock sounded on my door, I knew it was Harry. I immediately opened the door, as I had been standing right beside it waiting. Grabbing his arm lightly, I pulled him into my flat.
   Jacob was sitting on the sofa when he turned his head to see who had entered. Harry and Jacob's eyes met, and they just kind of stared at each other.

     "Gosh lads. No need to be awkward. I'm sure you two know of each other" I told them as I looked between the two. "Say hi or something! Don't just stare" I said which made them both laugh, greeting each other after.

     Harry and I decided to have a tiny party to ourselves in my bedroom. I grabbed both of our favorite bags of chips, a few sodas and waters if we got thirsty. Along with turning on my speaker I spent wayyyy too much money on. The atmosphere in my room was pretty nice at the moment. I had my LED lights turned on to a nice purple color and we played some songs that we loved from the 2000s. It was just starting to get dark outside, although I had closed my curtains, which would've left the room dark if it wasn't for my lights.

     "HEY SOUL SISTER!!! AINT THAT MISTER MISTER ON THE RADIO, STERIO...." Harry and I sung, well more like screamed, as I recorded it to put on my Instagram story.

     "Bog! You know... I'm thinking that I'm looking kinda cute right now, and my room is actually clean for once. So in conclusion, can you take some Instagram pictures for me?" I asked him with puppy dog eyes, trying to get him to say yes.
   "The puppy dog eyes don't work Aria. We've talked about this, but yes I will take some" Harry replied to me with a laugh.

     After he took a few pictures of me that I was satisfied with. I wanted to see if he was willing to be in a few, which he was. I set up my phone on my desk and took a few timer pictures of us.

     The first one I thought was pretty funny because I had thought I put the timer on ten seconds when it was really on three. So i was completely unprepared
   The second picture was one of me and Harry just smiling really big since we were laughing at my stupidity. I thought it was really cute how happy we looked.
   The third picture we took was me on Harry's back. We both looked extremely scared and were a little bit blurry, since he had wobbled a little bit and we both thought I was going to fall.

     "Thank you Bog" I said as I grabbed my phone off the desk and looked at the photos. "You know I actually like all of these. Which is really rare I must say" I told Harry.
   "Well don't post that one. You look a little like a frog there" Harry said as he pointed to the one where we both looked scared.
   "I do NOT look like a frog Harry! You're such a jerk" I joked around with him, playfully hitting him on the arm.
   "Yea yea, sure Aria. I've got to go. Freezy just texted me about some video of his that he needs help with. I'll see you later" Harry said as he gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked out.

     I swear that kid has rarely ever given me a true goodbye. He always just walks off abruptly, but it makes him who he is.

     I chose the pictures that I wanted to post. I also went ahead and chose a caption that was a lyric to one of the songs we had listened to.
- This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
     It was a line I had taken from Eminem's song "lose yourself". Me and Harry had both at one point been obsessed with Eminem, or even still are pretty obsessed with his older stuff. So I felt like it was the perfect song to pick a lyric from.

     As soon as I posted the photo, hundreds of likes and comments from fans started pouring in. Along with the usual comments about me and Harry seeming like a couple, even though he had a girlfriend. I scrolled through the comments and liked a few that I found funny, or that were just really cute and supportive. There were already a few verified accounts that had commented on it. Although not the verified, I know who you are cause you do YouTube, accounts. More of the random verified accounts, like you have no idea how they even know who you are. They also definitely don't care about you, but they still comment anyway because they want people to click on their profiles.

      A few minutes after my post had been up, I got a call from Simon.

     "Hey what's up Si?" I answered as I picked up his call.
   "Jj is annoyed that you hung out with Harry. He was going to call you but I stopped him and I called instead" Simon informed me.
"Well thank you Simon. I don't really want to deal with yelling right now so I appreciate it" I told him, letting out a sigh after.

"I tried to talk some sense into Jj and tell him it was okay that you have friends. I also tried to explain how you would never do anything to hurt him" Simon told me, saying the last part a little louder, probably so that Jide would hear.
"I hope he gets over it, because I would like to keep my friends. And if I can't... then I think that's a deal breaker" I explained to Simon, hoping he would tell Jide later.

Me and Simon talked for a little bit longer. Not about Jide and I, just about friendly things. We hadn't talked in a while like this, and it felt good. Him and I could talk to each other so easily. We never have a dull moment with each other. I swear if we wanted to, we could have lasted hours talking to each other. Our conversations usually just seem to flow really well. It may also be because we both loveeee to talk and never want to stop.

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