48. Baby's First Word

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Namjoon 💖

Little Namjae will be turning one soon and me and Namjoon can't believe it. It's such a special moment when your little one turns a year old. He's such a little joy. Me and Namjoon are out at the supermarket with Namjae doing our weekly shop. We are always needing things and we try and go together whenever we can. Namjoon is pushing the cart and Namjae is sat in it. He keeps on looking at us as we are walking down the aisles. "When you're old enough you can help us do the shopping, little man" Namjoon said to Namjae. "Yeah he can" I laugh. Namjae points at Namjoon and says "Dada, Dada". "Wait, babe. He just said dada. His first word" he said. "He did and it just had to be dada" I say. "It did. I'm so proud of you, my son" Namjoon said kissing Namjae. Awww another proud moment. His first word

Hoseok 💜


Chaeyoung is close to saying her first word. She almost said dada the other day but she managed Da which is close enough. We are so proud of her and how's she's growing up. She goes to nursery a couple of times a week and enjoys playing with other kids her age. She's such a little angel. I walk into the lounge from upstairs and Chaeyoung is sat on Hoseok's lap and she's talking to her. They love their father daughter time. She's definitely a daddy's girl. "Hey, my loves" I say. "Hey, darling" he said. Chaeyoung points at me and smiles and then she looks at Hoseok. "Dada" she said. "Oh my gosh. She just said dada. I'm so proud" Hoseok said. "Ah she did. Well done, Chaeyoung" I say. "Mama" she goes. "She just said mama too. Who's the most clever girl in the world?" Hoseok said. She smiles at us both. Chaeyoung not only said her first word today but she said her first two words. Dada and mama. Hoseok and I can't believe how clever our little girl is

Jin 💙

We are having a family day at the park all of us and it's great. We love having family days out now that Jinhwan is older. He's such a lively and joyous little boy. I see a lot of Jiyeon in him. They are just alike and have a close sibling bond. We have been at the park for about an hour or so and the kids are having a great time playing and running around together. Well Jinhwan isn't walking yet but he shuffles and crawls around. His favourite thing is playing on the swings. "Daddy, can we go on the swings again?" Jiyeon asks. "Of course, sweetie" Jin replies. We lift the kids into the swings and start pushing them. They both love he swings especially Jinhwan. They go on the swings for a while. "Now we are going to go on the slide. Come on, Jinhwan" Jiyeon said. She takes Jinhwan over to the swings. He sits on her lap as they slide down. Me and Jin sit and watch them. It's amazing seeing our babies play together. The kids spent a while on the slide. "Mommy, I've been trying to get Jinhwan to say his first word" Jiyeon said. "Awwww, sweetie" I say. Jinhwan looks at Jiyeon and says "Ji Ji". That's her nickname. "Yay! He just said my name. My clever little brother" she said. "Awwww" me and Jin say looking at each other. So we had a great family day at the park today and Jinhwan said just first word which was Ji Ji. Awwww how cute?

Taehyung 🧡

The other day Daehyun said his first word. He said dada and me and Y/ N were so proud of him. We have been trying to get the girls to say their first words just like their brother but they haven't yet. They kinda babble at us from time to time which is cute. They have only just gone a year old so I guess there is no rush for them to say their first word. I am watching the babies while Y/ N gets herself ready for the day. Minseo and Hwayoung are sat on my lap and Daehyun is crawling around on the floor playing with his toys. "When are you two girls going to say your first word" I say to them. They look at me and laugh. "Is daddy funny? Eh" I say. "Dada, dada" Hwayoung says. My face lights up. "Wow! You just said dada" I say kissing her. "Minseo, who am I?" I say. He points at me and laughs. I love it when my babies laugh at me. They must find me funny haha. Soon Y/ N comes into the lounge. "Hwayoung just said dada dada" I say. "Ohhhh did she" she said. "Yes she did. Say it again, Hwayoung" I say. She says it again. "Yay!" Y/ N said picking her up. Minseo is yet to say her first word but we know we will eventually but two of our little ones have said their first word so we can't really complain

Jimin ❤️

The girls will soon be turning one and Jimin and I are somewhat not ready for them to turn a year old. We can't believe where the last year has gone. We've been parents for a year now. Wow! It's crazy. The girls are as adorable as always of course. They couldn't get anymore adorable. We love them both so much. We are settling the girls down for bed and doing their daily night routine. Jimin and I both do it together. We get one baby ready each. I'm getting Jihyo ready and Jimin is getting Jisoo ready. We have just given them a bath now we are putting on their diapers and pjs before feeding them. I talk to Jihyo as I'm getting her ready. "I think you're sleepy so hopefully you should fall asleep straight away" I say. She looks at me and says "Mama". "Jimin, she just said mama" I say. "Ohhhh she did. I heard her. Maybe Jisoo will say dada" he replies. Jihyo points at me and says mama again. "Again" I say. "Jisoo, say dada" Jimin said. Jisoo shakes her head and Jimin and laughs. "I hope you will soon" he said. Anyway we put the girls to bed and have sometime together. I was reeling over Jihyo calling me mama. I was hoping one of the girls first words would be mama

Jungkook 💚

Jayden will be turning 1 soon and we can't believe it. Me and Jungkook are not ready for our little guy to turn a year old. Jayden is growing up so much. We are so happy to be parents to him. It was definitely the best decision we made bringing Jayden into the world. We definitely wouldn't go back. Never in a million years. Me and Jungkook are at the mall with Jayden this evening. He finished earlier today so we thought we'd hit the mall this afternoon. We push Jayden round the shops in his stroller as we go from place to place. We have been there a while and we are heading to the toy store next to look for things for Jayden's birthday. He's asleep right now so he won't see anything we are getting for him. We go in and start looking around. As we are looking round the store, Jayden wakes up and yawns. "Bubba" he said. "What did he just say something?" Jungkook asks. "Yeah he just said bubba" I reply. "I know that's not a proper word but that's my boy" he said. Jayden said it again and he made us both laugh. I guess he just said his first word. Proud parents

Yoongi 💛


Y/ N is out at work and I'm at home with Youngsoo as I have a little time off. She is working late tonight. She has been doing recently so I've been with Youngsoo a lot which is great as I love having father, son time with my boy. I have just had some dinner and fed Youngsoo. As he's nearly a year old now, he's having solid foods so he had scrambled eggs. He really loves scrambled eggs. We are sitting on the couch before Youngsoo goes to bed. "Are you missing Mommy, little man?" I say. He kinda looks at me. I decide to ready Youngsoo a story before he goes to bed. He understands words now. It's a book about a daddy and bear baby. Just like me a him. I sit him on my lap and start reading to him. Youngsoo points to the pictures and says "Dada". "Yeah that's right, buddy. That's dada bear and I'm your dada too" I say kissing him. So Youngsoo said his first word while I was reading to him. I told Y/ N when she got home and she was really impressed

A/ N: that's probably not the best part I've done but oh well

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