A Day With Harold | Chapter 12

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     "BREXIT!!" I jumped as a loud voice came from behind me and grabbed my shoulders, scaring the living hell out of me, may I add. I was sitting on the couch so peacefully on my phone and was definitely not expecting to get jump scared right now.
     "OH FUCKS SAKE HARRY. YOU NONCE" I turned around quickly and smacked his arm.
     "Ouch" Harry said over-dramatically as he jumped over the back of my couch to sit beside me.
     "What's your plans for today, what are we gonna do" Harry said as he looked over towards me.
     "Oh. 'WE' I didn't know we were hanging out today Bog" I said laughing as I crossed my arms looking at him.
     "Of course we are. Let's get some mega friendship bonding time, or something, I don't know" Harry said as he stood up off my couch and went over to my kitchen.
     "Really can't stand still can you Lewis" I said turning around on the couch to look over at him.
     "Sorry. Got loads of energy from sleeping in. Why don't we go to the mall? It's really close by. We can have a shopping spree and get some food" Harry asked as he turned around looking at me with a smile.
"You know what. I'll take you up on that offer, it actually sounds fun" I said getting up from my sofa and heading over towards him.
"Okay now you go to your flat and freshen up and I'll come up and get you when I'm ready to go" I said as I grabbed his hand and led him to my door.
"Kicking me out already I see" he said as he walked out of my door and stood there looking at me still.
"Yes I am. Bye Harold" I said giggling as I slowly closed the door which made him start to turn and walk away.
"Bye Aria!" I could hear him say right before the door closed.

I cleaned up the mess everyone had left from last night, and also the bowls and plates from everyone's breakfast this morning. After finishing cleaning I headed into my bathroom to take a shower so I could feel nice and fresh. I didn't know how long Harry was gonna take to get ready, but let's be honest, I was probably gonna take longer.
I grabbed a simple outfit of just jeans, a t-shirt that I tucked in, and my vans that I wore almost every day. I dried my hair for the most part, but still put it up in a bun anyways since it wasn't cooperating, also putting in some small hoops that my best friend from home had gotten me on my birthday.

After finishing, I grabbed my phone and earbuds, along with my wallet obviously, since we were shopping. I left my flat putting my earbuds in my ear listening to some bbno$, his music always put me into a good mood, his lyrics are so stupid. I decided to walk up the stairs so I could listen to a few more songs. Once I reached Harry's floor I walked up to his door and knocked, putting my earbuds away as I waited.

"Yes!" Harry said pumping his arms in the air as he opened up the door and saw me.
"What's the excitement for" I said laughing but having a confused look on my face.
"Thought you weren't actually gonna come, I thought you were gonna ditch me" Harry said as he left his flat and locked up the door.
"Oh yes, because I'm so mean Harold" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes in a joking way as we walked over to the lift.
"No no no, I just didn't think you would want to" Harry said as we pushed the button to call the elevator up to us.
"Why wouldn't I. I know you can be a lot sometimes, but so can I, so I think it'll work very well and be a lot of fun" I said looking over at Harry and smiling to reassure him I was genuinely excited to hang out. The lift door opened and we both saw Lux standing inside ready to walk out.
"Hey Cal" Harry said as we walked into the lift and Lux walked out.
"Hey Harry, hey Aria" Lux said as he continued walking, he stared down at his phone intently as the lift doors closed, he didn't even look up at us when Harry said hi. He must have known it was me from my shoes.

After me and Harry walked to the mall we were quite hungry so we decided to head over to Nando's. Once we got sat down, Harry went up to the till to order for us while I went to the bathroom. When I got back Harry had already gotten both of our drinks back to the table. I hadn't even told him what drink I wanted, but he still managed to pick my favorite one.
"Thanks Bog" I said sitting down and taking a sip.
"Yea of course" Harry said looking up from his phone to smile at me but then looking back down. We both decided to play each other in 8-ball a few times before our food was ready. All I got was a Caesar salad, but I actually enjoyed it a lot.

"Whew, I'm full" Harry said as he leaned back in his seat.
"Well that's your fault. You got so much food you dumbo" I said as we got up ready to leave. Harry had payed for the meal, even though I told him so many times on the way to Nando's that we would split it, he insisted that I let him pay.

We headed to a few stores afterwards, and I spend an unneeded amount of money on clothes let me tell you. Especially at Urban Outfitters, that store was my weakness. I always have to force myself to not go on their website when I'm at home bored, otherwise it'll be a quick £200 gone.
We began to walk back to the flat with our bags in our hands. Harry was carrying a bag of his own and two bags on mine, while I carried four bags of my own. I did use today being with Harry as an excuse to splurge a little. Since I had moved I didn't have many clothes, just mostly my basics, my other clothes I had gotten rid of before I moved so there wasn't much to bring. I even got myself a few cute pieces of jewelry today. There was also this one necklace that I really wanted but convinced myself I wasn't going to get just because of the price, but here Harry came trying to save the day, and payed for 3/4 of it for me. Honestly he didn't have to do that for me, he didn't owe me anything, but I appreciated it so much.

We continued our walk home which was full of dumb jokes and an absurd amount of laughter. Some people might have even thought we were pissed.
"I dare you to do ask that old lady where the nearest sex shop is" Harry said quietly laughing as he pointed at an innocent looking old lady who was walking a while in front of us.
"Harryyy. Oh lord you monster, but okay" I said laughing as I tried to catch up to the lady. Once I caught up to her I began to speak.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you but do you know where the closest sex shop is" I said walking next to her and looking at her. She stopped walking and looked over at me which made me stop walking too.
"Oh honey, there's so many other stores you could be going to, your generation is so focused on sexual pleasure, it worries me. Do you really need to go to one, surely you have a husband or boyfriend that can please you, or is he not doing his job" the old lady spoke to me with her soft voice, I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say next as a response.
"Oh uh. I don't have a boyfriend. Boys don't like me" I told her not knowing what to say.
"But I saw you with that boy back there, so cute together. Surely you guys are something" she said to me as I looked over to Harry who was laughing at me and how clueless I looked.
"Oh, no. He's just my friend" I told the lady as I played with my nail polish, chipping it.
"Still very cute, have a good day sweetheart, and stay safe" the old lady said as she began to walk and go along with her day again.
"Harry you fucker that was so awkward, she went into a whole thing about how I should have a boyfriend who could do the work for me!" I yelled as I got back over to him and he just continued to laugh even more.
We began to walk again as I waited for Harry to calm down and stop laughing about the situation, I can't lie thought. I let out a few laughs of my own too.

"I mean I agree with her somewhat, I don't get how you don't have a boyfriend" Harry said looking over at me after he had calmed down for the most part.
"Just like I told her. Boys don't like me" I said with a small smile as I skipped a little bit in front of Harry and turned around to look at him, leaving me walking backwards.

"Your friend group right now is like 70% full of boys, you big fat liar. Dudes do like you"
"I guess Harold. I guess"

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