34. Baby Comes Home

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Namjoon 💖

Me and Namjoon are heading home from the hospital with baby Namjae for the first time. He was born yesterday afternoon so he's just over 24 hours old now. We can't wait to get our gorgeous little man home. He's all good to go home for the the first time. Namjoon and I are getting ready to leave the hospital. I am dressing Namjae in his going home outfit while Namjoon is making sure we've got everything together for leaving. Namjae is wearing the baby bear outfit that Namjoon got home. It's a super cute outfit and we saved it for him coming home. When he was dressed, Namjoon lifts Namjae into his car seat. "Do we have everything?" I ask. "Yes we do. I've double checked. Triple checked actually" Namjoon replies. "Great" I smile. "Ready whenever you are" he said. "I'm ready" I reply. Namjoon carries baby Namjae out in his car seat and I get the bag. We get the elevator out of the hospital and to the parking lot. We find the car and Namjoon buckles Namjae in the back. He was beginning to close his eyes and is asleep now. "You're coming home, my son" Namjoon said. I smile. I climb in the back of the car and with Namjae while Namjoon drives. They say you should sit in the back with a newborn. Anyway soon we arrive home and get Namjae settled in

Hoseok 💜

Baby Chaeyoung was born yesterday morning and we are taking her home this afternoon. She is such a sweet baby girl and me and Hoseok are so in love with her. We love being parents already and we've only been parents for a day. We have a cute outfit laid out for Chaeyoung to go home in. "Babe, can I dress her?" he asks. "Yes of course you can" I reply. "Great. I can't wait to dress my baby girl for the first time and take her home" Hoseok said. I watch as Hoseok dresses Chaeyoung is her going home outfit. I just fed and changed her not so long ago so she's ready to go home. We can't wait to take her home. We make sure we have everything we need which we do. We put Chaeyoung in her car seat and leave the hospital and go to the parking lot where Hoseok's parents were waiting for us to take us home. We place Chaeyoung in the middle of me back seats and we both sit on either side of her. Hoseok's dad drives pretty slowly as Chaeyoung was sleeping and we all stayed quiet too. Soon we arrived home and Hoseok's parents stayed a little while but they didn't want to intrude on us. Baby Chaeyoung settled in just fine when we got home. It's so great to have her home

Jin 💙

Jin and I have just left the hospital with baby Jinhwan. He was born just after midnight last night so he's about a day and a half old. We can't wait to get him home and Jiyeon can't wait to see her new baby brother again and spend time with him. My mom is at home waiting with her till we get home. We are in the car on our way home. Jin is driving and I'm in the back with bang Jinhwan. He's currently awake atm. "How's everything back there?" Jin asks. "Good. He's still awake but I think he'll fall asleep soon" I reply. Soon we arrive home and park up outside and walk in the front door. Jin takes Jinhwan in and I follow them. "We're home" he said. "Mommy, daddy. I missed you" Jiyeon said. "Hey, sweetie. Jinhwan wants to say hello" Jin said. "My little brother" Jiyeon said. We go into the lounge and see my mom. I lift Jinhwan out of his car seat and cradle him. "Mommy, I'm so glad to have my baby brother home" Jiyeon said. "We are so glad to bring him home, sweetie" I reply. Jiyeon kisses Jinhwan on his cheek. I carry on holding him till I put him down to sleep. It's great to have baby Jinhwan home. We are officially a family of four now and we can't wait for the future

Taehyung 🧡

The triplets have been in the hospital for almost two months now. They have been getting strong after being born. They were all tiny when they were born but they have all gained more weight since they were born. Taehyung and I have been in the hospital everyday since they were born. We've been having sleepless nights at home worrying about them. We can't wait to take Daehyun, Minseo and Hwayoung home today. They are finally coming home with us for the first time. Taehyung's parents are here to help with us bringing them home. We get all the babies dressed into fresh clothes for coming home. The girls are in pink ones and Daehyun is in a blue one. We wrap them up well as we don't want them to get cold. "They're all ready to go home" Tae said. "They are" I reply. "Can't wait to get them home" he replies. We put the babies into their car seats ready to go. "Have you got everything we need?" Taehyung's mom asks. "Yes I think we have, mom" he replies. So we leave the hospital with the babies. Taehyung and his parents take a baby each. I've been told not to lift anything so they are doing it. We get the babies out to the car and on our way home. "I want to stay tonight to help you guys out" Tae's mom said. "Mom, I think we'll be okay" Tae replies. "I want to. I know you two will be tired and will need an extra hand" she said. "Thank you. If you don't mind" I reply. "No not at all" she replies. Soon we arrive home at our beautiful home and get the triplets settled in. It's lovely of Taehyung's mom to offer to stay. She's right we will need an extra hand

Jimin ❤️

Me and Jimin have just got home from the hospital with our twin girls Jisoo and Jihyo. They have been in the hospital for the last couple of weeks as they were born at 36 weeks. They always bring twins  early and keep them in the hospital. We are so glad to have our beautiful baby girls home now. Jimin and I have just walked in the door with the girls. "We are home, girls" he said. "This is your home, girls. Not that you'll understand" I say. We take them into their room and put them down for a sleep as they were both falling asleep. We tuck Jisoo and Jihyo up in bed. They will soon probably need feeding but we just left them be for now. Jimin and I go to into our room to get changed and unpacked from the hospital. "It feels so great to have the girls home" he said. "Yes it does. It feels great to have our little angels home" I reply. "It certainly does. Can't wait to see those girls grow up" Jimin says. "Yeah me too" I reply. We leave the girls to sleep for a while till one of them woke up for a feed and then the other woke up so I had to feed them both at the same time. Anyway it's great to be home with our two little princesses

Jungkook 💚

Baby Jayden has been in the hospital for the last month or so as he was born a month prematurely. He was born with an infection on his lungs. We wasn't sure if he was going to make it but he has and he's made a full recovery and can go home today. We get Jayden ready by putting him a fresh outfit on and collecting everything in the room that we have. Jayden is all tucked up in his car seat ready to go. "So are we all good to go?" Jungkook said. "Yes I think we are" I reply. "Let's get this little boy home" he said. Jungkook carries Jayden out of the hospital. He's currently sound asleep right now. He looks so beautiful and adorable when he's fast asleep. Awwww. So we leave the hospital and go to the parking lot. When we get up to the car Jayden started crying. He wasn't hungry or needed changing as I only did that about an hour ago. I think he wasn't used to being outside m. We calmed him down and got on our way home. Jayden went back off to sleep. I sat next to him to make sure he was okay. Soon we arrive at our apartment and get Jayden in. He was still asleep. "Welcome home, baby boy" Jungkook said as we walked in. We put Jayden in his crib so we can continue sleeping till he wakes up for a feed and a change. It's so great to have our newborn son home

Yoongi 💛


Me and Y/ N are taking our baby boy Youngsoo home for the first time. He was born yesterday night happy and healthy and it's now the following evening and we can't wait to get him home. Y/ N was two weeks overdue so they had to induce her as they didn't want the pregnancy to continue to more than 42 weeks. We can't wait to take our baby boy home. Me and Y/ N are so happy to be parents at last. Y/ N is feeding Youngsoo before the journey home. He's a big baby but adorable of course and we love him. When Y/ N was done feeding Youngsoo, she burps him and we get him ready to go home soon after. When he was all ready we get him in his car seat and leave the hospital when we have got everything. I carry a sleeping Youngsoo in his car seat and we leave the building. We were both pretty tired but it's great to be going home. When we get to the car we put Youngsoo in the back and I drive while Y/ N is in the back with him. Soon we arrive home. Youngsoo was still sleeping but he'll probably wake up soon. "Ahhhh it feels so good to be home with our boy" I say. "It does. It feels great" Y/ N replies. "You must be tired, sweetie" I say. "Yeah not too bad" she replies. Me and Y/ N got settled in with baby Youngsoo. She went for a rest later as she was tired. We are happy to be home with our son and he's happy to be home too

A/ N: so all the babies are home now. Next part is the first night which follows on from this. Looking forward to it

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