18. He Sings To Your Bump

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I are hanging out backstage at one of the boys shows. They are playing in Seoul tonight and I'm there to watch and support them of course. I am now about 5 months on in my pregnancy so I'm somewhat feeling quite tired every now and then but Namjoon is always there for me whenever I need him. It's still a few hours to till the show tonight. I'm laid on the couch in one of the backstage rooms in the venue. The door opens and Namjoon walk in to check on me. "Hey, how are you doing, sweetie?" he asks. "Good" I yawn. "You look tired. You can rest here as long as you want" he said. "Thank you, Joonie" I reply. He smiles and leans into kiss me. "Maybe a little sweet song will help you relax some more" Namjoon smiles. "Yeah of course" I reply. He lays beside me on the couch and bends down to my bump and starts singing his solo song Trivia: Love from the Love Yourself: Answer album. Namjoon wraps but he can kinda sing too. My face lights up as he serenades me and my bump. "Namjoon, that was so adorable of you. I love you so much" I say. "You're welcome, honey. I love you so much too" he smiles. We spend the rest of the time together before the show

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I have just decided to have a lazy Sunday and weekend at home. We didn't really want to do anything and plus it's just lovely to have some quality time being nice and quite time at home. There's nothing else I love doing than spending time with my lovely husband who I love so much and who makes me so happy too. I'm so thankful for him. It's getting towards later on in the afternoon and Hoseok and I are sat on the couch together. We are snuggled up and he has his arms around me. "Y/ N, I'm loving this weekend just being with you, my love" Hoseok said. "I know, baby. Me too. There's no time like time with you, my Hobi" I reply. "Awe, baby" he said. So me and Hoseok carry on cuddling for a while longer. He sits up and places his head near my bump. Awwww I love it when he does that so much. "Hey, baby girl in there. It's your daddy. I can't wait to meet you" Hoseok said. "Awe, babe" I say. "Let daddy sing you a little song. This is one of my favourite songs. I'm in a band" he said. Hoseok songs BTS's song HOME to our baby girl in my belly. My heart melts as he sings and raps to her. Awww so adorable of him. I love him so damn much. We had a great lazy Sunday together doing nothing but cuddling all day long

Jin 💙


I have just put Jiyeon to bed and read her a story like I do every night. I read her one of her favourite books tonight. She is all tucked up in bed right now. I leave Jiyeon's room and close the door quietly behind me. Y/ N is in bed laying down as she's tired so I go into our room which is just opposite Jiyeon's room. I walk into our room trying not to disturb Y/ N as she might be resting. "Hey, honey. Is she all tucked up?" she asks. "Yes she is" I reply. "Good" she replies. I get on our bed next to Y/ N and sit next her and wrap my arms around her. "Are you tired, my love?" I ask. "Yeah I am" Y/ N replies. "You can go to sleep whenever you want, honey" I say. "Yeah I will. Probably soon" she replies. I lay next to her and hold her close to me. "I love you, Y/ N and Jiyeon and our baby boy of course" I say. "I love you too, Seokjin. So much" Y/ N replies. "How about I sing a little song to you and our little boy in there" I say. "Of course" she smiles. I bend down to Y/ N's bump and start singing our song Mikrokosmos to Y/ N and our baby boy. I sing for about five minutes or so. "Awww, Jinnie. That was so beautiful" she smiles. I smile back and I kiss her too. Soon me and Y/ N fall asleep together

Taehyung 🧡

I've recently been feeling very tired and exhausted in my pregnancy. Well I'm not surprised as I'm carrying three babies in my belly. It's all part of being pregnant I guess. We just can't wait till they are born. What's been getting me through tough times is Taehyung of course. He's been the best and is there for me whenever I need him. Awwww he's the best husband in the world. He always sings to me and the babies whenever I can't relax and need settling down. I am laid on our bed and Taehyung is doing stuff in the kitchen. I am asleep and the door opens and Tae walks. "Hey, how are you doing, baby?" he asks. "Hmmm tired" I reply. "I know how you feel, my darling" Taehyung said. "Awe, Tae Tae" I reply. He climbs onto the bed and lays next to me. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close placing his hands on my bump. "Go to sleep and I'll sing to you" he said. "Okay I'll try again" I reply. I turn over to Taehyung's side and he sings a lullaby to me and the babies as caresses my bump. It sends me off to sleep in no time, the soothing sound of his beautiful voice. It was perfect. Taehyung is perfect. He leaves me to sleep some more and walks out quietly without disturbing me. Awww he's so sweet

Jimin ❤️

Jimin is currently at the studio working on some solo music and I'm with him for the day of course. I love watching him doing what he does best. In his time off he's trying to get some solo music recorded and released. He writes it all himself with a little bit of help from a couple other of other people. Jimin is recording vocals right at this moment in time. I'm sat on a chair in the studio watching him. I love watching him and there's no other place I'd be right now. I love the sound of his voice. It's so beautiful just like him. "Babe, do you wanna have a listen" Jimin said a few minutes later. "Of course" I smile. He grabs some headphones and places them on my ears. "Sounds so good" I say. "Thank you, my love" he smiles. I listen to the song and it was so good. Jimin has some such an amazing job. "The babies might want to hear their daddy sing" he said. "Yeah of course" I reply. He takes the headphones off my head and places them onto my bump so the babies can hear the song. "My girls, in there. That's your daddy singing. Aye do you like it" he said. "I think they do. I know they do" I reply. "I'm sure they're loving that" Jimin said as he puts his arms around me. I'm sure our girls loved the sound of their daddy singing. It was the perfect day watching Jimin in the studio. What a cute thing he did too? Awe

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook's new favourite thing is laying on my bump and talking and singing to our baby boy. OMG I love it so much when he does that. It melts my heart and everything. Jungkook is going to be the best dad in the world to our son and we can't wait till he arrives. It's around 8am and I'm just waking up for the day. Jungkook is kinda waking up next to me. The first thing he does in the morning is cuddle me and talk or sing to my bump. Aawww so cute. Bless him. A few minutes later he wakes up and yawns. "Hey baby, baby" he said. "Hey, Kookie" I say. "How's my girl and baby boy?" he said. "We're good this morning" I reply. Jungkook shuffles closer to me and wraps his arms around me and cuddles me to begin with before shuffling down to my bump and resting his head on it. "Morning, my baby boy" he said. I smile. "He loves you talking to him. I feel him kick and move around when you talk or sing to him" I reply. "Well I'm going to sing to him right now" he said.  Jungkook kisses my bump and starts singing his song Euphoria. That's the song he always sings and we can always tell that our son loves it. Oh my gosh so sweet of him. He sings to me till we both get up. It's always a wonderful start to the day when Jungkook sings to me and the baby

Yoongi 💛

Yoongi and I have just been out to dinner with some friends of our tonight. We had a really nice time seeing people and catching up with them. Most of the night we talked about our baby. A lot of baby talk but that's great with us. I'm tired now. We are home and getting ready for bed. I'm ready for bed and in bed and Yoongi is in the bathroom getting washed and cleaning his teeth. He should be in a minute. I get under the covers and he walks in a moment later. "Hey. Here I am" he said. "Good" I smile. He gets into bed next to me and shuffles closer to me and wraps his arms around me tightly. "Dinner was good tonight" Yoongi said. "Yes it was. Had a really good time seeing all our old friends" I reply. "Yep we did. I'm happy that everyone is happy for us. Expecting our first child is something so special" he said. "It certainly is, my love" I smile. "I'm gonna teach this little boy to get a bad ass rapper just like his dad" Yoongi said. "Yoongi, don't say ass in front of the baby" I say. "He won't be able to hear" he said. "Oh yes he will. Babies can hear everything when in the womb" I reply. "Oh right I see" he said. Yoongi smiles and places his hand on my bump. "Listen, son. This is how you rap" he said. Yoongi starts rapping a random song to the baby. I love it when he just starts rapping for no reason. He's so funny. I'm sure our baby boy will grow up to be a bad ass rapper just like his father one day. That's what Yoongi is hoping for

A/ N: another cute part did y'all. I know I always say that lol but I'm super proud of this book so far even though it hasn't got colossal views yet. Hopefully 1k soon. Don't forget to spread the word and vote, read and comment please but only if you want

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