49. Baby's First Steps

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Namjoon 💖

Namjae is about to turn 1 years old any day now. Namjoon and I can't believe our little boy is a year old. It's crazy how quick the last year has gone. We are going to have a celebration for Namjae when it's his birthday because your child doesn't turn one everyday. He's also standing up and almost taking his first steps. He could be off anytime now. Namjoon is playing with Namjae in the lounge while I do some work on my laptop at the dinging room table. I've been back at work for quite a few months now. I hear them laughing having fun while I'm working. I would play with them but I've got this to do. I hear Namjoon getting excited. "Y/ N. Look. Come here quick" he said. "Okay" I reply. "Namjae has just taken his first steps" he said. "Ahhhh did he. Amazing" I reply. "Come on, Namjae. Show mommy and walk to daddy" Namjoon said. Namjae holds onto the couch and pulls himself up and walks to Namjoon. "Yes you did it, my boy. Think he did about six steps" he said. "He did. That's my clever boy. Our clever boy" I say. Namjoon picks Namjae up and we both give him a kiss and a hug. Yay! Our baby boy just took his first steps and we are super proud of him

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are looking round a store for a new couch. We think it's about time we got a new couch as the one we've got is an old one from my grandma. No offence to her. We just want another one. We have taken Chaeyoung with us of course. She is growing so much and doing new things everyday. She amazes us everyday. She is yet to walk but we hope we will soon. We have been at the store for about 20 minutes looking and trying out couches. We are yet to find one we like but hopefully will soon. Chaeyoung is sat in her stroller. She sometimes get fidgety and wants to get out and play. She starts fussing and moaning. "What is it, baby girl?" Hoseok asks. "I think she probably wants to get out but not here" I reply. "I guess she could have a little crawl around if we watch her" he said. "Okay" I reply. Hoseok lifts Chaeyoung out of her stroller and she crawls around a bit. We had to watch her though. She grabs onto something and pulls herself up onto her feet. She's done that before. She starts moving her feet and takes a little step to me, then another one. "She just took her first steps, babe" I say. "She did. See she was telling us that's what she wanted to do" Hoseok said. "Yes she was" I reply. We are so proud of Chaeyoung today. Taking her first steps while we were out is a great achievement

Jin 💙

Jinhwan has been showing signs of walking recently. He's been pulling himself up and moving his legs but he hasn't taken his first steps yet. We hope he will soon. Jiyeon was just under a year old when she took her first steps. Jinhwan isn't quite a year old yet. Maybe he'll be the same as his sister. Right now we are playing in the backyard with the kids and they are playing together. Jiyeon has a swing set and she loves playing on that. Jinhwan will be able to when he's old enough. Me and Jin are sitting outside watching the kids play. "I love to see them having fun together" Jin said. "Me too, babe" I reply. He smiles at me and squeezes my hand. We enjoy watching the kids play. Our eyes were glued to them. Suddenly Jinhwan pulls himself up and walks towards Jiyeon. "Look, mommy and daddy. Jinhwan just walked" she said. "He did, sweetie. We are so proud of him" Jin said. "We are. Well done, baby boy. You just took your first steps" I say. "You did and mommy, daddy and your sister are so proud of you, son" Jin said. We all smile and applaud Jinhwan as he's just taken his first steps. We are such a proud family

Taehyung 🧡

The triplets are getting very close to walking. Me and Taehyung have been encouraging them to take their first steps but they haven't yet. I guess there is no rush for them to walk. They will do it in their own time. We are so proud of our babies. Now that they are one years old. I am at home on my own with the little ones. Taehyung is in the studio but he will be home anytime now. I'm not making dinner as we have decided to get a takeaway night as a one off. We all can't wait to see him. I am sat on the floor playing with the babies while we wait for Tae to come home. I love playing with my babies so much. It brings such joy to me. They are all crawling around and pulling themselves up. "Are you guys going to take your first steps?" I say. Daehyun grabs onto the couch and pulls himself up. He lets go of the couch and takes a couple of little steps towards me. "Yay! You did it, my boy" I say picking him up and kissing him. A few minutes later the door opens and Taehyung walks in. "Hey, honey" he said. "Hey, babe. You just missed Daehyun taking his first steps" I say. "Really did I" he said. "You did. I wonder if he'll do it again" I say. Just then Minseo does the same as Daehyun and takes her first steps to Taehyung. "Yay! You did it as well" he said. Two of our babies have taken their first steps. We are so proud of them. Now just Hwayoung left

Jimin ❤️

The other day Jihyo took her first steps. Me and Jimin were so proud of her. Jisoo is close to taking her first steps but she hasn't yet. You think she would be encouraged by her sister taking her first steps but she hasn't yet. She'll do it in her own time. We are so proud of our girls anyway and love them so much. It's such a joy being parents to our little girls. They are growing up and coming on so much. It's quite unbelievable really. Jimin and I are hanging out at home with the girls as it's the weekend. We mainly hangout at home on the weekends but sometimes we go out every now and then. I walk into the lounge from the kitchen and Jimin is watching the girls. "Hey" I say. "Hey, sweetie" he said. "How's it going?" I ask. "Good. The girls are just playing and doing their own thing" he said. I smile and rest my head on Jimin's shoulder. "Baby, I love you so much" he said. "I love you so much too" I reply. As we were sitting on the couch, out of the corner we see Jisoo pull herself up without holding onto anything. "I think she's going to take her first steps" he said. We watch her and she does indeed take her first steps. "Yay! She did it. You did it, Jisoo" Jimin said. "You did. Well done, angel" I say. Jisoo gives us an adorable smile. So our second baby girl just took her first steps and me and Jimin couldn't be prouder of both of them

Jungkook 💚

Me and Jungkook have taken little Jayden to the park today. Last week he started walking for the first time and loves running around. This is his first time in the park since he started walking. He is such a happy little boy who loves running around. We love to see him run around and we can't believe he's now walking. Jungkook is playing with Jayden in the park. I'm sat on a bench watching them play together and I'm loving it. My lovely boyfriend and son. "Jay, daddy's going to be chase you" Jungkook said. "Go easy on him, Kookie" I say. "Don't worry. I will. We are just having some fun" he replies. I laugh as I watch them play. Jungkook chases Jayden around a bit. "Wanna go on the swings, buddy" he said. Jayden kinda nods his head. Jungkook lifts him onto the swing and starts pushing him. I video Jayden on the swing on my phone as he's having so much fun and laughing. "You're definitely enjoying that. Aren't you, buddy?" I say. Jayden carries off laughing. "Should mommy push you now?" Jungkook said. "Sure" I reply. Jungkook and I switch places and I push Jayden on the swings for a while. After that he runs around some more and we had a great afternoon in the park with him

Yoongi 💛

Youngsoo is about to turn a year old and me and Yoongi can't believe how much he's growing up. He's almost onto the walking stage. We think he could be off anytime now. It's so exciting when your little one starts walking. I love it when babies start walking for the first time. We would love Youngsoo to start walking for the first time soon. I arrive home from work and park up outside and walk in the front door. It seems quite downstairs right now. Yoongi and Youngsoo must be upstairs. I take off my shoes and go upstairs. I hear some giggling coming from Youngsoo's room so I open the door and walk in. "Hey, boys" I say. "Hey, sweetie" Yoongi said. Youngsoo is on the floor playing with some of his toys. "Youngsoo, mommy's home" he said. "I am. Hey, my darling" I say. I go into our bedroom and get changed into something more comfortable for the evening. A few minutes later, Yoongi calls me. "Y/ N, come quick. Youngsoo just took his first steps" Yoongi said. I go into the room next door and see Youngsoo taking his first steps across the room. I only saw him do two as he fell over. "Well done, Youngsoo. You just took your first steps" I say. "He did. You missed him get up but at least you saw him do a couple of steps" Yoongi said. We both smile. So happy Youngsoo took his first steps this evening

A/ N: last past tomorrow guys. Are you ready? I'm not ready for this book to end. Are you? I'm going to be doing lots more in the future don't worry

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