33. Labor/ Delivery- Yoongi 💛

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I am about two weeks passed my due date now. Me and Yoongi are anxious to meet our son. The last two weeks have seemed like an awful long time. We just want to meet our baby boy. He seems quite a big baby. He's probably a 10 pounder by the looks of things. Yoongi and I decided between us quite sometime ago that we want a water birth in the hospital of course. Today they are inducing me as I'm over my due date. They don't want the pregnancy to get too far gone so I'm going in this afternoon to be induced. I am going to be happy when I'm induced as we will get to meet our son Youngsoo. They use a technique called stripping the membranes where the doctor inserts their finger up your vagina to break the waters. That's how it's going to be done I think. So Yoongi and I are getting ready for the hospital now. We will most likely be gone for sometime so we are making sure the house is in a good state for when we come home. "This is it, baby. The moment we will get to meet our baby boy. I can't wait" Yoongi said. "I know. Well hopefully" I reply. "It will be" he smiles. We make sure we have the hospital bag and everything we need to go to the hospital and we also make sure the house is in a good state too then we were good to go. "So let's go and do this. When we come back we will be coming home with our baby boy" Yoongi said. "Yes lets go and we will" I smile. He takes my hand and we walk out the front door and get in the car and go to the hospital. We are prepared and so ready for the greatest moment of our lives. Parenthood. When we go home we'll be parents

Soon we arrive at the hospital and park up in the parking lot. I get out of the car and Yoongi gets the things from the trunk and we go in. He holds my hand and smiles at me as we walk in. Can't wait for this special moment. So we check in by the front desk and check in. I get taken into the room and the midwife gives me a hospital gown to put on before the doctor comes in. He walks in a few minutes later. "Hello, Mrs Min" he said. "Hello, Doctor" I say. "Hi" Yoongi said. The doctor puts on some gloves and grabs a stool and starts doing the procedure to induce me. It hurt but it's bound to hurt even more when I go into labor. It may be a while till I actually go into labor but we've been told to stay at the hospital till I go into labor. I am having a water birth too so when I get contractions and my waters break, they will transfer me into the water centre ready to give birth. I already have a bathing suit on underneath my gown. Yoongi will be getting in the water with me when I give birth. Could be a long time but Yoongi and I will just have to wait and persevere but it will be worth it in the end of course. About 6 hours have passed now and labor hasn't started yet. "Is it gonna work Yoongi?" I say. "Yes of course it is, baby. That's why they induced you" he replies. "Yeah I guess so" I reply. Not long after that, the first contraction comes on. "There it is. The first contraction" I say. "See I told you it would work" Yoongi replies. We waited sometime till I was having regular contractions and my waters break before they take me into the water birth centre. Labor really has started now so they get the pool ready for me and me and Yoongi get in. He sits behind me and holds onto me. I'm not fully dilated yet but I will be soon

Sometime later and I was on the final stages of labor. Baby Youngsoo is almost here. Finally. It's been a long few hours in labor abs the build up to it too. Just can't wait till till here. "Baby, you're doing so well" Yoongi said. I keep on pushing and Yoongi and the midwife keep on encouraging me. "Just a couple more pushes and it's over" the midwife says. I push and breathe a couple of times before I delivered Youngsoo. He cried as soon as he was born. "Here's here. Congratulations" the midwife said. "Well done, jagiya. You did amazing. I'm so proud of you" Yoongi said giving me a kiss. I smile. The midwife cleans baby Youngsoo up and wraps him up in a blanket and hands him to us. He is a baby baby but he's beautiful and has lots of hair. "Hey, baby boy. Welcome to the world, son" Yoongi said. "He's perfect. We finally got our dream baby, Yoongi" I reply. "We certainly have and he's definitely perfect. Aren't you, Youngsoo" he said. Youngsoo closes his sweet eyes. We hold him for a while and get to know our newborn son and it was such an amazing moment as we've finally got the beautiful baby we've always wanted. Yoongi and I are over the moon to be parents at last. We can't wait to take Youngsoo home in the next day or so. It's such a wonderful and amazing feeling that our son is finally here safe and well

 It's such a wonderful and amazing feeling that our son is finally here safe and well

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Min Youngsoo 💙
Born June 26th @ 9:14pm
Weight 10lbs

A/ N: so all the babies are born. Ahhhh it feels so amazing (I know this is only fiction) but it seems real. Hope you liked all the labor and delivery parts. Let me know if you did. Next the babies come home

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