9. First Scan

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Namjoon 💖

This morning Namjoon and I are going to the hospital for our first scan. We can't wait to see our baby for the first time. So exciting. We woke up early as we are really excited. We are leaving for the hospital now as our appointment is at 10am which is half an hour away. We get there soon and wait in the waiting area to be called in. "Can't wait to see our little one for the first time" Namjoon said. "Me too. I'm so excited, jagi" I reply. "Me too, jagiya" he smiles. "Kim Y/ N" a lady calls about 10 minutes later. We follow her into one of the rooms and I sit down on the bed and roll up my top. Namjoon sits beside me and holds my hand. The lady examines me for a few minutes. "It looks like he or she is waving at us" Namjoon said. "Awww yeah it does" I reply. We both smile. "So you look to have a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat" she said. "Yay! That's amazing" Namjoon replies. "Thank you" I reply. My scan lasted a few more minutes and Namjoon and I left feeling really happy we got to see our baby for the first time

Hoseok 💜

Today Hoseok and I are going for our first baby scan at the doctors. We finally have a few days off so we've gone home for a few days. It's nice to be home for a bit. We can't wait to go for our first scan today. We are so excited in fact. We wake up around 8am after a lie in and a good night. Our appointment is at noon so plenty of time. "Hey, my gorgeous wife" Hoseok said. "Hey, my handsome husband" I reply. Hoseok smiles and gives me a kiss. Later on we set off for our appointment at the doctors. Can't wait. We sit in the waiting room and wait to be called in. When it was our time we get called in and go into the room. The doctor greets us and I sit down on the bed. He puts the gel like stuff on my stomach and starts to examine me. Hoseok and I wait patiently. "Awwww. Look that's our baby" he said. "It is. Our beautiful baby" I reply. He smiles and kisses me. "Doctor, do we get to know the gender yet?" Hoseok asks. "Not yet. It's usually around 16- 20 weeks" he replies. "Oh" Hoseok replies. "Anyway I can tell you your baby looks healthy so congratulations" the doctor said. "That's wonderful news" I reply. Our first scan went great and Hoseok and I were really happy to see our baby for the first time and we got little printouts of our first scan to take home and treasure

Jin 💙

This morning Jin and I are heading to the hospital for our first baby scan. Jiyeon is coming with us as she wants to see her baby brother or sister for the first time like we do and we can't wait to go. We all can't wait to welcome another baby into the family. We won't know the gender yet but we all hope for a baby boy. Anyway we leave our house and get in the car and leave for the hospital. "Mommy, I can't wait to see my little brother or sister today" Jiyeon said. "I know, sweetie. We can't too" I reply. It's safe to say that Jiyeon is very excited even though she has no idea where babies actually come from. Soon we arrive at the hospital and park up and go in and take a seat. We talk as we wait to be called in. Soon we called called in and greeted by the sonographer. I lay on the bed and Jin sits next to me with Jiyeon on his lap. "Are you ready to see your baby brother or sister?" he said. She nods her head. So the sonographer starts examining me. "Look, Jiyeon. That's your baby brother or sister there" I say. We all look intently at the screen. "Everything's looking great" the lady said. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Jiyeon asks. "Don't know yet, sweetheart" the lady said. "I want a baby brother" Jiyeon said. The first scan went great and the lady gave Jiyeon a lollipop which she was happy about as she loves candy even though we don't really let her eat it but everything was great today

Taehyung 🧡

Taehyung and I are going to the hospital for our first scan today. We can't wait to see our baby or babies for the first time as I'm still convinced we are having more than one baby. We have an appointment at 4pm today. Tae couldn't go with me this morning as he was busy with band stuff. That's why we had to go this afternoon. Taehyung has just got home and we are about to leave for the hospital. "Are you ready, babe?" he said. "Yes I am" I reply. He takes my hand and we walk out of our apartment and get in a cab and go to the hospital. We arrive soon and check in and take a seat in the waiting area. "So I can't wait to see just how many babies there are in there" he said touching my stomach. "Yeah me too" I smile. Soon we get called in and I take a seat on the bed. "Hello, how are you?" the lady said. "I'm good" I reply. I roll up my top and she starts spreading the gel stuff in on my belly. Taehyung and I look at the screen and we think we can definitely see more than one baby. Don't know if it's two or three. "Do you want to know how many babies you are having?" she asks. "Yes please" I reply. "Well I think you're having triplets. Three babies" she said. "What? No way. That's gonna be a lot. Y/ N was convinced she was having more than one"
Tae said. "Yeah see I told you" I reply. "I'm happy" he smiles. "Me too" I smile. So Tae and I are we're a little shocked to find out that we were having triplets but you know we are both happy

Jimin ❤️

Me and Jimin are going for our first scan at the hospital today. We can't wait to see our baby for the first time. So exciting. We have an appointment at 1pm this afternoon. Jimin still has some time off so it's the perfect time to go for our first scan. He wouldn't miss it for the world. Before going to the hospital we go the grocery store to stock up on a few things. We could do it after but we just decided to do it before. We leave the grocery store then go to the hospital. We park up and walk in when we get there. "Can't wait for this" Jimin said. As we were waiting. "Me too. It's so exciting and special" I reply. "It certainly is" he said kissing my hand. Soon we get called in. The woman doesn't even say anything to us. I just lay on the bed and she starts examining me. We both look at the screen. "Hang on. Is that two babies. Are we having twins?" Jimin asks. "Yes I think it is. Congrats you are having twins" she replies. "Oh wow! This is crazy but a good crazy" Jimin said. "It is. I'm very happy. We are having twins" I smile. "Me too. Wait till we tell the boys" he replies. So Jimin and I just found out that we are having a twins. We aren't really expecting it but we are happy of course as we are having two beautiful babies not one which is amazing

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook is meeting me at the hospital for our first baby scan this afternoon. The appointment is 2pm so during his lunchtime from group rehearsals. He's told the boys that he's meeting me but not what for as we haven't told them our baby news yet. We will soon. I arrived at the hospital about 10 minutes ago and it's my appointment soon so I'm waiting for Jungkook to arrive. Unfortunately he's not hear yet and has got stuck in traffic but hopefully he'll be hear in time as I don't want him to miss my first scan. I sit and wait patiently for him. You are never seen on time when you go to the hospital so I needn't worry. Not long after Jungkook runs in through the door. "I'm here, babe" he said. "Thank God you're here, Kookie" I reply. A few minutes later we get called in. We get greeted and I lay down on the bed. Jungkook sits beside me. The lady starts examine me. We both look intently at the screen. "Awe. That's our baby. So cute" he said. "It is and they are so cute" I reply. "Hey, baby boy or girl. I'm your daddy" Jungkook said. I smile at his cuteness. "Everything looks to be great. Your due date looks to be sometime in the middle of May" she said. "That's great" I reply. Our first scan went great and Jungkook and I were really happy to see our baby for the first time

Yoongi 💛

This evening Yoongi and I are going to the hospital for our first baby scan. We had to take an evening appointment as he was busy so we couldn't make a morning or afternoon appointment and Yoongi didn't want to miss our baby's first scan. Something we didn't get to experience with my first pregnancy. Yoongi should be home anytime now so I'm waiting for him to arrive. I'm ready just to go. Soon the door opens and he walks in. "Hey, baby. I'm home" he said. "Hey, babe. Are you almost ready to go. We'll need to get there soon" I say. "Yep Just a moment I need to go to the bathroom" he replies. Yoongi runs to the bathroom and we get going a minute later. I drive us there. Soon we arrive and go in. "This is so exciting. Can't wait to see our little one for the first time" Yoongi said. "Me too. You're so right. So exciting" I smile. Soon we get called in. The lady greets us and I lay down on the bed and she starts examining me. Yoongi sits next to me and we both look at the screen together. "Does everything seem to be good" I ask. "Yes it does. You seem to have a healthy baby. They seem to be quite big for 7 weeks" she replies. "Is that a good thing?" Yoongi asks. "Yeah I reckon so" she replies. The scan finishes soon and it went really know. Good to know that everything is going well with the pregnancy so far

A/ N: I played my mum BTS today and also NCT 127 and she liked it. I'm getting her into Kpop but she'll never be a stan like me. Haha

Btw are you surprised by Taehyung having triplets? I've never written about triplets before so I thought I'd mix it up a bit. Also I had to do at least two multiple pregnancies in this book

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