27. Labor/ Delivery- Namjoon 💖

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My due date is just a few days off so baby Namjae could come any day now. Namjoon and I are so excited to become parents to him. We have to be prepared for any day now. We have everything ready for Namjae's arrival. Namjoon and I are going to be the best parents in the world to our little boy. We have been waiting for the moment to hold him in our arms for 9 whole months now, longer actually as we've always wanted to start a family in all the years we have been together. Namjoon and I are laid in bed waiting to fall asleep. He's been restlessness during the night just in case I go into labor. I too him to relax and fall asleep and I let him know if I need anything. Joonie is such a sweet guy. I'm so lucky to have him. I'm laid in bed and he is close to be with his arms around me. "I want you to sleep tonight and don't be worrying about me" I say. "I will try but it's not easy when our baby could come any day" Namjoon said. "Yeah. I love you, Joonie" I reply. "I love you too, Y/ N. Goodnight, my love" he smiles. "Goodnight too, my love" I reply. Namjoon and I try to relax and go off to sleep. Several hours later I wake up tossing and turning to what feels like contractions . It's around 2:30am. I try to settle down and go back to sleep but I couldn't really. After about 10 minutes or so of me being restless, Namjoon wakes up. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks. "I think I'm having contractions, Joon" I reply. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital yet?" he asks. "No I think I'm okay. I just wanna see if it eases" I reply. I lay in bed and try to wait for the contractions to pass but they seem to come more regularly. "They are coming more frequently now" I say. "Just stay calm, my love. I'm gonna take you to the hospital" Namjoon said. Namjoon gets out of bed and gets dressed into some proper clothes. He lifts me out of bed and carries me outside to the car and we drive to the hospital

Namjoon and I arrive at the hospital shortly. Luckily the traffic wasn't busy as it was the middle of the night. He drove as quick as he could although I told him to slow down a couple of times. But we got there. The contractions were getting more painful but at least we are at the hospital now. Namjoon carries me into the maternity centre. The midwives get me into the room and examine me first of all. I'm only half dilated so it's going to be a while before I'm fully dilated. My waters broke when we got there. Namjoon stays by my side and makes sure I'm okay. "It's not long till our baby boy is here, my love" he said kissing my hand. "Yeah I Hope. I hope it's not long" I reply. "It won't be. I'll be right here. I'm not leaving your side. Never" he smiles. Several hours have passed and I'm getting into the later stages of labor. I'm almost fully dilated now. Sometimes it can take a while when you're in the later stages for the baby to be born. The midwives kept on checking me regularly. I try to find a comfortable position to give birth. The midwives helped me with that. Namjoon held onto my hand as I was ready to push the baby out. He and the midwives were encouraging me to push. I tried to take deep and regularly breaths but sometimes I forgot to as I was just concentrating on giving birth safely and quickly. "Baby, you're doing so well. Almost there. I'm so proud of you" Namjoon said. I carry on pushing and pushing and breathing too, just trying to stay calm. I as gripping onto his hand so tight. I was kinda scared I was hurting him but Namjoon was just being the amazing husband he is

After over an hour of pushing and a 10 hour labor, our beautiful baby boy Namjae was born. Labor was rather hard but I got through it but Namjoon by my side cheering me on and the midwives encouraging me to push. I am exhausting after giving birth. When Namjae was born the doctors took him to check him over. "Would you like to hold him, Mr and Mrs Kim? You have a very healthy baby boy" one of the midwives said. "Yes please we would love to" I reply. "We definitely would" Namjoon replies. The midwife passes baby Namjae to me. He is wrapped in a blue blanket. "Hey, baby boy. Aren't you gorgeous? I'm your mommy" I say. "He's so adorable. I'm your daddy, baby boy" Namjoon said. "I can't believe he's here. I'm so thankful that he's here safely" I say. "Me too, baby. He is just absolutely perfect and I'm so proud of you. You did amazing giving birth to our baby boy" he said. "Thank you. I love you" I reply. "I love you too and our little boy. I can't believe I'm finally a daddy. It's such an amazing feeling. I'm a daddy" Namjoon said with a tear in his eye. "You are and I'm a mommy" I reply. I hold Namjae for a while before giving him to Namjoon to hold. I loved seeing him hold our son for the first time. It was such an incredible and sweet moment. We spent a while holding and getting to know our newborn son and it was so amazing. I tried breastfeeding for the first time and it went well. Namjae latched on straight away. Namjoon and I are just so over the moon to be parents

 Namjoon and I are just so over the moon to be parents

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Kim Namjae 💙
Born August 4th @ 1:27pm
Weight 7lbs 8oz

A/ N: so baby Namjae is born. Isn't he adorable. Thought this baby was so cute. That was the first labor delivery part and possibly another one to come later. I love doing this one and can't wait for the rest of them

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