35. First Night

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I got home from the hospital a few hours ago with baby Namjae. So far things have been going well and he's been settling into his new home. We have just got Namjae settled down to sleep for the night. He is sleeping in his crib by our bed. Namjoon and I have got into bed ourselves as we are tired. Hopefully we'll get a good nights sleep. I know babies wake up every couple of hours but Namjae seems to be a good baby. "Goodnight, baby" Namjoon said as we are laid in bed. "Goodnight, baby" I say. "Hope we can both get some sleep" he says. Namjoon smiles and kisses me as we fall asleep. About two or so hours later, baby Namjae wakes up. I open my eyes and yawn and stretch and lift him out of his crib next to me. Namjoon wakes up and yawns. "Is everything okay?" he asks. "Yeah I think he needs a change by the looks of it" I reply. "I'll change him" he said. "It's okay, Joon. I'll do it. I need to move" I reply. "No I'd like to do it, Y/ N" Namjoon replies. "Okay Thank you" I reply. I hand Namjae to Namjoon and he comes and changes him in his room. He comes back a few minutes later and I feed him before putting him back to sleep. The first night wasn't too bad actually

Hoseok 💜

This afternoon Hoseok and I arrived back from the hospital with baby Chaeyoung. We were happy to bring her home. Very happy to bring her home. She is such a sweet baby girl and we are so happy to be parents to her. I have just fed her and now I'm changing her diaper and putting her pjs on. Hoseok walks into the room as I'm dressing Chaeyoung. "How's it going, babe?" he asks. "Good. She's nearly ready" I reply. "Great" he replies. "I think she's sleepy so hopefully she should fall asleep soon" I reply. When Chaeyoung was dressed we take her through to our room and lay her down in her Moses basket. We waited till she fell asleep but it took about half an hour or so till she was fully asleep. Hoseok and I grab the baby monitor and leave the room silently and let Chaeyoung sleep. "I think we did a good job letting her fall asleep" Hoseok said. "Yeah I think we did. Hopefully she should sleep for a while before waking up" I reply. "Yeah I hope so because I know you're tired, babe" he said. "I am but I wanna stay here for a while with you, honey. Cuddling you" I reply. Hoseok smiles and kisses me. We fall asleep on the couch for a while. Chaeyoung was crying a lot so we woke up but we almost didn't hear her. She needed feeding so I did that before we headed to bed ourselves. Hopefully she'll sleep for a while longer before waking up again

Jin 💙


I have just put Jiyeon to bed for the night and read her a story. She always loves me to read her a bedtime story every night. I love reading to my baby girl and putting her to bed. Looks like I'll be doing that more often as we have a new baby boy. I walk out of Jiyeon's room and close the door silently as she's asleep. I go into the nursery where Y/ N is sat on the chair in the far corner breastfeeding baby Jinhwan before she puts him to sleep. She looks so beautiful feeding our newborn son. We came home with him a few hours ago. "Hey. How's it going?" I ask. "Fine I think he's nearly done" she replies. "Is there anything I can get you, honey?" I ask. "No I think I'm fine. Thank you" Y/ N replies. Soon she had finished feeding Jinhwan and he was all ready for bed. She places him in his crib by our bed. "Goodnight, little man. Sleep tight" I say kissing him. "Sleep tight, Jinhwan" Y/ N said. He falls asleep and we go out of the room quietly without making any noise. "He fell asleep almost straight away" I say. "Yeah he did. He's a good little boy" Y/ N replies. "Yes he is. We have been blessed with the two best kids in the world" I say. "Yes we have. I must say so myself" she yawns. Y/ N and I have sometime together before going to bed ourselves. Jinhwan was still asleep when we went in but he woke up soon after. He took to his first night at home well

Taehyung 🧡

Taehyung and I are getting the triplets ready and settled down for the night with the help of his mother. She has offered to stay the night which is lovely of her. So far it hasn't gone that bad since we got home. We think the babies have settled in okay since we got home. The hardest part is feeding them. When I'm feeding one of them, the others want feeding. I only have two breasts. I can expressing milk and the babies are also taking formula. That's the easiest way even though we haven't got used to it. It's still early days though. Taehyung is feeding Hwayoung and me and his mom are getting the other babies ready. I am feeding Daehyun and Mrs Kim is changing Minseo. Soon all the babies were ready and we got them settled for the night. I then just remembered that I haven't fed Minseo. "Hey, little girl. Sorry I didn't feed you" I say. I sit down and feed Minseo while Taehyung and his mom get the other two babies settled. Soon I was done feeding her and got her settled but it took some doing. "Now you two get some sleep. I'm here to do night feeds and changes. Just wake me up. I'm a light sleeper" Mrs Kim said. "We will, mom. Thank you for this" Taehyung said. "No problem" she smiles. Tae and I get into bed to try to sleep. "Goodnight, baby. I hope we can both sleep" he said. "Yeah me too. I hope so" I reply. "We will" Taehyung said kissing me. "Your mom is a life saver, I don't think we could've done it without her" I say. "She is" he smiles kissing me. Throughout the night we all kept on getting up to feed and change the babies. Taehyung and his mom mainly did it as I was exhausted and they just let me sleep. We managed okay on the first night at home

Jimin ❤️

Me and Jimin got home this morning from the hospital with our baby girls Jisoo and Jihyo. They are settling in well to life at home after being in the hospital for a few weeks. Jimin and I are so happy to have our two beautiful girls home. They are simply gorgeous. I have just given the girls a wash and put their pjs on and I'm feeding them both now in their nursery. Jimin is in the kitchen doing some things. I'll call him in when I've fed the babies and we can both get them settled for bed. I can tell they are tired as they keep on yawning while I'm feeding them. Soon I was done feeding the girls and I burp them and then I call Jimin in. "Are they all ready for bed?" he asks. "Yes they are. Well I think they are" I reply. Jimin takes Jisoo and I take Jihyo and we rock them to sleep. Jisoo starts crying. I've just fed them both and changed their diapers. She won't settle down so we have to resort to changing her diaper again. "Shhh shhh, baby girl. Maybe you just need another change" Jimin said taking Jisoo over to the changing table. I mange to get Jihyo to sleep as Jisoo is being changed. Jisoo yawns and goes to sleep a few minutes after Jimin changed her. Both babies were asleep so we leave the room. "Well that wasn't really easy. Was it?" Jimin said. "Nope it wasn't but it's not really meant to be in the early days. Is it?" I reply. "No but hopefully they'll both sleep for a while and we can have sometime together" he replies. The girls sleep for a while and Jimin and I go to bed pretty shortly. They seemed to settle down

Jungkook 💚

Me and Jungkook have just settled baby Jayden down for the night. His first night at home after being in the hospital for the last month recovering and getting well. We got home earlier this afternoon. We are both tired and exhausted and we are heading to bed soon ourselves. Jayden has been asleep not even an hour yet. So far he's sleeping well but he's mostly likely to wake up in the next couple of hours for a feed or change. Jungkook and I are relaxing and spending time together while we can. It's what we like to do best. We might be interrupted now that we are parents. "It's so good to be home with our baby boy" he said. "Yes it is. It's great. An amazing feeling to be home with him" I reply. "Baby, I'm so proud of you and how you handled everything" Jungkook said. "Awww, Kookie. You're so cute but we both handled it together" I reply. Sometime later we hear Jayden cry on the baby monitor. "I'll go and check on him"
Jungkook said. "Okay" I reply. He goes into our room where Jayden is sleeping. A few minutes later he comes back into the lounge and Jayden is still crying. "I don't know what he wants. Changing or feeding. I don't know" he said. "It's okay. Hand him to me" I say. Jungkook hands Jayden to me. "Think he needs feeding. That seems like a hunger cry" I say. "Okay I'll make a bottle" Jungkook said. We've been told to bottle feed him with formula as he had trouble breastfeeding when he was born. It's better as he was a premature baby and he was sick so we bottle feed him. Jungkook comes back with a bottle soon and I feed Jayden and then we put him back to bed shortly after. He was happier when he was fed and just went straight back off to sleep

Yoongi 💛

Yoongi and I are getting baby Youngsoo ready for his first night at home. He's just over 24 hours old and we are yet to experience a proper night with him since he was born late at night. I am sat on the chair in the nursery feeding him. He takes to the breasts well and seems to be enjoying feeding. Yoongi is watching us. He's going to dress Youngsoo and put a diaper on him when he's done feeding. "I think he's enjoying it" he said. "Yes I think he is" I reply. "Does mommy have tasty milk, Youngsoo?" Yoongi said. We both laugh. A few minutes later and I had finished feeding Youngsoo, I hand him to Yoongi and he puts a diaper on him and his pjs too. Then he was all ready for bed. He didn't fall asleep straight away but be rocked him till he did. When Youngsoo was asleep we sat on our bed and laid together. "Looks like our little man is finally asleep" he said. "He is but shhhh don't say that as he might wake up" I reply. "Sorry" he laughs. Soon we just fall asleep together on the bed but we were woken up by Youngsoo crying. "I'll go and get him" Yoongi said. "Okay" I reply. He gets off the bed and picks Youngsoo up. "Pooooo I think he needs a change" Yoongi said. He goes and changes Youngsoo then puts him back down to sleep. Then Yoongi and I went to sleep for the night. Youngsoo was good and slept through most of the night

A/N: hope you enjoyed that part. I literally have lots more pregnancy books and fanfics planned on here. It's crazy

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