40. Family Meeting The Baby

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I are throwing a family get together at our place today for close family to meet baby Namjae for the first time. Our parents and siblings have met him but our extended family members like grandparents, aunt uncles and cousins haven't met him yet so people are at our place for a catch up and meeting baby Namjae for the first time. Everybody wants to hold him and he's being ever so good for all these new and strange people. One of my cousins is holding Namjae right now and he's falling asleep in her arms. "He truly is an angel, Y/ N" she said. "Thank you" I smile. "I can't wait to have one of my own" my cousin said. "Don't get any ideas, Y/ C/ N. You're only 14" I reply. "I'm not just saying. Can't wait to have a little angel like Namjae in the future" she said. Namjoon sits next to me and smiles. "How's it going, babe?" he said. "Fine" I reply. "Our little man is being such a good boy for everyone" he said. "He really is and he's an angel" I reply. Namjoon smiles and kisses me. We carry on passing Namjae round to different people to hold. The family get together was great today and everyone enjoyed meeting the newest addition to our family

Hoseok 💜

Today our families are coming over to meet baby Chaeyoung for the first time. My brother and sister are coming and Hoseok's sister is coming over. We can't wait to introduce our gorgeous baby girl to our siblings. They are due to arrive soon and we are getting ready for them. I have just woken Chaeyoung up from her nap and I'm feeding and changing her and dressing her in a cute outfit ready to meet her aunts and uncle for the first time. Soon the doorbell rings and it's his sister Dawon. He greets her by the door. "Awwww she's adorable, guys" she said as she walked in. Dawon sits in the couch and I hand her Chaeyoung to hold. "Oh my gosh. She's so beautiful. I'm gonna cry" she said. Soon my brother and sister arrive and we welcome them in. "Can we have a hold of your beautiful, baby girl" my sister asks. "Of course you can" I reply. We hand baby Chaeyoung to my sister to hold and she holds her for a while and then my brother does. Our siblings stayed for a couple of hours and enjoyed meeting Chaeyoung for the first time. It was great to have them over

Jin 💙

My sister is coming over to our place with her husband and their daughter Mihee, our niece and Jiyeon and Jinhwan's cousin. They are meeting baby Jinhwan for the first time today. Mihee can't wait to meet her new baby cousin today. I am getting the kids ready for when they arrive while Jin tidies up the house and makes sure it's nice and clean for our guests. Soon they arrive and they walk in. "Mihee has been dying to meet her new cousin since he was born" my sister said. "Well she's meeting him right now" I say. I get Jinhwan up from his nap and take him into the lounge. "Here he is. Our little man" I say. "Awwwww he's so cute" Mihee said. "Do you want to hold him, sweetie? You can have the first hold" I say. She nods her head. Mihee sits on the couch next to her mom and Jiyeon and I place Jinhwan in her arms. My sister sat by her to  make sure she was holding him right. "He's just like you, Jin" my sister said. "Thanks he is. We could tell that straight away. Me and Y/ N call him Mr Worldwide Handsome Jr" Jin replies. "Well he certainly is handsome" my sister said. My family had a great time meeting our little boy Jinhwan today. My sister is right. He's just like Jin

Taehyung 🧡


Me and Y/ N are taking the triplets over to my parents house so they can meet he family. My parents have already met them but my siblings are yet to meet them yet so we are taking them over today. This will be like the first proper time we've taken them out of the house so I guess it will be interesting. Anything can happen with three little babies. We are getting the babies ready to go to my family's house. We get them changed, fed and then into the car. We get on our way and then arrive at my parents house soon. We park up outside and get the babies out of the car. My mom leaves the door open so we just walk in. "We are here, guys" I say. "Hey, guys. How are my beautiful grandchildren?" my mom said. All the babies were sound asleep. "Awe, they are so precious and adorable" my sister Eunjin said. "Hey, babies. I'm your uncle" my brother Jonggyu said. We bring the babies in and let them sleep before my siblings have a hold of them. First Eunjin holds Hwayoung who was the first to wake up. Jonggyu holds Daehyun and my dad has cuddles with Minseo. "They are such good little babies and you two are doing a great job of being parents" my dad said. "Thanks, dad. We will say this now. We didn't think we would be able to mange three babies but I think we are doing okay. Aren't we, Y/ N?" I say. "Yep" Y/ N replies. We spend a while at my parents house with the triplets and it was great. They got to meet their aunt and uncle for the first time

Jimin ❤️

My grandparents are over at our place meeting the girls for the first time. They really wanted to come over and meet their newborn baby great granddaughters for the first time. Me and Jimin are so proud to be parents to them. My grandma is holding Jisoo and my grandad is holding Jihyo. "They are such beautiful little girls, Y/ N and Jimin" my grandma said. "Awwww Thank you, halmeoni. Me and Jimin are so proud to be parents to them" I reply. "They truly are a blessing" my grandad said. "Thank you, hal-abeoji" I reply. "They are daddy's girls" Jimin said. "They are. You will never fail to remind me of that" I laugh. "I remember when you and your sister were like this, Y/ N" my grandma said. "Really" I say feeling embarrassed. "Was Y/ N cute when she was a baby?" Jimin asks my grandparents. "Yes she was very cute and beautiful just like these little girls" my grandad replies. So my grandparents had a great time meeting Jisoo and Jihyo today. It really enlightened them meeting their baby great granddaughters for the first time and me and Jimin really enjoyed having them over

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook's brother and his mom are coming over to our place today to see baby Jayden. His mom has already met him but his brother Junghyun hasn't as he's been busy with work and stuff. We are expecting them to arrive anytime now so we are getting ready for them arriving. "Mom and Junghyun are here. I'll go and let them in" Jungkook said. "Okay" I reply. Jungkook goes outside and gets his mom and brother in as our apartment block is high on security. I finish feeding Jayden and changing him while he's gone a few minutes. About 5 minutes later Jungkook arrives with his mom and brother. I was still in the nursery getting Jayden ready. We come out and greet them. "Hey" I say. "Hey, Y/ N" Jungkook's Mom said. "Hey. So this is my nephew. Eh" Junghyun said. "Yes it is. Little JJ" Jungkook said. "Can I have a hold? He's a cutie" Junghyun says. "Sure you can, bro" Jungkook said. I hand Jayden to Junghyun and he holds him for a while. "He really is a sweet little boy is Jayden" Mrs Jeon said. "Thank you, Mrs Jeon. He is. He had a rough entrance into this world but he's good now. Aren't you, Jayden?" I say. Jungkook's mom and brother stay a while and had a great time with Jayden tonight

Yoongi 💛

Me and Yoongi are over at his parents house with baby Youngsoo having dinner. They invited us over for dinner tonight and we agreed to go of course. We love spending time with his family. Yoongi's brother Geumjae is also round with his girlfriend as well. We are sat round the dinner table having dinner. Youngsoo is asleep in his Moses basket. It's round this very table that we told Yoongi's parents we were pregnant with Youngsoo several months ago. He's now a month old. "Our boy just sound asleep over there" Yoongi said. "He is and he looks adorable" I say. "You have a good little boy" said Geumjae's girlfriend. "Thank you" I say. "We can't wait to have one of our own" she said. "I'm not ready yet even though I love my nephew" Geumjae said. "Youngsoo is our first grandchild. We can't wait to have many more" Yoongi's mom said. "I'm sure you will mom" Yoongi replies. "Yeah we really love this little man" his dad said. "Me and Y/ N want to have another kid soon" he said. "Yeah but not too soon. Remember Youngsoo is only a few weeks old" I reply. He leans over and kisses me. We had a really nice time at Yoongi's parents house tonight. Everybody loves Youngsoo but us the most of course

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