Crashed Party | Chapter 49

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It was finally my birthday. Waking up from the light shining it the room, in bed with Jj's arms wrapped around my waist as he still slept. I picked up my phone and scrolled through twitter and Instagram, liking all of the birthday messages and posts all of my fans and friends have made so far. There was a huge amount of fan edits that have been posted and I always loved looking at them. They made me happy and reminded me of how loved I am in this community. I leaned over and gave Jj a quick kiss on the cheek, which caused him to start to wake up.
Once we had both gotten up and got ready, we headed into the lounge where Simon was. Even though it was my birthday, I decided I would make pancakes for all of us, since I didn't trust the boys. It didn't take me too long since I didn't end up making too many. Although it was just enough for all of us to feel full. Simon and I don't eat as much so most of them went to Jide.

Jj gave me a few different presents after we had eaten. A bouquet of roses, a nice ring, and a Gucci hoodie which I had been eyeing for a few months but couldn't bring myself to spend the money on. Simon had got me a new gaming mouse since mine had been malfunctioning recently. I must have thanked them about twenty times for he presents. Especially Jj, he spent so much money on everything even though I told him not to spend a lot for me.
All throughout the day we all three just spent time together. We danced around stupidly to some of Jj's new songs. At this point they weren't released yet but me and Simon had heard them already. I was so proud of Jide for how far he had come. His album truly had some bangers and I knew I was going to be listening to it so much. He'll get so much support from the fans when it first comes out. He has so many features with big artists on his album, this is a huge stepping point for him. It feels like his first true album that's putting him out into the world, instead of just the YouTube community.
After a while we decided for me to stream on twitch so we could interact with my fans. I got a bunch of birthday donations and reading all of the messages along with them made me so happy. Except for the few who were calling me old now, it was funny although I was starting to feel old now.

Towards the end of the day, Jj and Simon had gone out to the shops to get some food we had needed for the week and just for supper, since we didn't have much at all. Randomly, I got a phone call from my mum, when we had only texted the past few months since she wasn't fond of calls. It was extremely odd, and definitely worrying because getting a call either meant it was something serious or she just missed hearing my voice. I extremely hoped it was the second one.

"Aria your grandfather is very ill and we don't know if he's going to get better. We would like you to move back home" she told me
"Permanently. You mean move back permanently for now!?!" I asked her confused.
"Yes Aria. We want you to move out and come live back with us. We can't afford to help out with your flat anymore and it would be nice if you were here for your grandfather" she told me.
"Mum I can't just leave forever. My career is flourishing being here" I tried to explain to her.

My parents had been helping pay for my flat for a while. The reasoning, I made decent money from YouTube, but I spent a lot of what I made on filming other videos. A lot of my most viewed videos had been demonized too which was never good for my income. My parents were the only ones who knew about this. To everyone else I was an extremely successful youtuber with loads of money. I had kept it a secret for so long. Also the reason I couldn't bring myself to buy the gucci jacket for myself, I didn't have that amount of extra money just laying around.

"Mum listen all of my friends are here and I've made a much better career for myself here" I told her on the phone almost begging to stay "and plus I have Jide now...." I said to her, she knew who Jj was but she didn't necessarily know that we had a 'thing'.

"What do you mean by you have Jide" she asked confused by what I had meant.
"Mom. Me and Jide are... interested if each other if that's how I should put it. We're basically dating just without the label yet" I explained to her.
"Well if there's no label yet then that's perfect. I don't like those people you're hanging around anyways Aria. They're not good for your reputation. You need to come home. We're not paying for your flat anymore. If you come we'll pay for another month so Jacob can find another place. Don't make us come there and get you" my mother said as she hung up the phone.

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