10. Telling The Boys

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Namjoon 💖

Tonight Namjoon and I are going out to dinner with the boys. We can't wait to go out for a nice dinner with the boys. We like going out and spending time with them. We haven't told them that we are having a baby. We probably will tonight if we find the right time. We are getting ready now as we are going out soon. Namjoon walks into the closet as I'm getting my dress on. "You look absolutely beautiful, jagiya" he said. "Awwww. Thank you, Joonie. You look so handsome" I reply. He smiles and kisses my neck. Soon we leave in a cab to the restaurant we are meeting the guys at. Namjoon tells the boys that we are on our way. Shortly we arrive at the restaurant and walk in. All the boys were already there. "Hey, guys" Namjoon said. "Hey, you two" Hoseok said. "Hey" Taehyung says. So we get a table in the restaurant and sit down and look at the menus. We ordered what we wanted when we knew. Namjoon and I will probably tell them our news when we've all eaten. As we are waiting for our food to arrive, we all talk about general things while we are waiting. Soon the food comes and we all eat and enjoy it. About half an hour later we all had finished eating and I think this is the perfect time to tell everyone. "Guys, me and Y/ N would like to share something Rey special with you all" Namjoon said. "Yes we would" I reply. "Well we have wanted to start a family for sometime now. Me and Y/ N have always dreamed of having kids. We are happy to tell you that Y/ N is about two months pregnant" Namjoon said. "Awe congratulations. That's wonderful news" Jin reply. "Yeah that's awesome" Yoongi said. "Great" Jungkook replies. "You're going to be a great father, Joon. That kid is lucky" Jimin said. "Thank you, guys. We are so excited for the new arrival" Namjoon replies kissing me. So we had a great dinner with the boys tonight and we told them our news and they are so happy for us

Hoseok 💜


Me and Y/ N haven't told the boys that we are pregnant yet. We are going to tell them soon. We had a short break from touring but now we are back on the road on home turf in Busan. Just a few more shows before we have sometime off. Can't wait to have sometime with Y/ N just the two of us together. We still have many months to go till our baby is born but we can't wait for it. We are all at the venue for the show tonight hanging out. We still have a few hours before the show tonight. Me and Y/ N are sat close to each other and I have my arms around her and I keep on giving her kisses on her neck. It sometimes annoys her but she doesn't mind it actually. Awwww I love my wife so much that's why I married her. "You two are overly affectionate today" Jungkook said. "Yeah yeah we are" I reply. "That's because we love each other" Y/ N said. We all continue to talk and me and Y/ N continue to be overly affectionate with each other. "Should we tell them yet?" she whispers in my ear. "Yeah we can do if you want" I whisper back. The guys were all talking amongst themselves so we had to find the right time to mention it. "Guys, me and Y/ N have something to tell you. Something that we are really happy and proud about" I say. "We do. Me and Hoseok have been married for a year as you know. Well we have decided it was a perfect time to start a family. I'm pregnant we are having our first baby" Y/ N says. "Awww. Congrats. That's wonderful news" Namjoon said. "That's awesome" Jimin said. "Happy for you two" Taehyung said. "You're gonna be amazing parents. Both of you" Jin says. "Just think of a mini Hoseok" Yoongi said. "Guys, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet" I say. "And we wouldn't mind" Y/ N said. I smile and hug and kiss her. So we are happy we told the boys and they are very happy for us but not as happy as we are of course

Jin 💙

The boys are over at our place hanging out for a good while. They love coming over to our place and hanging and spending time with us. Jiyeon loves having her uncles around and she loved playing with them. She loves them all and they all love her. I would say she's pregnant the closest with Jungkook. Jin and I haven't told the boys that we are expecting our second baby but we probably will sometime today. Jungkook is playing with Jiyeon and her princess dolls. Awwww so funny and cute. I keep on getting snacks and drinks for the boys as they were hungry. "Jiyeon, can I join in please?" Jimin asks. "Yes, Uncle ChimChim" he replies. Jungkook and Jimin play dolls with Jiyeon for a while as the rest of them do their own thing. I come from the kitchen and sit next to Jin on the couch and he smiles at me. We all chill for a while. "Guys, do you wanna hear some news?" I say. "Yeah sure" Yoongi replies. "Should we tell them now" Jin said. I nod my head. "We are having another baby" we both say in unison. All the boys faces light up as we say that. "OMG. Really, guys. We're gonna be uncles again. Yay!" Hoseok cheers. "You are" I reply. "Awe. That's amazing, guys. Can't wait to meet the new little one" Namjoon said. "I'm gonna be a big sister" Jiyeon cheers. Jungkook lifts her up and picks her up and spins her around. We all celebrate with more food and drinks. We are so happy we told the boys that we are expecting our second child and they can't wait to be uncles again. They add already the best uncles in the world

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