37. First Bath

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Namjoon 💖

Tonight Namjoon and I are giving baby Namjae his first bath. He's more than two weeks old so his umbilical stump has fallen off so we can give him a proper bath. We hope he will enjoy his first bath. We are bathing Namjae in the kitchen tonight. Namjoon fills the water warm from the downstairs bathroom into the baby bath while I get Namjae ready for his bath. "Are you ready for your first bath, baby boy?" I say. Namjae looks at me. Namjoon comes back a few minutes later with the filled baby bath. "I think that's warm enough" he said. "Yeah it is" I reply. I lift Namjae into the bath. He seemed to like the temperature. We get him used to the water before I give him a wash. Namjoon takes over and finished washing him. When we finished bathing Namjae, we wrap him in his nice fluffy towel. "Our baby boy enjoyed his first bath. Didn't he?" Namjoon said. "Yes he is" I reply. We dry Namjae off and put him in his pjs ready for bed

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are about to find our sweet little baby girl Chaeyoung her first bath. We are kinda nervous to give her her first bath. We are nervous in case we drop her or if she doesn't like the temperature of the water. Anyway we are going to do it as  Chaeyoung's umbilical cord stump as healed so she can take baths. Me and Hoseok start filling the baby bath with some warm water. The best way to test the temperature is with your elbow. I do that while Hoseok gets Chaeyoung ready for her bath. When the water was warm enough I fill it and carry it over to the kitchen bench where Hoseok is. "She's all ready" he said. "Put her in" I say. Hoseok lifts Chaeyoung into the bath. She doesn't really like the water at first and cries a little bit we splash a bit on her and she gets used to it. Hoseok wanted to hold her in the bath and I washed her with a gentle face cloth and lotion. Chaeyoung didn't mind her first bath. "There you go, baby girl" Hoseok said as he wrapped her in her towel and dried her. We are happy we gave our baby girl her first bath

Jin 💙

It's Halloween and Jin is taking Jiyeon out trick or treating soon. I am staying at home with baby Jinhwan as he's only a week old and he's too young to go out and plus I don't really feel like turning out tonight. I have a good excuse not too. Jiyeon's costume for this year is a skeleton girl. She looks really cute in her outfit. "So we're off now" Jin said. "Have fun both of you and cons back with lots of candy" I say. "We will, mommy. Miss you" Jiyeon said. "Miss you too" I reply. They both walk out the front door leaving me and Jinhwan together. I sit with him on the couch and wonder what to do. I realise that he hasn't had his first bath yet so I go upstairs and decide to give him his first bath. I know Jin will tell me off for doing it on my own when he gets back. I grab the baby bath that was Jiyeon's when she was a baby and turn on the tap and fill it. When it was the right temperature I place Jinhwan in. Obviously I have taken his clothes off. He seems to be enjoying the temperature of the water. He's moving his little arms and legs. He has a good long bath and I get him out and wrap him in a towel. Just then Jin and Jiyeon get back. "Y/ N, where are you?" he said. "In the bathroom, sweetie" I reply. He walks into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" Jin asks. "I decide to give Jinhwan his first bath" I reply. "Really? Honey, you shouldn't have been bending down like that. You only gave birth a week ago" he said. "I'm fine. I'm tougher than I seem. He enjoyed his first bath" I reply. "Good boy" Jin said taking Jinhwan from my arms. Jiyeon showed me all the candy she got from trick or treating. I was just fine giving Jinhwan his first bath on my own

Taehyung 🧡

Me and Taehyung are going to attempt to give the triplets their first bath. They've been home for the last week and we haven't given them their first bath yet but we are about to try tonight. The babies are getting bigger and stronger now so they can have their first bath. We don't know how it will go as there is only two of us and we only have two baby baths too and we have two babies. Right now Daehyun is sleeping so we decide to bathe Minseo and Hwayoung first as they are awake. We didn't want to wake Daehyun up and plus there's only only two of us. We are bathing in the kitchen by the bench as I can't bend down as I'm still pretty sore from the c section. Taehyung starts filling the baths with warm water while I undress the girls. When the water was filled we test the temperature of the water. It was a bit too hot so we had to mix it with cold. We place the baths on the kitchen bench and I take Minseo and Tae takes Hwayoung and we place them in the baths. Hwayoung starts crying as she doesn't like the temperature of the water. Taehyung had to lift her out. "It's okay, baby girl. Daddy is here" he said. When Hwayoung had calmed down, Tae puts her back in the water and baths her again. We manned to bathe both the girls in the end then we did Daehyun between us when he woke up. The triplets first bath went well

Jimin ❤️

Jimin and I are going to give the girls their first bath this afternoon. They are over a month old so it's the perfect and right time to give them a bath. We hope it will go well. We have two baby baths as we have two babies. We both start filling the baths with warm water in the bathroom sink. We will get Jisoo and Jihyo undressed and ready when we've done that. Soon the baths were filled and we could get the girls ready. "Let's go and bathe our little girls" Jimin said. "Yes let's" I reply. So we go into the girls room and get them undressed and ready for bath time. I take Jisoo and Jimin takes Jihyo and we take them through to the bathroom and place them in the baby baths in the tub. We have a big bath tub. We get the girls used to the temperature of the water which they do. They are smiling and kicking their legs. Awwww they are so adorable. "I think they're enjoying it" Jimin said. "Yes they are. It's great to see them enjoying it" I reply. "It is. That's my girls" he said. Soon we were done bathing the girls so we lift them out and wrap them in nice warm fluffy towels that we warmed on the radiator. Jisoo and Jihyo really enjoyed their first bath it's safe to say

Jungkook 💚

Jayden is a few weeks old and me and Jungkook are going give him his first bath. We are kinda apprehensive about giving him a bath as he's still a tiny baby but he's doing much better than he did when he was born. Anyway we are going to give little Jayden his first proper bath tonight. We hope he will enjoy it. Jungkook and I are in the kitchen getting ready for Jayden's first bath. "How warm does the water need to be?" Jungkook asks as he runs the tap. "Just warm enough but my mom gave me a thermometer so we can test" I reply. "Okay" he replies. He fills the water and we test with the thermometer then we undress Jayden and lift him into the bath. Jungkook wanted to lift him in so I let him. "Hey, Jayden. Do you like that?" Jungkook said. Jayden seems to be kicking his legs and enjoying the feel of the water. "We'll just let him get used to it for a few more minutes before we wash him. A few minutes later I start washing Jayden gently with a soft face cloth and baby lotion. I wash his whole body while Jungkook holds him. He didn't want him to slip but he was doing a good job in holding him. I wash Jayden then Jungkook lifts him out and wraps him in his soft towel and we give him a dry before putting him a diaper on and his pjs. Jayden's first bath went well and we think he enjoyed it

Yoongi 💚

Since Youngsoo came home which was a few days ago, me and Yoongi have been giving him washed. You are not meant to give a baby a proper bath till their umbilical stump has fallen off. Youngsoo is not even a week old yet so his stump yet. Me and Yoongi are going to give him a wash right now together before we put him to bed. Yoongi fills a basin of warm water in the bathroom. We are washing Youngsoo in his room in his changing table. He comes back a few minutes later with it and I undress Youngsoo and take off his diaper and wipe him. He starts crying a little when I take off his diaper but he calms down after and we were able to wash him. I take a soft baby sponge and wash round his face and ears first. Then I do his neck, arms and body. "Can I take over, babe?" Yoongi asks. "Sure you can" I reply. Yoongi takes over and finishes washing Youngsoo. He washed down his legs, his genitals and feet. "There we go. You're all clean" Yoongi said. "He is. All nice and clean" I reply. We dry off Youngsoo and put him a new diaper on and his clothes. We enjoyed washing him tonight and hopefully soon we'll be able to give him a proper bath when his umbilical stump has fallen off

A/ N: hope y'all enjoyed that. Made Jin and Yoongi's a bit different. Another part coming later

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