7. Telling His Family

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Namjoon 💖


Me and Y/ N are over at my parents house seeing my parents and my younger sister Kyungmin. We love hanging out with my family and catching up with them. Sometimes we go long periods of time without seeing them at all so it's great that we are over today. My family love Y/ N and think she is the perfect wife for me. Awe I have to totally agree with them. We haven't told them yet that we are having a baby but we will today and we can't wait to soon. We are all sat in the lounge chilling and talking. Me and Y/ N are finding a right time to slip it into the conversation. I grab Y/ N's hand and squeeze it. I decide to slip it into the conversation. "Mom, dad, Kyungmin. Me and Y/ N and I have something to tell you. It's something amazing" I say. "Ohhhh go ahead" mom replies. "As you know me and Y/ N have always wanted to start a family. We are so happy to tell you that we are having our first baby. Y/ N is pregnant and we both couldn't be happier" I say. "Ahhhh that's wonderful news. I'm so happy. I'm going to be a grandma" my mom cheers. "That's amazing. I'm going to be a grandpa" dad said. "Yay! I'm going to be an aunt. I'm so happy for you guys" Kyungmin cheers. They are congratulate us by giving us a big hug. So happy we told my family our wonderful news

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are still on tour for another few weeks. We are having a great time but we are looking forward to getting home soon. It's great out on the road with my husband and his bandmates. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. We are in London right now. We are still in touch with our families. We FaceTime both our families back home at least once a week. It's 3pm in London right now so it's around 11pm in Seoul. It's about a 8 hour time difference. Hoseok and I are going to call his family now. "I think it would be the perfect time to tell my parents our baby news now" he said. "Yes it would be" I reply. He goes on his laptop and loads up FaceTime and calls his parents. They pick up a moment later. "Hey, mom. Hey, dad" Hoseok says. "Hey" I say. "Hey, sweetie" his mom said. "Hey, you two" his dad says. "How are you both doing?" Mrs Jung asks. "Great. It's amazing" Hoseok replies. "Yep we are having so much fun on tour together" I reply. "Mom, dad. Me and Y/ N have some news for you" Hoseok says. "Yes we do" I say looking at him. "We are having a baby!" we both exclaim in unison. Hoseok's parents faces light up. "Yesss you're having a baby. I'm so happy" Mrs Jung says. "Yay! You're starting a family. My first grandkid Mr Jung said. "We really wanted to tell you. We couldn't really wait any longer" Hoseok said. "I'm so glad you did. Now you two take care and have a great show tonight" his mom and. "Thanks. We will, mom. Bye" Hoseok smiles. So we are very happy we told Hoseok's parents our news. Can't wait to tell the boys now

Jin 💙

Tonight me and Jin are going out for dinner with his parents. Every now and then we go out for dinner with his parents whenever we have a free night. We have told them that we are trying for our second baby but they don't know that I am pregnant right now so we are going to tell them tonight. Can't wait to. We know they will be very happy for us and happy that they are going to have another grandchild. My sister is babysitting Jiyeon tonight. We've told her. Jin and I are about to leave. We are all ready to go and meet his parents for dinner. "So we're off" I say to my sister. "Have fun" she replies. "Bye, mommy. Bye, daddy" Jiyeon said. "Bye, sweetie. We'll see you soon" I reply. "Bye, angel" Jin said. We kiss her goodbye then leave in a cab. Jin and I arrive at the restaurant soon. His parents were already there sitting at the table. We greet them then take a seat and look at the menus. Soon we order what we want. We are going to tell Jin's parents very soon. "Me and Y/ N have something very special we want to tell you" Jin said. "We do" I smile. "Do you want to tell them?" he whispers. "I am pregnant and we are having our second child" I reply. "Yes I knew it was going to happen. Can't wait to have another grandchild" his dad said. "Me too. This is such wonderful news, Seokjin and Y/ N" his mom said. "Thank you, mom and dad. We are so excited to be parents again, love" Jin smiles. "We definitely are"
I reply. He leans over and kisses my cheek. We had a great dinner with Jin's parents and we revealed to them that we are having our second baby too

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