30. Labor/ Delivery- Taehyung 🧡

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I am 33 weeks on in my pregnancy with triplets and my doctor has told me that the babies could come any time now so me and Taehyung have got to be prepared for whenever. I've been put in bed rest so I can rest up for when the babies come. We can't wait to be parents but we are also getting into a little bit of a panic as we don't think we are ready to handle three newborn babies but hopefully we will. If the babies are going to be born soon, they are likely to stay in hospital for a while till they are full term. Taehyung has been at home with me for the last couple of weeks making sure I'm okay. He's been the best husband in the world. Right now I am on bed rest at home. I stay in bed most of the time just resting which is hard for me as I like to be up and doing things. Taehyung is in the kitchen doing jobs around the house. We moved into a bigger house recently and it's amazing. We love it. I have my phone next to me if I need to call him. I keep on drinking water and eating snacks when I feel hungry. Taehyung has organised a snack box for me of things I can eat. I have books, magazines, games and music on my phone and the TV to watch in our room to keep me entertained. I just had a lot of water to drink so I really needed to pee bad so I gently crawl out of bed and go to our en suite bathroom. I step slowly as I'm so huge that I can't walk. I take my phone with my in case I need it. As I'm on my way to the bathroom I feel my knees buckling and a contraction coming on. I all of a sudden loose my balance and fall to the floor. I screen out but luckily I don't fall on my bump but I nearly did. I had my phone in my hand so I called Taehyung straight away. "Tae, you need to come home quick. Somethings happened to me" I say. "Baby, what is it? I'll be home straight away" Taehyung replied. I didn't explain what happened but I know he'll be home in a flash. I daren't get off the floor in case I make things worse and plus I don't have the energy. Contractions were still coming and my waters broke while I was on the floor

Taehyung arrives home soon. I'm still on the floor as I couldn't get up. "Sweetie, what happened?" he asks. "I was getting up to go to the bathroom and I started getting contractions and I lost my balance and fell over. My waters broke. I don't know" I pant. "Baby, you don't have to waste time explaining. Let's just get you to hospital" Tae says. Taehyung didn't move me as he didn't want anything to happen so he called an ambulance to take me to hospital. "Tae, is everything going to be okay" I say. "Yes it will be, darling. Well hopefully" I reply. I scream out in pain but the paramedics come soon to take me to hospital. The contractions were coming on and I was in loads of pain. I just want this to be over with. Taehyung was by my side in the ambulance. When I got to the hospital they rush me into the maternity centre. I am still screaming in pain. Tae wouldn't let go of my hand. He refused to. The midwives come to my aid and examines me. They check my cervix and my babies heartbeats too. "The babies heartbeat are weak. We should get them out soon before they are all in trouble" one of the midwives said. The doctor comes over and has a look. "The babies are in trouble. I call an emergency c section" he said. They quickly take me into the operating room for a c section. Taehyung looked so worried and stressed. "Is everything going to be okay? Are my wife and babies going to be okay" he panics. "They will be if we intervene now" the doctor said. "Can I come in? I want to be there" he said. Unfortunately Taehyung couldn't come in. It's an emergency c section so they have to do it quickly. They got me into the operating room and put me under anaesthetic and started opening me up. I obviously didn't feel a thing and I was unconscious. I vaguely remember loosing a lot of blood and almost haemorrhaged. That's all I can remember. I can't imagine how Taehyung will be feeling right now. He must be out of his mind thinking that me or the babies won't make it

After a traumatic ordeal and horrible labor  I delivered the triplets safely. A beautiful baby boy and two gorgeous baby girls. I lost quite a lot of blood during delivery so they had to give me a blood transfusion. It took me sometime to recover but I'll be okay. Taehyung was an anxious and nervous wreck in the waiting room. He really thought none of us were going to make it but we were okay as God was with us. The babies are a fed hour old now and Tae and I haven't decided on names for them. Well we had names in mind but we didn't know the genders till they were born. All the babies are precious and tiny. We are in the hospital room with the babies now. They will be spending sometime in the hospital to rest and get strong aster the traumatic time they had coming into the world. Taehyung is holding our son and one of our daughters and I'm holding our other daughter. "They are just so precious and adorable. Awww I love my babies so much. I'm just so relieved that you all are here" he said. "Me too. They are just so precious and amazing. They are miracles" I reply. "They are. Jagiya, I know we discussed names but we should decide on names for them since they are here now" Taehyung said. "Yeah we should" I reply. "I think Daehyun for our son and Minseo for one of the girls. Maybe this little girl here" Taehyung said. "Yes that's perfect and Hwayoung for this little girl here" I reply. "Yes those are absolutely perfect names for three perfect little babies" he said. "I have to agree with you, Tae Tae" I reply. "Welcome to the world. Daehyun, Minseo and Hwayoung. I love you babies" Taehyung said. I smile. The babies are perfect and me and Taehyung are so happy to be parents to our three little precious miracles

 The babies are perfect and me and Taehyung are so happy to be parents to our three little precious miracles

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Kim Daehyun 💙
Born May 7th @ 7:17pm
Weight 5lbs 3oz

Kim Minseo 💗
Born May 7th @ 7:31pm
Weight 5lbs 1oz

Kim Hwayoung 💗
Born May 7th @ 7:53pm
Weight 4lbs 10oz

A/ N: so the triplets are here. Three more beautiful babies. I know those babies are not really newborns but they are still adorable. What a traumatic birth?

Btw I am going to start a Daniel Seavey fan fiction. It will be up soon. I hope it goes well so look out for it

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