31. Labor/ Delivery- Jimin ❤️

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36 weeks on in my pregnancy and the babies still haven't made an appearance yet. I hope they will soon as I'm so huge and so exhausted. Also Jimin's extended break is up and he's gone away on tour with the boys. They are in Japan right now and he should be back in the next few weeks when I'm full term but that's no good as I'm having twins and twins always come early. I know Jimin will try and come home if I go into labor soon as he doesn't want to miss the birth of our twins. It's something so special in our lives and we can't wait to be parents. It's what we've always wanted. My mom is staying with me while Jimin is away to make sure I'm okay and so I'm not on my own when I go into labor. I'm missing Jimin so much right now. It's not the same without him. He calls me a couple of times a day to see if I'm okay which is so sweet of him. He's the best. I love him so much. Me and my mom are sitting down and relaxing for the evening together. I talked to Jimin not so long ago. My mom keeps on asking me if I'm okay. We have just had dinner and I'm stretched out on the couch with my feet up. Earlier I thought i went into labor as I could feel the babies move towards the birth canal. I lay on the couch with my hand on my bump. Sometime later I my back starts to hurt so I try shifting positions but it doesn't work. I sit on the couch with my feet down now. My mom could tell I wasn't okay. "Are you okay, sweetie? Is something happening?" she asks. "I'll be okay. It's probably just a bit of backache" I reply. My mom smiles. Soon I feel some contractions come on. It feels hard and painful and not very nice. "Mom, I'm having a contraction" I say. "It's okay. Wait we will time the contractions to see how far apart they are" she said. The contractions become more regularly and frequent so my mom takes me to the hospital. My waters haven't broken yet but I'm having contractions so that means I'm in labor

When I get to the hospital my mom takes me into the maternity centre. My waters still haven't broken yet. Jimin during know yet. He needs to know soon. "Mom, can you call Jimin soon please?" I say. "Yes of course, sweetie. I was just going to do that, sorry" she replies. I get taken into a private room for then to check me over as my mom calls Jimin. As they were checking me over my waters broke all over the bed. It completely wet the sheets but they just changed them. My mom comes back in a few minutes later. "Just spoke to Jimin and he's getting on a flight soon. He should be here in the next few hours. Hopefully" my mom replies. "Thank you so much, mom. My waters just broke" I reply. My mom sits by me and holds my hand. It still could be sometime before the twins are born. I just want Jimin to be here. I don't want him to miss the birth of our girls. My mom keeps on receiving updates from Jimin and he's on a plane now so he should be a couple of hours at least. I'm about 8cm dilated so the babies could come soon. I already planned to have a vaginal birth with an epidural in place. That's regarding anything doesn't happen which hopefully it won't. Jimin has just landed and he's on his way to the hospital and should be here soon hopefully. The girls better stay in there till he comes. My mom stays by my side till he comes. I'm approaching the full dilation mark right now. All of a sudden the door opens and Jimin walks in. "I'm finally here, baby" he said. "Great, Jimin. I was hoping you'd make it in time. The babies can be born anytime now" I reply. "Ahhhh I'm going to be a daddy so soon" He smiles kissing my hand. My mom sits at the other side of the room and Jimin next to me. Soon I got ready to push and I was getting ready to deliver the twins. "Come on, baby. You're doing so well. The first baby is nearly out" Jimin said as I was pushing. I remembered to puff on the oxygen as I was pushing. I knew when the first baby was born as I heard her scream. Several more pushes and our second baby girl was born

When the girls were born, they checked them over and weighed them and everything. That's what they do when babies are born. The midwives bring our babies girls to us. They were wrapped up in blankets. "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Park. You have two beautiful and healthy little girls" one of the midwives said. They hand a baby each to me and Jimin. My mom was with us. "Hello, my beautiful little girls" he said. "Hello, angels" I say. "They are both so gorgeous. This is Jisoo and that's Jihyo" Jimin said. "Yes they are. Absolutely gorgeous little girls" I reply. "My beautiful little granddaughters" my mom said looking at the girls. "I'm so glad I didn't miss them being born. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it did the world. I'm just so happy I got to witness these little angels coming into the world. Also honey, you did amazing giving birth to them naturally with just an epidural. If can't be easy" Jimin said. "Awwww. Thank you, ChimChim. The girls were just waiting for their daddy to come. Weren't you, girls" I reply. "Ah ha. They were" he smiles. Jimin and I spend sometime getting to know our newborn daughters Jisoo and Jihyo before my mom holds them and gets to know them. They are so beautiful. They take our breath away. We are going to love them forever and ever and be the best parents in the world to them

 We are going to love them forever and ever and be the best parents in the world to them

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Park Jisoo 💗
Born November 20th @ 7:15am
Weight 6lbs 6oz

Park Jihyo 💗
Born November 20th @ 7:19am
Weight 6lbs 9oz

A/ N: OMG they are such precious baby girls. Jimin is a daddy now to two gorgeous little girls. Two more labor and delivery parts to go. Hope y'all are enjoying it

Earlier I posted my Daniel Seavey fanfic if you haven't seen it. Waiting to get more reads before I post another chapter. Aim for at least 20. If you haven't seen it please check it out

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