20. Prenatal Class

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I recently started going to prenatal classes. We are enjoying going so far as we are getting some useful and helpful information for when our first baby comes into the world. Can't wait for that. We are going for out third class tonight and we are looking forward to it. In the class tonight they are going through tips on how to prepare for labour and birth. You can ask as many questions as you want. Namjoon and I leave our place around 6:30pm so half an hour before it starts. He got home about an hour ago. We get in a cab and go there. "Look forward to another pregnancy class tonight" Namjoon said. "Me too" I smile. Soon we arrive at the place and get out and walk in. We take a seat in the room with all the other couples. The lady who runs the class walks in a few minutes later and it begins with an introduction. "So as you know we are going to talk about labor and delivery" she said. She starts explaining the aspects of it and people ask questions. Namjoon sticks his hand up and asks a question "What do I do if Y/ N goes into labor in the car and has the baby?" he said. I laugh. "Hmmm just get her to the hospital as quick as you can" the lady replies. "If she has the baby in the car I will step in as midwife" he said. I smile and touch his face. Anyway prenatal class was fun tonight. Namjoon made me laugh too

Hoseok 💜

This evening me and Hoseok are going to our first prenatal class. We are kinda excited and nervous about going. We are nervous as we don't really know what to except. We know we are going to learn about how to take care of babies and everything. We feel like we need a little bit more knowledge and practice before our little baby girl comes into the world. Hoseok and I have babysat for our nieces loads of times but it's not the same as having our own baby. Anyway we are about to set off for our first prenatal class. "Should be good. Aye" Hoseok said. "Yes it should" I reply. So we get in the car and drive there and arrive soon after. We park up and Hoseok and I walk in. There are lots of other couples there. Some look round our age. There are exercise balls set up around the room. I sit on an exercise ball and Hoseok sits on a chair behind me. The class starts with an introduction and everyone introduces themselves. "Hi everybody, I'm Hoseok and this is my wife Y/ N and we are expecting a beautiful baby girl in about three and a half months time and we can't wait" Hoseok said sweetly. So the class begins a few minutes later with some breathing exercises. The midwife then talks about tips and strategies about getting ready for the baby. It was mostly about that that. I found the breathing exercises really useful and helpful. It made me relax. Something we can use during labor. Hoseok and I enjoyed our first prenatal class and we will definitely go to more as we need to know more before our baby arrives

Jin 💙

Jin and I have recently joined a parenting class for parents like us. It's also where we can take your children and they can play too. We take Jiyeon with us and she plays with the other children there while me and Jin take part in the class. It's not only preparation classes but it's to socialise with other parents who are like us. Jiyeon is not 4 yet so we pretty much remember everything about newborns but it's always good to learn a little more and meet other parents like us. Not many of my friends have babies so it's nice. We are just on our way to another class right now. Jiyeon always looks forward to going as she loves playing with the other kids. She's made some little friends. We arrive at the playgroup centre soon. Jiyeon runs over to play with her friends while me and Jin go to the class. "Have fun, sweetie" Jin says. "I will, daddy" she replies. Jiyeon goes and plays with her friends. We sit with the other parents and the class begins. The kids are just over the other side of the room so they're not far. Jin and I like talking to and interacting with the other parents. There was a little discussion first before we chat to our fellow parents. Most of them gave kids who are playing with Jiyeon right now. The parenting class was great again. It was hard to get Jiyeon to leave at the end as she was having so much fun but we did in the end

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