8. Morning Sickness

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Namjoon 💖

My pregnancy has been going pretty well so far. I've felt a little nauseous sometimes but nothing too much so far which is good. Namjoon has been pretty busy lately but that's his job and his life but obviously I come first. Namjoon is the best husband in the world and I'm so grateful to have him in my life. I arrive home from work around 7pm. I was working late tonight. Namjoon should be home anytime I think. I go into our bedroom and get changed. As I was getting changed I feel the urge to throw up so I go to the bathroom and kneel down by the toilet. I throw up for a few minutes till I hear the front door open. "I'm home, babe" Namjoon calls. I couldn't reply as I was in the process of being sick. He walks into the bathroom. "Awe, honey. Have you been sick?" he asks. "Yes I have. It hasn't really happened before. I just felt the urge to be sick" I reply. Namjoon kneels down beside me and wraps his arms around me and kisses me. "It's okay, sweetie. I'm here" he said. "Awwww, Joonie" I reply. I finish being sick and he comforts me

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are snuggled up in bed in our hotel room in Berlin. We are watching a movie. The movie we are watching is one of our favourites. Fantastic Beats: The Crimes Of Grindelwald. It's great and we love it. Earlier we were out at dinner with the boys as we just arrived in Berlin this afternoon. They have a show there tomorrow which they can't wait for. We are cuddling in bed watching the movie and Hoseok has his arms around me holding me close to him. We love snuggling and watching movies together. It's one of our favourite things to do in our free time. As we are snuggling and watching my stomach starts to feel a little funny. "Are you okay, honey?" Hoseok asks. He looks concerned. "Yeah I'll be fine" I reply. A few minutes later I start to feel worse. I cup my mouth and feel an urge to throw up. I quicky jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I had to throw up in the sink as I couldn't get to the toilet in time. Hoseok runs right after me. "Are you alright?" he asks. "Yeah I think so. Sorry" I reply. "Baby, you don't need to apologise. Stuff like this happens when you're pregnant" he replies. "I wasn't feeling so good" I reply. "I know but you've done well not to experience any morning sickness so far" Hoseok said. He stays with me till I calm down then we carry on snuggling and watching the movie

Jin 💙

We are all at home sat on the couch watching a movie with Jiyeon. She is a big Disney fan and we are watching Beauty And The Beast, the live action version. It's one of her favourite Disney movies and Jin and I like it too. Jiyeon is sat in between Jin and I cuddling with both of us. We had dinner not so long ago now we are watching the movie. We love watching movies with our little princess and we love spending time with her of course. As we are sat watching the movie I start not to feel so good. I place my hand on my stomach and rub it gently. I didn't want to spoil the movie for Jin and Jiyeon. A little time has passed so I go off to the bathroom as I still don't feel good. "Are you okay, Y/ N?" Jin asks. "Yeah I think so" I reply. I go to the downstairs bathroom as it's the nearest. I use the toilet then I start to feel a little dizzy and light headed. I kneel down by the toilet as I feel a little sick. It must have been about 15 minutes as Jin comes to the door. "Are you okay, love? What's wrong?" he asks. "Just feel sick" I reply. "Is mommy okay?" Jiyeon asks. "Just stay there, sweetie" Jin said as he comes into the bathroom. He didn't want Jiyeon to see me being sick. Jin comes over to comfort me and I feel better in no time. Awww he's the sweetest

Taehyung 🧡

My pregnancy hasn't been going too well so far. I've been getting really bad sickness and feeling exhausted literally all the time. Ugh I don't know what's wrong. I feel so crap. Taehyung has been so kind and supportive of me. I'm still convinced I am having more than one baby as I'm getting symptoms like this. Anyway we are going soon for our first scan to find out. Me and Tae are cuddling on our bed right now after a long day. It's what we love to do every night. Cuddling with my love makes me feel better even when I'm not feeling great. Aawww he's the sweetest. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks. "Yeah I will be alright" I reply. "Don't worry, jagiya. It will all be okay" Taehyung said. "I hope you're right, Tae Tae" I reply. We continue to lay next to each other on our bed for a while longer. I start to feel nauseous and just tired. "I feel sick, Tae" I say. "Oh it's okay. I'll take you to the bathroom, jagiya" he replies. "Thank you, jagi" I reply. Taehyung and I go to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and he hands me a jug and I throw up. He crouches beside me and pats my back as I throw up. I get myself into a little state but Taehyung calms me down. "It's okay, honey. You'll feel better once all that is out of you" he said. He was so kind, caring and comforting like he always is

Jimin ❤️

I have a day off but Jimin is in the studio working on some new music with the boys. It's meant to be his time off but he got called in just as a one off to work on a couple of songs that needed perfecting. He doesn't mind as he loves it. My pregnancy has been going okay so far but today I haven't been feeling too good. I haven't told Jimin as I don't want to bother him as I know he's busy. I don't want him to break off from the music he's recording with the boys. I would feel bad if I did that. I am currently doing a few things round the house right now. Jimin told me not to and that he'll do it when he's home but I've insisted. I don't like having an untidy home. As I'm vacuuming the lounge I start to feel sick so I take myself off to the bathroom. I go a little dizzy and kneel down by the toilet. As I'm having a funny spell on the toilet my phone rings and it's Jimin. I answer it of course. "Jimin" I say. "Hey, babe. Are you okay?" he said. "ChimChim, I don't feel so good. I didn't want to tell you till you got home" I reply. "It's okay, babe. If you don't feel well I'm coming home" he said. "No, babe. You don't have to. I know you're busy" I reply. "No i insist. I'm coming home" I reply. "Okay" I reply. I wait in the bathroom till Jimin comes home. Didn't want him to break off but he wants to come home. About 30 minutes later I hear the door of our apartment open. Jimin walks into the bathroom. "Have you been sick, honey?" he asks. "No not yet but I feel like I need to be" I reply. He kneel down next to me on the floor and I throw up a bit then cry in Jimin's arms

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook and I are chilling at his place tonight. We have both got back from long days at work and we are just having sometime together at his place for a while. I've been feeling pretty tired lately. It's probably to do with my pregnancy but I don't really know. Jungkook has been so kind and supportive of me. That's the kind of guy he is. He said he'd come home whenever I need him no matter where he is. Awe. So we not so long ago had dinner and we are chilling and relaxing for the evening on the couch at Jungkook's place right now which is nice. We see each other like everyday. He has his arms around me and he's holding me close. As we are cuddling I start to feel sick. "I'm gonna be sick" I say. "Okay, baby" Jungkook said following me into the bathroom. I bend down by the toilet and throw up quite a lot. Jungkook sits on the floor beside me as I throw up. "Do you feel like there's more to come up?" he said. "I don't know. I've thrown up quite a lot and my stomach feels so weak too" I reply. "Awwww, baby. I'm here. Don't worry" he said. "Thank you, Kookie. I love you" I reply. "I love you too, Y/ M" Jungkook said kissing my head. I feel better in no time

Yoongi 💛

Lately I've been expecting pretty bad morning sickness in the early hours of the morning. It always happens between the times of 2-5am in the morning. It's been happening for the last couple of weeks. In the last two pregnancies I experience a bit of sickness but then I lost the babies. I don't remember it being this bad so I hope it's all okay. Hope so. It's the early hours of the morning and Yoongi and I are both asleep. I was in a deep sleep till I was disturbed with the urge to be sick. I run out of bed and go to the bathroom without distributing Yoongi as he was asleep. I throw up in the toilet like I've done previous times. I hear Yoongi walk in. "You've been sick again, baby" he said. "Yeah it always happens when I'm trying to sleep" I reply. "Oh it's okay, honey. Don't worry. I'm right by your side" he said. "I just hate it when I'm trying to sleep" I reply. I fall into Yoongi's arm and cry on his shoulder. I finish being sick and then I we go back to bed when I've calmed down. Hope my pregnancy gets easier as it progresses because I hate throwing up in the middle of the night

A/ N: who's enjoying this book so far. I'm absolutely loving doing it. Can't wait for the rest. I prefer it to doing imagines and I'm not really missing it at all

The BTS dolls came out in the UK today and I got a Namjoon one. Yay I love him. Just like getting the real thing. I'm gonna get the rest one by one. Hoseok next of course

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