Coming Home | Chapter 50

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I woke up, no longer in the hospital bed that I had spent the last four days laying in. I was being rolled down a hallway in a wheelchair. My head was no longer throbbing with pain, and I can only assume I was on my way home.
"Jide?" I questioned quietly as I tried to turn my head around to see the person pushing me, although my neck couldn't turn that far.
"Don't strain yourself. Yes it's me Ari" Jj said from behind me, which immediately made my mouth turn upwards into a smile.

"Did my parents ever come back after the first time?" I asked him, wondering if they had come by while I was asleep once.
"No they didn't Aria. They felt unsafe here with everything that's been going on" Jide reminded me, since that's what they had said to me before they left their visit.

"Aria? Are you okay!?" my mother asked as she walked into the room with my father.
"As good as I can possibly be right now. They told me I'm very lucky to have any hurt my head" I told them with a smile. Happy that they were here with me even though we weren't on the best of terms. Jide stood next to me holding my hand the whole time me and my parents talked.
"We're sorry for what we caused you Aria. If we would've known it hurt you this bad emotionally we wouldn't have done it the way we did" my father told me as he placed his hand on my mothers back.

"You can stay here Aria. We don't want to force you into anything anymore" my mother told me as she walked over and rubbed my right arm in a comforting way.
"It's okay mum. I know you didn't mean for all of this to happen" I told her as I started to tear up.
"We want you to stay with Jide. We want you to be happy. We're sorry Ariella" my father told me from across the room.
"Is Jacob going to be okay?" I asked them, concerned he wouldn't have much time to find another place.

"Don't worry. We'll still help pay for the months it takes him to find his own place. It's the least we can do for you" my mother said.
"Thank you. Thank you so much" I told my mom as she brought me in for a hug. My father was never much for hugs so I wasn't surprised that he didn't want one.
"Thank you two. Thank you for showing you care about her and letting her do what's best for her even if you don't understand" Jide said as he walked over to my father and shook his hand.

"Thank you for taking care of her. She doesn't let boys into her life that easily anymore. So I know that she truly cares about you lot" my father told Jide, referring to him and the rest of the friends I had made while here.
"He takes very good care of me. I don't know where I would be without him right now" I told my parents as I looked over to Jide with a smile.
"That's amazing. Although I think we're going to head out Aria" my father told me as he walked up to my mother and grabbed her hand.
"We would stay but we feel unsafe here with the whole pandemic happening. I hope you understand" my mother said, as they swiftly turned around and walked out the door.

"I have a question for you Ari" Jide told me as he stopped the wheelchair and I stood up, fully able to walk on my own. I had only been in the wheelchair since I hadn't waken up yet.
"What is it Jide?" I asked, confused on what he possibly wanted to ask me during this time.
   "Aria... will you be my girlfriend" he asked me as he pulled the ring that was my birthday gift out of his pocket. I had thought he put every present into my car, but I guess he had decided to keep that one.

     "Jide..." I started off, seeing the nervousness on his face as I went to answer. He didn't like being rejected when he truly liked someone, and I knew that very well. "I'll definitely be your girlfriend" I said with a big smile as I brought him in for a big hug.

     "Ayeee! I got a bad bitch now. What you saying!!" He said, extremely hyped that I had said yes.
   "Shut up and just come on!" I whisper yelled at him once I realized everyone had been staring at us.

     We got home and Simon immediately ran over and hugged me so tightly, along with Talia who I guess had just been starting to stay over here too.
   "We're so glad you're okay" Talia said as she started to tear up as she let go of the hug.
   "I'm so glad too. I'm happy I get to stay here with you lot. You make me so happy" I told them as I threw my bad onto the sofa.
   "Bring out the drinks?" Jj asked as he walked over towards the kitchen.
   "You already know!!!" I yelled as I ran over to him and jumped on his back. Talia and Simon following into the kitchen.

     I was glad that I didn't have to leave. Getting in a car crash is terrible, but honestly it landed me at the best result. If I could go back in time there's no way I would change what happened. This may not be the best year ever. Although I want to make the best of it that I can.
   I may have been the new girl at first... but nowadays it feels like I've known these people my whole life, and I never want to lose them. Friends for life is what I like to call it.
   "I love you Aria" Jide said after he took a sip of his drink.
   "I love you too Jide" I said with a little giggle afterwards. "I'm going to call Harry and tell him I'm okay" I told Jide before walking off into the other room.

     "Bog?" I asked as he picked up my FaceTime call.
   "Aria oh my days I'm so glad you're okay" Harry said with a surprised but happy look on his face.
   "Aria I'm so happy you're doing better" Katie said, seeming super genuine.
   "Guess who has a boyfrienddd" I told them with a huge smile.

     "No way! There's no way Jj asked you out!" Harry said surprised.
   "He did. And I said yes obviously" I said as I held up the gifts Jj had given me, just to show them what I have gotten.
   "He really loves you Aria. He never stops talking about you. Treat him right, and make sure he does the same for you" Harry said as Katie leaned over and wrapped her arms around him.

     "Even if we don't last forever. He would never hurt me, and I know that" I told them as I looked into the other room and saw Jide, Simon, and Talia all laughing together. Katie left the room and it left just me and Harry to talk for a while. We caught up on a few things and he told me that he had sent a present to the flat.

     "Really!?" Thank you so much Bog. I honestly didn't think you would send anything, I said with a quick laugh after.
   "Of course I would. You're my best friend! Just don't read the note that came with it please. It wasn't supposed to be in there but I realized after. I've got to go. I'll talk to you later" Harry told me.
   "Okay bye Bog I'll talk to you soon" I told him before he hung up the call.

     I walked around the flat looking for where they could have put the present Harry had sent. I finally found a box that had mine and Harry's name on it, sitting in Jide's room.
   I opened the box to find a poster for my favorite movie, Titanic. Along with some spongebob pins that I could stick on my bag or something. and funkopops that I have been looking for, for a very long time.

     I found the note in the bottom of the box under two hoodies that were super comfortable but pretty simple. I knew he told me not to read it because it wasn't supposed to be in there, but what could be the harm in reading it.

   - to Aria
  I know I love Katie. and I know my life is great right now. but every time I hear your name I can't help but think about how I love you the same way. I'm torn. you make me happy but I don't want to choose although I have. I don't know if it was the right choice. I've wanted you to know this for so long and I miss the nights we would spend together. I love you Aria
   - Bog

     "What. The. Fuck." Jj said over my shoulder. I jumped and turned around not knowing he was right behind me as reading over my shoulder the whole time. He ripped the note out of my hand and started reading for himself.

     "I knew it. That filthy motherfucker!" Jj said with anger and confusion both in his eyes.

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