29. Labor/ Delivery- Jin 💙

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I am a few days passed my due date. Baby Jinhwan was due on October 17th and it's now the 23rd so I'm about six days late. We are in edge thinking that he could come any day now. Jin is still busy working in the studio with the boys and I'm scared that he'll miss the birth of our second child but I really hope not. I'm sure that won't happen but I hope it won't. Jin wouldn't want to miss the birth of our son god anything. I know he wouldn't. He's already the best daddy in the world to our little girl and the best husband in the world to me of course. Jiyeon has a day off kindergarten so she's with me at home and we are having a girls day together. Probably the last one we will have before her little brother is born. Jin is in the studio but he'll be home okay. Jiyeon is doing an amazing job taking care and looking after me. She's getting me drinks and snacks and making sure I get plenty of rest. I'm sat with my feet up on the couch in the lounge while Jiyeon watches TV, what she likes to do the best when she's at home. My hand is on my bump as I'm stretched out on the couch. "Can I get you anything else, mommy?" Jiyeon asks. "No, sweetie. I think I'm okay, thank you" I reply. As I'm sat on the couch I get up and go to the bathroom. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon" I say. "Okay, mommy" Jiyeon replies. I get up and go to the downstairs bathroom as I am finding it hard to mange the stairs now. I go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet and do my business. As I was on the toilet I feel a contraction come on. I try to stay calm. A few minutes later Jiyeon walls into the bathroom. "Are you okay, mommy?" she asks. "Yes I will be, sweetie. You go back and watch TV. Don't worry about me" I say. "No, mommy. I'm staying with you. I want to make sure you're okay" I reply. Jiyeon stays with me as I am on the toilet having contractions. They are coming more often and getting slightly worse. "Jiyeon, honey. Can you call your father please? I need him" I say. "Yes, mommy" she replies. Jiyeon runs out of the bathroom and gets my phone from in the lounge and calls Jin to tell him I'm going into labor. He's coming home and will be back as soon as he can. In the meantime my waters break in the toilet. It's happening

Soon Jin arrives home. I was able to get off the toilet and I'm sat on the couch trying to get comfortable but the contractions keeping coming on. Jiyeon has been sat by my side being my little angel. The front door opens and Jin walks in. "Are you okay, baby?" he said running into the lounge. "I'm having contractions, Jin and my waters broke. I'm in labor" I reply. "Okay let's get you to the hospital" he replies. "No not yet. We need to call my mom to see if she can come over to look after Jiyeon. She said she would when the time comes" I reply. "I'll do that" Jin said. He calls my mom and tells her what's happened. She can be over soon. We wait for my mom to arrive at our house before we go to the hospital as we can't leave Jiyeon on her own. It's now late afternoon getting into early evening. Jin helps me out to the car and we drive to the hospital. When we get there Jin carries me into the maternity unit. "My wife's going into labor" he said. "Don't worry, sir we'll get her a room" the receptionist said. "Her name is Kim Y/ N" Jin said. Soon they get me a room and check me over and put me in a hospital gown and monitor the baby's heartbeat and check my cervix. I am almost 7cm dilated so I guess it could be anytime now or not as babies take their time to come. I had a very long labor with Jiyeon. It was like 30 hours. They always say that it isn't as long with your second baby. Hopefully it won't be. Jin stays by my side and makes sure I'm okay. "Not long now and we'll have our beautiful baby boy" he said. "Yeah I Hope it won't be long. Jiyeon has been amazing today" I reply. "I'm sure she is. She's an amazing little kid" he said. "Jinnie, I'm so glad you could be here for this moment" I say. "Honey, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. The birth of our second child. It's just as special and amazing as the our first" Jin said. "Of course it is" I reply. Several hours later and I'm still in labor. It's taking a long time. Baby Jinhwan isn't wanting to come out yet. I think everything is okay with him but we are still worried as labor has taken so long so far. "Jin, do you think everything will be okay?" I ask. "Yes of course it will, baby. The midwives said everything is okay. Obviously baby Jinhwan isn't ready to come out yet" Jin said. "Yeah I guess not" I reply. Anyway we just sit, wait, stay calm and persevere with things

After a longer labor than expected our baby boy Jinhwan came into the world. He is a healthy weight. 8lbs 8oz. Jin and I are over the noon to have our baby boy. He was born just after midnight on the next day. It's a few hours after Jinhwan was born now and Jin stayed in hospital with me all night of course to make sure I was okay and he wouldn't leave me when I've given birth too. Jiyeon and my mom will be coming soon to meet the newest arrival soon. We are sat in the hospital room cradling baby Jinhwan waiting for my mom and Jiyeon to come and see him soon. He looks so much like Jin. Mr Worldwide Handsome Jr. "Jinnie, he's adorable and he looks much like you. He's definitely a mini you. Mr Worldwide Handsome Jr" I say. "I have to say he does. I've always wanted my son to look like me. He definitely is adorable. I remember when Jiyeon was just born" Jin replies. "I know, babe. She was so precious" I reply. Soon the door opens and my mom and Jiyeon walk in. "Hey, sweetie" Jin says. "Hey, daddy" she replies. "Are you ready to meet your new baby brother?" I say. "Yesssss" Jiyeon cheers. Jin lifts her up and places her on the bed next to me and Jinhwan. "Awwww he's so cute. I love him already" Jiyeon said. "Do you want to have a hold of him, sweetie?" Jin said. Jiyeon nods her head. She holds Jinhwan with our assistance and loved meet her baby brother for the first time. Jin and I are so happy that Jinhwan is born and made it into the world safe and well

 Jin and I are so happy that Jinhwan is born and made it into the world safe and well

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Kim Jinhwan 💙
Born October 24th @ 12:12am
Weight 8lbs 8oz

A/ N: another baby is here. Hope you are enjoying the labor delivery parts. Let me know. Possibly another two tomorrow

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