45. Family Day Out

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Namjoon 💖

Since the fall is setting in soon, me and Namjoon thought it would be fun if we went to a pumpkin festival. There is one in our local area that we are going to today. We are going with baby Namjae of course. We wouldn't leave him out. Of course we wouldn't. We love him so much. The pumpkin festival seems fun so we are looking forward to going. We are in the car on our way to the festival. It starts around 1pm and we are going to stay for a few hours. We all wrapped up well as it's pretty cold weather. "I'm looking forward to this, babe" Namjoon said. "I know me too. It will be fun" I reply. Soon we arrive and find somewhere to park up. Namjoon gets Namjae out of his car seat and into the stroller. He is still asleep. We then start walking round the pumpkin patch. "Lots of pumpkins here, babe. We'll have to bring some home with us" he said. "Yes we will for my mom to make pumpkin soup" I reply. "Ohhhh yeah that'll be great" he smiles. Namjoon pushes the stroller as we walk around. I link onto his arm. After sometime of walking and exploring round, we decide to stop for something to eat. We go with pumpkin pie because why not. We are at a pumpkin festival. Namjoon and I sit down and eat. Namjae was awake now. "Ummm its really good" he said. "It is. Very tasty" I reply. We wait sometime for it to digest before continuing to explore. We had a great family day out at the pumpkin festival today. We'll definitely go back another year

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I have taken our nieces out for a day at the zoo with baby Chaeyoung. My brother is a single dad and we like to take the girls out every now and then. They really love animals too so the zoo is just the place to go. Me and Hoseok love being an aunt and uncle to the girls and parents to little Chaeyoung of course. We've been at the zoo for about an hour or so and the girls are loving looking at the animals. We will treat them to a thing or two at the end. We are looking at the zebras now. Haeun, our youngest niece loves zebras. They are her favourite animals. Eunmi's favourite animals are kangaroos. "Uncle Hobi, Aunt Y/ N. May we go and see the kangaroos next?" Eunmi asks. "Yes of course. When we get to it" I reply. So we carry on exploring then we stop for something to eat as we were getting hungry and the girls were too. We will go and see the kangaroos later. "Are you having fun, girls?" Hoseok asks. "Yes we are. So much fun, uncle Hobi" Haeun replies. "I'm glad you are, Princesses" he replies. When we've finished eating we find the kangaroos as Eunmi wanted to go there. "Can you see those kangaroos bouncing?" Hoseok said. "Yes they are so cute" Eunmi replies. She bounces like a kangaroo for us. We spend a while longer at the zoo and have such a fun family day out. We brought the girls and Chaeyoung some things on our way out. Can't wait for more days out in the future when Chaeyoung gets older

Jin 💙

We are out on our first family day out as a family of four at the sea life centre. We wanted to do something fun that both we will enjoy and Jiyeon too of course. The aquarium is a great place to take the kids. It's Jinhwan's first time out and about with us. Our first family day out as a four. It's going great so far. Jiyeon is enjoying looking at the sea life. She was a little scared of the sharks but we told her they won't hurt her. She is holding onto Jin's hand as we walk around as I push the stroller. "Are you enjoying yourself, Jiyeon?" he asks. "Yes I am, daddy a lot" she replies. "We are happy you are enjoying yourself, sweetie" I reply. "Is Jinhwan enjoying himself?" she asks. "He is" I smile. We go to the turtles next. "Look turtles, daddy" Jiyeon said pointing at them. "I know, baby. They are cute. Aren't they?" he said. "They are. Can I have one?" she said. "A soft toy, sweetie" Jin said. Jiyeon wanted to spend sometime looking at the turtles which was totally fine with us of course. Next we went for something to eat at the restaurant. There was a children's play area so Jiyeon played there. "This is an awesome day. Isn't it, honey?" Jin says. "Yes it is. It's amazing. I'm so happy we are having our first family day out" I reply. "Me too" he said kissing me. We let Jiyeon play for a while before we continue to look round the sea life centre. We had a great first family day out at the sea life centre. We finished off our trip with ice creams and going to the gift shop to buy Jiyeon some things

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