16. Gender Reveal Party

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I are having a gender reveal party for our friends and family. We can't wait to reveal the gender of our baby to our friends and family. No one knows we are having a baby boy but we are about to reveal it to them tonight. We are going to reveal the gender by cutting into a cake we have got made. There is blue M&Ms in the middle so people will know we are having a baby boy. People are gathered at our house right now ready for the big reveal. We can't wait to reveal the gender of our baby to everyone. All the other BTS guys are there. People are helping themselves to food and drinks before we do the reveal which is soon. Namjoon and I are getting ready to reveal everything. We are just finding the right time to do it. Soon we find the right time and gather everyone around. "So this is the moment you all have been waiting for?" Namjoon said. "Yes me and Joon are going to reveal the gender of our baby" I say. "Yes we are. We have this beautiful cake here. We are about to cut into it in a minute. Will it be blue or pink? Take your pick" he says.  Most people think we are having a girl but they are wrong. Namjoon and I both cut into the cake together. Blue M&Ms fall out. "It's blue. We are having a boy" he said. "We are having a boy" I reply. Everyone cheers to the news and then we all tuck into a slice of the delicious cake with a few M&Ms on the side. We had a great gender reveal party today

Hoseok 💜

BTS are playing at a show tonight. Hoseok and I have already told the fans that we are having a baby but we haven't said anything about having a girl yet. During the show tonight we are going to do like a mini gender reveal party in front of the fans onstage. Some of our family is there so it's the perfect time to do it. Can't wait for it. We have a box with pink balloons that we are going to let out. The boys are about to take to the stage anytime now so we are planning on doing the reveal about halfway through. "Good luck, baby" I say to Hoseok. "Thank you, jagiya. Can't wait for our reveal a little later" he replies. "Me too" I reply. The boys take to the stage and I sit backstage and watch on the TV. I love seeing my husband perform with his best friends. I watch from backstage for about an hour or so. Then it was a perfect time to do our gender reveal. "I would like to bring somebody very special to me out onstage. My amazing wife Y/ N" Hoseok said. I go out onstage with the box filled with pink balloons. "As you will know me and Y/ N are expecting our first child. We recently found out the gender of our child and we are about to reveal it for you guys tonight. Y/ N has the box filled with balloons" he said. "Are you ready to know if we are having a boy or a girl?" I say. Everyone cheers. "3, 2, 1. We are having a..... baby girl" Hoseok said opening the box and pink balloons fly out. Everyone cheers happy to see that we are having a baby girl. "Can't wait to be a daddy to this baby girl" Hoseok said placing his hand on my bump. I smile and everyone cheers again. The show was great and the reveal was great too

Jin 💙

Today Jin and I are holding a gender reveal party for our baby boy. Well it's to reveal the gender of our baby to friends and family. We can't wait. We are going to reveal the gender of our second baby by Jiyeon wearing a t shirt that's gonna says 'I am going to have a little brother. We thought that would be a cute idea and it gets Jiyeon involved too which we wanted. It's a white t shirt with black writing on that she's wearing. Everyone is gathered in our backyard right now just talking and having fun. I think everyone hopes that the gender is a boy and that's correct. Right now Jiyeon doesn't have the t shirt on as it will give the game away. We will do it soon. Everyone can't wait to find out for real. When it was time I get Jiyeon inside and get the t shirt on her. I put it on her and we go back outside. She runs around the garden hoping people will notice. "Ohhhh what does your t shirt say, Jiyeon" Hoseok says. "Looks" she says pointing to the writing. "Ohhhh you're going to have a little brother so the baby is a boy" Hoseok said. "Jin, Y/ N. Congratulations. We all knew it was gonna be a boy" Taehyung said. "Thanks, Tae" Jin replies. "We can't wait to be uncles again" Namjoon said. "This time to a baby boy" Jimin said. Everyone eventually notices Jiyeon's t shirt and leant that we are having a baby boy. We really enjoyed our gender reveal party today and people enjoyed it too. We definitely revealed the gender in a unique way. Jiyeon was definitely the centre of attention in her t shirt

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