15. First Kick

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I found out a couple of days ago that we are having a baby boy. We were so happy when we found out and still are now of course. We haven't told anyone about the gender of our baby yet but we will soon. We just wanna share the moment to ourselves for a little longer. Anyway I'm sitting on the couch with my feet up while Namjoon cooks dinner for us in the kitchen. I was tired so was he but he offered to make dinner for us tonight which was really nice if him. As I'm sat with my feet up I place my hand on my bump. I then feel the baby kick. "Namjoon, come quick" I say. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" he replies. "Yes I am. Look the baby's kicking for the first time" I reply. He sits next to me and places his hand on my bump where mine is. "Oh yes he is. Our boy is kicking for the first time" Namjoon said. "He is and it feels amazing. It feels like little butterflies going round" I reply. "I'm sure it is" he smiles. We sit for sometime together while the baby kicks for the first time. It was an incredible feeling

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are chilling and relaxing at home after a long day. There's nothing more we love doing than spending special time together after long days. And we are so delighted too that we are having a baby girl. We can't wait to see our beautiful little girl when she is born. Hoseok and I are sat together in close embrace with our arms around each other.  I am resting my head on his shoulder as he holds me close to him. "Baby, you're so beautiful" he says. "No you're so beautiful, Hobi" I reply. "No, baby. You're the most beautiful woman in the world and you are carrying the most beautiful little girl in the world" Hoseok said. "Awwww, Hobi I love you so much" I reply. As me and Hoseok and cuddling on the couch I feel a moving sensation in my stomach. "I think the baby is kicking" I say. "Is she? Has she kicked before?" Hoseok replies. "Nope she hasn't. This is her first time" I reply. Hoseok places his hand on my stomach and feels the baby kick. "Awe that's amazing. Feels so nice" he said. "It does" I reply. He smiles and kisses me. Our little princess kicked for the first time. We were so happy

Jin 💙

Tonight Jin and I are going to Jiyeon's dance recital. She started dancing earlier this year and this is her first recital. Jiyeon loves dancing and we can't wait to see her tonight. She's a little nervous about it but we both told her that she'll be fine and we'll be in the audience watching her. Jin and I are getting ready to leave. Jiyeon is already at the dance school for a last minute rehearsal. We will be going soon and can't wait. "Are you almost ready, babe?" Jin said walking into our room. "Yes almost" I reply. "Can't wait to see our little girl dancing" Jin said. "Me too" I reply. Soon we arrive for the dance school in a cab and we go in and get some seats. There were no seats at the front but the middle was fine. We sit down and wait for the dance recital to start. Jiyeon isn't it in right away. We wait a little time before it was her time to go on. Jiyeon takes to the stage with the other little girls. We watch her feeling like proud parents and she does absolutely amazing. During the performance I feel the baby kick. I tap Jin. "He's kicking" I say. He looks at me and places his hand on my belly and feels our baby boy kick. Jin smiles at me we continue to watch Jiyeon dance. We had a great time watching her dance and our baby boy kicked for the first time. It was a great night

Taehyung 🧡

I am about 20 weeks on in my pregnancy with our triplets. We don't want to find out the genders just yet. We want them to be a surprise till they are born. Can't wait to welcome our little ones into the world in the next few months. So exciting. Taehyung is due to come back from rehearsals anytime now. Can't wait to see him as he's been gone all day and I've missed him so much. I am sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive. I sit on the couch cradling my bump like I usually do. Soon the front door of our apartment opens and Taehyung walks in with a smile on his face. "I'm home, my love" he said. "Hey, baby" I say. "How are you today? I've missed you so much" Tae said. "I'm alright. I've missed you so much too, Tae Tae" I reply. "I love you" he smiles. "I love you too" I reply. He kisses me. Taehyung goes into our room to get changed for the evening while I stay where I am. I place my hand in the centre of my bump where baby B is and feel them kicking. We have named the babies A, B, C. "Tae, one of the babies is kicking" I say. He comes into the lounge and sits next to me on the couch. "It's baby B" I say. "Awwww that's amazing. Will the other two kick?" he replies. "I don't know. Maybe. It depends" I reply. "One of our babies just kicked and it feels so nice" Taehyung smiles. I smile back. We waited for the two babies to kick but they didn't. I guess they'll just do it in their own time. It was great that baby B kicked

Jimin ❤️

Jimin and I have decided to go on another vacation together. This time we have gone to the south of France this time. It's somewhere we've always wanted to go and we figured this could be our last break away just the two of us before our baby girls come. We are doing it while I can travel. I'm just over 4 months on in my pregnancy so far. Jimin and I are staying in a beautiful villa together in the south of France. It's beautiful and amazing. We might move out here one day in the future. We have a pool all to ourselves and everything else too. It's amazing. Right now we are relaxing near the pool together having a lovely time. The beauty of having your own place when you go away is you can do whatever you want and I can weather a bikini without being conscious about showing off my bump. We are sat on the deck chairs by the pool enjoying the beautiful day. Jimin smiles at me and grabs my hand. "It's so beautiful to be out here" he said. "It is. It's amazing. Just like you" I reply. "No, baby you're more amazing of course" I reply. Jimin smiles and leans into kiss me. He then places his hand on my bump. "Aye, can you feel that. One of the babies is kicking. Baby A I think" Jimin said. "Oh yeah she is. It is baby A" I reply. "Wow! It feels so amazing" he smiles. Baby A kicks for a while then baby B kicks too. It was an incredible feeling. Wow! Our girls just kicked

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook and I are out doing some shopping at the local grocery store. We go once a week together or I just go on my own if he happens to be busy or away at all. We left earlier and now we are in the grocery going down the aisles and shopping. Jungkook pushes the cart as I look at the list and put things on. If I sent him out on his own he wouldn't come back with anything I get or the right things at least, he's pretty hopeless at things like that but he tries his best. It isn't easy when he's busy all the time. Anyway we are going round putting things in the cart that we need. "Are we doing good, babe?" Jungkook said. "Yes we are. Not many more things to go" I reply. "Okay that's good" he replies. We go to the next aisle. As we were still going around I feel a sensation my tummy. I stop and place my hand on my bump and feel the baby kick. I go silent for a moment. "Are okay, babe?" he asks. "Yeah I'm fine. The baby is kicking" I reply. "Ohhhh really. Let's see" Jungkook replies. He comes over to me and places his hand on my bump and feels the baby kicking like me. "OMG Yeah. He's kicking. Our son is kicking" he smiles. "He is?" I smile. We got an unexpected little surprise when we were out shopping today. Our baby boy kicked for the first time and it felt amazing. Can't describe how it felt

Yoongi 💛

Yoongi has had to go away abroad so I'm home at my own for a couple of weeks atm. It's okay with me as I get to have a little time to myself but I miss him so much when he's away. I love him and it's not the same when he's not at home with me but I have my friends and family who are pretty near who I can see. Can't wait till he's home. I'm currently sat on the couch eating some noodles after a long day at work. Just what I need after a long day. Might have a nice bubble bath a bit later. I relax for a little longer before taking a hot bubble bath. I fill the bath and get undressed before getting in. As I'm closing my eyes in the bathroom my phone rings and it's Yoongi on FaceTime. I dry my hands off and reach over to the toilet which is next to me and pick it up. "Hey, honey" I say. "Hey, love. How's my darling?" he said. "I'm fine" I reply. "Good.  Looks like you're having a nice relaxing bath" Yoongi said. "I am" I reply. "Well you look nice and relaxed" he replies. "I am" I reply. I talk to Yoongi for a few more minutes. As we are talking I feel the baby kicking me. "Yoongi, I can feel the baby kick" I say. "Oh really. That's great. What a shame he kicked for the first time when I'm not there" he said. "I know but hopefully he'll kick when you're home" I reply. "Awe I hope so" he replies. It was great to talk to Yoongi tonight and the baby kicked for the first time when I was in the bath. Awwww how amazing

A/ N: hope y'all liked that park. It was a cute little part imo

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