25. Getting Ready For Baby

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Namjoon 💖

It's getting pretty close to my due date with only a few weeks to go till baby Namjae could be here. Namjoon and I have been busy getting things ready for our baby boys arrival. Everything is not quite finished yet but we will be soon. Right now Namjoon and I are in Namjae's nursery sorting out his clothes in the closet. He has quite a spacious closest so lots of room for everything. Some clothes we bought ourselves and some I was given at my baby shower. Namjoon and I are sorting out the clothes between us. Newborn clothes go first, then 3-6 months and so on. "I love baby clothes. They are so adorable" I say. "You're so right, babe. I love baby clothes. They are even cuter when you put a baby in them" he replies. "Yep. Our boy has so many adorable clothes" I reply. "He has. He's one lucky kid" Namjoon replies. "He definitely is. Think he's got enough clothes to last him nearly a year" I reply. "I know right but it's so much fun sorting things out for him. The excitement is getting real now. We are going to be parents soon, Y/ N" Namjoon said. "We are indeed" I reply. Namjoon and I have fun sorting out Namjae's clothes. The excitement is so real. We are going to be parents soon. Very soon

Hoseok 💜

Soon me and Hoseok will be parents to our baby girl Chaeyoung when she comes into the world. We absolutely can't wait to be parents. It's what we've always wanted and we've waited for 9 whole months to meet our beautiful little daughter. Today I had my baby shower and got some wonderful and amazing gifts from friends and family. I love everything. I got everything on my list too. The men don't usually go to baby showers so Hoseok day this one out and went out with the boys. Now we are at home the couch looking through and sorting out lifts from the shower. Literally all of the front room is covered in gifts. Not even joking. "I love everything. Especially all the cute and adorable outfits people got for her" Hoseok said. "Me too. I love everything. Our little girl is going to look adorable in all these clothes" I reply. "She definitely is. That's because she's the most beautiful little girl in the world like her mom" he smiles. "Awwww Thank you, Hobi" I reply. He leans over and kisses me. Awe how sweet of him. That's my husband. So we carry on looking through the gifts and also sorting them out. At least we have plenty of room to put all these amazing things because we are so grateful for them. Chaeyoung is going to look adorable and beautiful in all those things

Jin 💙

We all have been getting things organised and ready for the arrival of our baby boy Jinhwan. Jiyeon has been doing a lot to help too which is so cute and is going to be the best sister in the world to her little brother. She's been getting ready for big sister duties. She's very sensible for 4 years old. Jin is coming home from the studio anytime. Jiyeon has been helping me for the last hour getting things ready in the baby's room. She's been telling me where to put everything and giving me a hand. "Mommy, daddy's going to love what we've done today" Jiyeon says. "Yes he is, sweetie. I'm sure he is" I reply. I grab the vacuum cleaner and vacuum in the nursery. I know it hasn't really got much dirt but it's best to anyway. Jin arrives home soon after. He walks into the nursery and sees me using the vacuum cleaner. "Hey, my beautiful girls" he said. "Hi, daddy. I missed you" Jiyeon said leaping into Jin's arms. "Hey, angel. I missed you too" he said. "Hey, Jin Jin" I say. "Hey, honey" he smiles. He hugs and kisses me. "Daddy, do you like what's we've done with Jinhwan's room. "Yes I do. It's awesome. Great job" Jin replies. "Jiyeon has been a little star today" I say. He smiles. Jin saw that I had been vacuuming and told me off. I better not do it again. So I think we are about ready for the birth of our baby boy

Taehyung 🧡


Me and Y/ N are doing everything we possibly can to get get ready for the triplets. It's really hectic getting things ready for three babies but I think me and Y/ N are managing okay. We really can't wait to welcome our little babies into the world. They could come anytime soon. Y/ N is about 29 weeks now so probably just a few weeks to go. I got home early today so I can help Y/ N get things ready in the babies nursery. The cribs are all really but we just need to do a few more finishing touches. Y/ N gets stressed when it comes to sorting things out and organising things but I'm here to help her of course as her husband. "Babe, have you got outfits picked for when the babies come home" I ask. "No not yet but I don't think we have to do that yet as they are likely to be in hospital for a while if you're born early and we can get gender specific outfits when they are born" Y/ N replies. "Okay that's fine" I reply. All the clothes we gave a gender neutral like white, beige and grey as we don't know the genders if the triplets yet but like Y/ N said when they are born we will buy more things. Y/ N puts a stock and diapers and blankets and stuff for herself in the going home bag. "Do you think we've got enough of everything?" she asks. "Yeah I reckon so" I reply. "I want to be organised just in case they come anytime" she said. "Yeah of course" I reply. I smile and put my arms around Y/ N. So I think Y/ N and I are pretty much organised for when the babies come

Jimin ❤️

I am approaching 30 weeks in my pregnancy so the babies could come soon, in the next few weeks really. Jimin and I really can't wait to meet and be parents to our little girls Jisoo and Jihyo. The excitement is really real now. I have now finished work which is great as I can be at home resting and relaxing with Jimin before our babies come into the world. Can't wait. Such exciting times ahead of us. Jimin and I also have plans to get married like next week before the twins are born. We know it's kinda soon but we really want to get married. Jimin and I are in the girls room making sure everything is ready for them. I have cute little outfits set out for when they come home from the hospital. While I'm getting the hospital bag ready, Jimin is hanging up wall decals with our twins names above their cribs. We have wanted to do that but we were waiting till we decided on their names. Jisoo and Jihyo have an amazing room and we are very proud of it. "They look good. Don't they?" Jimin said as he hangs up the frames above the cribs. "Yes they are. They look so good above their cribs" I reply. "Yes they do. The room is a pink palace for our little girls" Jimin replies. "Yes it definitely is. Can't wait till these little princesses come home" I reply. "Me too. I can't wait to be a daddy" he says. "I know you can't and I can't wait to be a mommy" I reply. He smiles and kisses me. Jimin and I admire our twin girls room and it looks amazing. We are so ready to meet them now

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook and I are getting things ready in baby Jayden's room for his arrival. I'm due in about a month or so but we want to make sure everything is ready for when he's born just in case anything happens like he comes early but hopefully he won't come till his due date but you never know with babies. They come whenever you want. We have all Jayden's clothes ready in his closet. Right now we are getting ready the hospital bag for when he comes home from the hospital. We have definitely decided to have a hospital birth as it's safer and it's just better for me and the baby. "Let's choose a cute little outfit for him to come home in" Jungkook said. "Sure. Actually I was think that Nike onesie you got him would be cute with sweatpants and a hoodie of course. He would look really cute in that" I reply. "Yes that's brilliant. I was hoping you'd say that" he said. We grab with onesie, sweatpants and hoodie and some socks to go with it from the closet and fold them out and put them in the bag neatly. I put a handful of diapers in the bag and a few other things we need too for when we bring Jayden home from the hospital. There is things for him in there and things for me too. "So do you think we are done now, babe?" Jungkook said. "Yeah I think so for now. We could always do the rest another day. I'm tired now anyway" I reply. "Yeah exactly. Me too. Let's go to bed" he replies. "Yep lets go to bed" I reply. Jungkook smiles and kisses me. We leave Jayden's room and go into our own room and go to bed. We feel better we've got most things sorted and ready

Yoongi 💛

This evening Yoongi's and I have been getting things ready for our baby boy Youngsoo. I have spent most of the day washing all his newborn clothes we have bought. I'm telling you it literally took all day but it's done now. Yoongi is ironing the clothes and blankets as I fold and sort them out and put them in the closet and drawers. He offered to do the ironing as he doesn't want to doing too much. Ironing isn't my favourite thing anyway so I'm glad he's taken that away from me. "I think we're doing good, babe" Yoongi said. "Yes I think we are" I reply. "If you're tired and want to rest, I can handle this" he said. "Nope I'm fine thank you. I'm only too pleased to help you" I reply. Yoongi smiles. So when he ironed everything we organised Youngsoo's clothes in the closet and drawers. Most of his clothes are designer brands but the occasional thing is from other stores. I like to be particular and arrange things in colours but Yoongi's told me not to be too fussy as I'll drive myself crazy. I guess just as long as his things are in age order it's okay. We take sometime doing that before we check round the room to make sure everything else is in order. "Think we can give ourselves a pat on the back after all we've done tonight" Yoongi said. "Yes I think we can" I reply. "Well done, my love" he said kissing my cheek. Yoongi and I go right to sleep after being busy for the last few hours

A/ N: just one more part to go till the babies are born. Are you ready? Can't wait till those little ones are here. Also we are about halfway through this book but still a lot more to come. Don't worry, I'm very proud of this and I love doing it

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