17. Baby Shopping

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Namjoon 💖

This afternoon Namjoon and I are heading out to the mall to start our baby shopping for our baby boy today. Can't wait to finally start shopping for our baby boy today. I have a list of things we want and need so we can't wait to start. Namjoon and I leave for the mall in my car and arrive soon after. We park up outside. He holds my hand as we walk in. "Can't wait for this" Namjoon smiles. "Me too" I reply. "Let's start shopping for our little boy" I reply. So we walk into the mall together and go to the first shop which is a cute little baby boutique. They have some really adorable things in the window. The main thing I want to get today is done outfits for our son. Me and Namjoon both browse together. "I love looking at baby clothes" I say. "Me too. So cute. All these will look adorable on our little man" he said. So we pick out a few items of clothing each that we like and buy them before moving onto the next place. The next place we go to is a place where they sell other baby things. "First we need a stroller. That's a main essential" Namjoon said. "We do. I don't want anything that's too big. Just something that's a nice size" I say. He agrees. We look at the strollers and get a little advice from an assistant but we find one we like. It was a nice beige colour with bronze handles. We also pick up a few other things like changing table, bottles and other essential baby things. It was a successful shopping trip for our baby boy

Hoseok 💜


Me and Y/ N are going out to do some shopping for our baby girl. We already have a few things bought like clothes, a crib and stroller but we want to buy a few more things while we have a chance to and we want to get everything sorted before she arrives as we think it's best to be organised. Anyway we are heading out now to a few shops in our area. Can't wait to get buying for our baby girl. So exciting. We catch a cab to the shops we are going to and arrive there soon. We are going to get a few more things today like a changing table and other essential things and also a few more clothes too. So we arrive at the first place and go in. It's just a smaller shop that sells baby things. Y/ N picked out a couple of smaller things like bottles, pacifiers and stuff for herself too. Then we move onto the next place we go to after that which has more things so it's probably better. Everything from clothes to strollers. Me and Y/ N have a good browse around and find things we are wanting like a changing table and crib and a couple other of things too. We also find the softest blanket in the world too and some clothes. "This cuddly bunny is so cute. We need to get this for her" I say. "Yeah that's so cute. We are definitely getting that for her" Y/ N replies. We buy the things and finally move onto the last place we want to go. Me and Y/ N bring back lots of things for our baby girl. It was an amazing and successful shopping trip. We have got some amazing stuff for our little angel

Jin 💙

Today we are all going out shopping to the mall for some baby things. Jiyeon is going with us as we would like her to pick out some baby things too. She can't wait to meet her baby brother when he's born. Me and Jin can't too. Some things we are recycling from when Jiyeon was a baby like stroller, crib, changing table etc so we won't have to get as many things. Since we are having a boy we will have to get boy specific things of course like clothes. Anyway we are leaving home right now. "Jiyeon, are you looking forward to getting some stuff for your new baby brother" Jin said. "Yes I'm going to get him lots of stuff" she replies. We both laugh. Soon we arrive at the mall and park up. We hold Jiyeon's hand as we walk in. We go to one of the shops first that sells a lot of cute baby clothes. I got a lot of Jiyeon's things from there when she was a baby and still do now. I told her that she can choose somethings for the baby. So we all look around and see lots of cute things. Jiyeon chooses several outfits that she likes. Next we move onto another shop and get some diapers and stuff like that. We stop for something to eat and drink halfway through before ending up at the Disney store. It's Jiyeon's favourite store. She goes in it all the time when we are at the mall. She loves Disney and so does Jin and I. Jiyeon runs into the Disney store all excited for happy. "So what do you want, baby girl?" Jin asks. "I don't know. I'll have to see" she replies. Jin and Jiyeon look at what she wants to look at while I look at baby things. I pick out a couple of cute little outfits for the baby that I see. I couldn't resist buying them. I also found some cute Mickey Mouse booties too that were adorable. I paid for those and we treated Jiyeon to a cuddly toy of Winnie The Pooh for being a good girl. Well she is all the time. We had a great day out at the mall shopping for our new baby. It was great and Jiyeon helped us by picking out some great things

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