46. Baby's First Smile

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Namjoon 💖


Namjae is two months old now and me and Y/ N are such proud parents of him. We love him so much. He is the sweetest baby boy in the world. Me and Y/ N are in the lounge with Namjae spending the evening together as a family. He's laid on my lap as we sit and talk. I love spending time with my little boy. He is a mommy and daddy's boy. I love making faces at him and talking to him. He's almost been smiling at me. "You know I love it when you make silly faces at our son" Y/ N said. "Haha do you" I laugh. "Yes I do" she said. I carry on making funny faces at Namjae and tickling him. As I'm making faces at him, he gives me a little smile. "Babe, I think he just smiled at me" I say. "Awe, did he" Y/ N replies. "Yes. Namjae, smile for mommy. She wants to see that beautiful smile" I say. Namjae smiles again and Y/ N cheers. "Yay! Well done. My clever little boy" she said. So our boy just smiled at us for the first time and it was so cute

Hoseok 💜

I'm doing a few things round the house right now. I like to keep the house nice and tidy. Hoseok is helping me out of a little. He is carrying Chaeyoung in her baby carrier so we want keep our eye on her while we are doing things round the house. She's such a good little baby though. Hoseok holds her close up him. She really loves being close to her daddy. She is definitely a daddy's girl. I'm sorting out some things in the kitchen cupboards as they are annoying me. "Babe, don't stress yourself" Hoseok said. "I'm not. I just like things to be tidy" I reply. "I know" he replies. "Hey, baby girl. How are you doing? Are you enjoying being close to daddy?" Hoseok said to Chaeyoung. Things went silent for a moment then. "Babe, she just smiled at me. Our baby girl smiled" Hoseok said. "Did she?" I say getting up from the cupboards but I bang my head on the top. "Ohhhh" I say. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Yep fine. Did she really smile?" I say. "Yes right at me. Do it for mommy, Chaeyoung?" Hoseok said. She wouldn't do it for me straight away but she kinda gave me a little smile in the end. I knew she would smile for Hoseok first

Jin 💙

Jin is out at work in the studio till later tonight so I'm at home with the kids for the night. Right now I'm getting dinner ready while Jiyeon is watching Jinhwan in the lounge. He's so good at looking after her little brother on her own. I trust her while I'm off doing other things. I am making dinner for me and Jiyeon now and enough left for Jin when he's home. As I'm cooking Jiyeon calls me. "Mama, come here" she said. "What is it, sweetie?" I reply. "Look, mommy. Jinhwan just smiled at me" she said. "Really, sweetie? Did he. I'm coming" I reply. I go into the lounge and see Jinhwan smiling in his Moses basket. "Awwww he really is. Well done, little boy. You smiled for good sister" I say. "Mommy, you'll have to take a picture and spend it to daddy. He'll want to see" Jiyeon said. "I'm going to do that right now" I reply. Jinhwan smiles for me again and I mange to take a picture of him to send to Jin. Wish he was here to see it but he's got a picture of his baby boy smiling. Awwww he did it

Taehyung 🧡

Taehyung has just gone away on tour and me and the babies miss him so much. We know it's important he has to work. He will be home in a few weeks time. Daehyun, Minseo and Hwayoung are growing up so much. They are already approaching the 3 month mark. 3 months since they came into the world. My mom is staying with me to help out of course as I can't mange all three of them all by myself while Tae's away. My mom is watching the babies while I get myself ready for the day. It's definitely not the same without Taehyung. My mom walks into my bedroom with Hwayoung. "How are you doing?" she asks. "Good" I reply. "Well Hwayoung gave me a little smile a few minutes ago" my mom said. "Oh did she?" I reply. "Yes she did. Will you do it for mommy, Hwayoung?" she said. Hwayoung looks at me and smiles. "Well done, baby girl. Your first smile. I wonder if your brother and sister will do the same" I reply. "Let's go and see" my mom said. We go into the lounge to see the other babies. I hope they will smile too. "Smile for mommy, babies. Mommy wants to see those beautiful smiles" I say. It takes sometime to get them to smile but Minseo gave me a little smile. Daehyun doesn't yet but there is still time. I told Tae and he was so happy that both of the girls smiled for me

Jimin ❤️

Me and Jimin are having morning cuddle times with our beautiful baby girls Jisoo and Jihyo. We love having morning cuddles with our babies. They are so gorgeous and we can't take our eyes off them. We can't believe we made them and brought them into the world. We are sat up in our bed holding a baby each. I am holding Jihyo and Jimin is holding Jisoo. We love looking at them and holding them. They are adorable little girls. Honestly. "I just love being a father. It's the best thing ever and being your husband of course" Jimin says. "Awwww me too, ChimChim" I reply. He makes funny faces at Jihyo as she lays on his lap. "Hey. I think she just gave me a smile" Jimin said. "Oh she did. She's doing it again" I reply. "Well done, angel. Let's see if your sister does it" he said. I smile at Jihyo and try to get her to smile at me. "Yay! She did it. Both of our girls smiled" I say. "They did. Well done, Jihyo" Jimin said. She smiled at daddy. Yay! So happy that both of our girls smiled at us for the first time this morning

Jungkook 💚

Baby Jayden is growing up so much. Me and Jungkook can't believe how much he's growing up. He's coming on so much. In leaps and bounds. Me and Kookie are such proud parents of our little boy. Very proud parents indeed. We've been trying to get Jayden to smile at us but he hasn't yet. I guess there is no rush for him to smile at us but we would like him to smile at his sometime soon. Me and Jungkook are getting Jayden ready for his evening bath right now. He loves having baths every other day. Jungkook is in the bathroom getting the water filled ready for Jayden's bath. He knows it needs to be nice and warm. I'm getting Jayden undressed and ready for his bath. He's almost done. I was smiling at him as I was getting him ready. I see Jayden giving me a little smile. I continue to smile at him and tickle his chest. "Jungkook, come quick. Our boy is smiling at me" I say. "Okay I'm coming" he said. Jungkook rushes into the bedroom and Jayden is smiling even more. "Yay! That's my smiley little boy" he said. "He smiled. Awe look at that beautiful smile" I say. We both smile at baby Jayden. He just wouldn't stop smiling. That's our smiley baby boy

Yoongi 💛

Me and Yoongi have both been back at work recently. We are missing quite a lot of time with baby Youngsoo which kills us sometimes but that's that. I am only working part time so I'm with him most of the time actually. Yoongi is busy with the band but I know I can rely on him whenever he's home. I am coming home from work now for this evening. Yoongi's Mom is at home with Youngsoo. She's been looking after him for the day while I've been at work. Alternate between our moms and my sister. Whoever is available. I park up outside and walk in the door. Yoongi's mom is with Youngsoo in the kitchen. "Hi, Y/ N" she said. "Hi, Mrs Min" I say. "Guess who just gave me his first smile" she said. "Let me guess Youngsoo" I say. "He smiled at me twice today. Are you going to smile for mommy, Youngsoo?" Mrs Min said. She hands Youngsoo to me. I smile at him trying to get him to smile at me which he does, quite considerably. Awe he's so cute. I FaceTimed Yoongi so he could see our son's first smile. What a lovely surprise to come home to? Our boys first smile. So special

A/N: first milestone part. Next one will be set in a few months time. Hope you like this one. It was cute

Can't wait for Strictly tonight (UK ARMYs will know what I mean) it's my fave

Can't wait for Strictly tonight (UK ARMYs will know what I mean) it's my fave

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Just thought I'd insert my memoji from the new iPhone update. This is me (well in cartoon form)

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