A Gift | Chapter 43

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"Hello Harry" I said seriously into the phone after I had picked up his call.
"Aria! Aria! I'm sorry. What I did was so stupid. I -" He started to talk but I cut him off.
"Yes Harold it was extremely stupid. I don't know what was going through your head" I said to him as I sat down on Jj's bed and kept the phone up to my ear.
"I just wasn't thinking straight. I completely regret it Aria. Please just forgive me" Harry basically begged me over the phone.

"Harry. Look. I forgive you, but it's still gonna take me some time to get over what happened. I mean... it was weird" I attempted to explain to him.
"Yea! I totally get it. Just promise me one thing, yea?" Harry asked, wanting me to say yes before he even told me.
"Promise you what Bog?" I asked, needing to know what I was potentially agreeing to.

"Promise you'll still be my best friend, even after all of this. Even if it gets worse. Just promise me we can always be there for each other" Harry asked me, speaking softly.
"Of course Harry. We'll always be there for each other. I don't know what I would do without you, or any of the boys for that matter" I told him in a serious tone so he would believe me.
"Okay... That makes me feel a lot better. I'll see you sometime soon?" Harry said as a question.

"I don't know Bog" I said before hanging up on him right after.

"Were you just talking to Harry?" Jide said as he walked into his room.
"Oh! Yea I was" I said as I accidentally tossed my phone beside me on the bed, startled by the sudden appearance of Jj.

"What's that all about then?" He asked with a laugh as he pointed to my phone.
"You startled me Jide! I didn't think you were gonna be back for a while" I told him as I picked my phone back up and gathered myself.

"I was supposed to be out longer, but it took less time than I expected" Jide told me as he laid a bag down on the bed.
"Oh yea. What were you even out doing?" I asked him, curious since Simon said there was some sort of surprise.
"Well. I wanted to get a special someone, a special something" He said as he pulled a jewelry box out of the bag he had previously placed down. "Here, stand up and turn around" He instructed me.

"Okay" I simply replied as I stood up, back facing him. I pulled my hair to the side, assuming it was a necklace that he was going to put on for me.
Soon I could see his hands wrap a silver chain around my neck, I could feel him connect it in the back and then let go.
"Turn around" Jj told me, while I did.

Once I faced him we made eye contact and he started to lean in for a kiss, but before he could fully get there, I turned to the side and started walking towards the mirror.
"It's gorgeous Jide" I told him, astonished at how pretty the necklace was. He must really know me well too, because I tend to be picky with the necklaces I actually like.
"Well I think you're gorgeous. So I wouldn't want to give you anything less than you deserve" Jide said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I looked in the mirror at the both of us together as I wore the necklace he gave me... I could get used to this. I already regret not kissing him earlier, but as soon as he started to lean in all I could think about was what happened with Harry. Not that I wanted to think about that, I just couldn't help it. Although I couldn't tell Jide what happened, he would be fuming if he knew that Harry had kissed me the same day he had given me this wonderful gift. The kiss with Harry didn't mean anything, but I know Jj wouldn't have seen it that way.

"Hey Jide, why don't we watch some random youtube videos together or something? Actually wait! I have a meme compilation I want to show you!" I yelled excitedly, running to his bed jumping on it, and looking for the remote to his tv.
"Why are you so excited for me to watch memes?" Jj asked me as he laughed and came over to the bed too.
"Because I love that stupid laugh of yours, and I know I'll get to hear it a lot by showing you these" I said with a smirk as I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"We watched a few different meme compilations, along with even looking at a few Sidemen funny edits that people had made. We even found this younger kids youtube channel randomly, and we watched it for about half an hour. His videos were truly hilarious, whether he meant them to be or not.

Jj picked up his phone and suddenly had a surprised look on his face.
"What is it?" I asked him, confused on why he had pulled such an interesting facial expression.
"It's extremely late. Do you need me to bring you to your flat?" Jj asked as he got up off the bed and grabbed my keys.

"No, no, no. I was thinking of staying over here for a few days, maybe weeks. I mean if that's okay with you of course!" I told him as I grabbed his arm, stopping him from moving.
"Really? It's definitely okay with you if it means you're sleeping in my bed every night!" Jj said as he placed my keys back down and jumped on the bed, wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug. Basically squeezing me at this point.

"Jideeee! Let go. You're gonna make me explode!" I joked with him, while trying to get out of his grasp.
"Fine! You're weak!" Jj yelled as he stood up from the bed again and walked over to his dresser.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as my eyes followed his every move.
"Here. You can sleep in these clothes instead of the ones you have on right now." Jide told me as he threw me one of his older shirts and some smaller sweatpants.

"Jide.... Did you steal these sweatpants from Simon?" I asked him as I held them up looking at the size. Yep definitely Simon's size.
"I thought they would fit but they didn't. He wasn't wearing them either so I just kept them" Jide told me as he started to take his shirt off, since he didn't sleep in much.

"I knew these weren't yours" I said with a laugh as I went into his bathroom to change.

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