Stay | Chapter 42

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     It's the next day and I'm currently over at Harry's, although he's not home. I'm hanging out with Freezy right now, and waiting for Bog to get back from getting some drinks. All day I've been debating on if I want to tell him or not, and I think that I should. I would feel like trash if the same thing happened to me and I wasn't aware.

     "Hey!" Harry yells as he walks in the door.
   "Hey Bog" Freezy says as he walks over and grabs a drink that Harry had gotten from him.
   "Bog... Can I talk to you?" I asked, pretty awkwardly, even though I didn't mean for it to be that way,
   "Yea of course, go ahead" He said as he set down the drink he had gotten for me and also the one for himself.
   "No.. I mean like in private, it's kind of personal" I explained to Harry as I turned my eyes towards Freezy who was still in the room.

   "Oh yea! Let's just go to my room real quick" He said with a slight look of worry as he began to walk.

     I followed him to his room in an awkward silence. Once we got into his room I sat down on his bed as he still stood up. There was a moment where I didn't even know what to start of with so I just stayed quiet.
   "Is this really serious?" Harry asked me in almost a whisper.
   "I sure think it is Bog" I replied to him, took a deep breath and started to talk again. "I think that Katie is cheating on you" I said bluntly as I looked away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.

     "You're kidding!!?! Why would you even make a joke like that! It's not funny Arianna!" He said, his voice getting slightly louder with almost every word.

   "Harry look.. I know it sounds stupid and not real, but when I was with her the other day she got this text." I said quickly, trying to explain to Harry. He already seemed angry, especially in the way he used my full name Arianna. All of my friends only ever called me that in serious situations or when I had done something completely wrong.

   "What type of text?" Harry asked me. His voice had calmed down for the most part, and he had a tone of sadness in his voice. Although that was expected.
   "From my flatmate... Jacob. He had a heart by his name and was.. asking her to come over since I wasn't going to be there" I said to Harry really slowly, hoping he would let it sink in and not wanting any chance on him not understanding.

     "I don't get it though. We love each other, and have for five years now. This makes sense why she didn't come by last night even though I said I wanted to spend time with her" Harry said as he sat down next to me and put his head in his hands.

   "I mean I'm only assuming that she's cheating, but it seems like a pretty good assumption to me. I'm so sorry Harry. I debated telling you, I didn't want to see you hurt" I said as I put my arms around him as an attempt to comfort.
   "You wouldn't cheat on a boyfriend would you? I mean it's just a shitty thing to do to someone" Harry asked me as he took his head out of his hands and locked his eyes onto mine.
   "No.. I would never. That's always one of the one things I told myself I would never do" I told Harry as I brought him in for a hug. Which was something he definitely needed. Even though he didn't enjoy hugs that much from other people, I was one of the people he would never turn down a hug from.

     As soon as our hug ended he continued to stare into my eyes. I was completely confused on what he was looking for in my eyes, or maybe he was just zoned out. Well I was confused, until he quickly leaned in and kissed me. In shock I just kind of sat there for a second. Realizing what had just happened, I quickly pushed Harry away from me and stood up from the bed.

   "I think I'm gonna go Harry" I said as I grabbed my jumper and looked for my keys that I had put on his bedside  table.
   "Aria! I'm sorry please stay! I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, I just feel weird right now, and I thought that I would feel better doing the same that she did to me" Harry tried to explain to me.

   "I know you're not in the right mindset right now Harold, but if you just meant that you wanted to kiss me as some type of revenge against her, or anything like that. Then you're disgusting. I'm telling Tobi to come over to hangout with you and make sure you don't do anything stupid. He knows everything" I said before walking out of his bedroom, closing the door behind me and leaving him sitting on the bed.

     I quickly made my way out of the flat and even out of the building. I decided that going to Jide and Simon's would be the best for me right now. Maybe even spending the next few weeks there after getting some clothes from mine tomorrow morning. I wasn't in the mood to stay with Jacob right now since I don't want to have to confront him about anything. Now normally if I didn't want to stay at my flat then I would stay at Harry's. Although that doesn't seem like a good idea right now.

     "Jideee!!!" I yelled as I unlocked the door to their flat and barged in.

   "Oi! Don't just come running in like that, you scared me!" Simon explained as he looked over at me from where he was on the sofa.

   "Sorry, sorry! Do you know where Jide is?" I asked Simon as I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him.

   "Yes I actually do, but I can't tell you" Simon said as he pulled out his phone and looked at the time.

   "Why can't you tell me? Is it something bad that I should know about?" I asked Simon, as I was thoroughly confused now.

   "No no no. Jj doesn't want to even have the opportunity to hurt you anymore. I can't tell you, why I can't tell you, because it would ruin the surprise" Simon told me with a smirk.

   "What surprise!" I asked Simon as I shook his shoulders annoyingly.

   "It wouldn't be a surprise anymore if I told you Aria!" He stated the obvious to me.

   "Ugh! Fine you jerk! He better be back tonight, he's the only reason I'm here. Don't want to be stuck with your lanky self" I joked with Simon.

   "Aye! Don't be a bully now!" He joked back with me.

     My phone had kept vibrating in my pocket, so I decided to take it out to see the massive amount of messages and calls left from Harry.

  'Come back'

'I fucked up'

'seriously i need you right now'


'i beg'

'please at least talk to me'

     "I'll be right back Simon. I have to take this call" I said with a sigh afterwards. I stood up and made my way towards Jj's room, getting ready for my most likely long call with Harry.

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