Part 16

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"Seokjin's doing great huh?" Jungkook said while sipping his coffee. We are at Starbucks.

"I can't deny it. ChanRi is now cheerful. Even her butler said she rarely yells at them ever since Seokjin came. And she's doing well in school. I guess my decision to get him is not that bad."

"Really? Well, I'm not talking about ChanRi." Jungkook smirked. I sometimes hate this guy. I wonder how did he become my bestfriend.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you're always at home lately. I mean, you're not eating breakfast with me anymore. You're rushing to go home for dinner. Friday night is supposed to be our fun night but you want to go home early. Have you found replacement for Hee Gi?" Jungkook's bunny smile is the same as his mischievous smile.

"Fuck up Jungkook. Seokjin is just my daughter's caretaker. Nothing else." As far as I know.

"Mmmm... probably for now. I mean come on hyung! It's been 5 years. You date a lot but you still talk about Hee Gi everyday. Lately, I haven't heard you mentioning her name. There must be a reason behind it. You can smash the glass on my head if I'm wrong."

I became silent. I don't know why its so hard to accept something about myself. It's true, I fell madly inlove with HeeGi. I really thought that she's the world to me. When she left, everything just came crashing in front of me. I can't give my whole self to my daughter because half of me is still yearning from the lost of her mother. It's not that I haven't experienced heartbreak before, but Hee Gi filled up, in my opinion, what were missing in my life.

I love my daughter. But sometimes, her presence made it hard for me to move forward. Maybe that's the reason why I don't find time for her and just entrust her to our butlers. She often say that she loves me. I always remind her how much I love her. But the ghost of my past just kept on hunting me. I'm not good in handling pain. Maybe that's the reason why I became so cold, arrogant and angry.

I'm just too embarrassed to admit but yes, Seokjin really caught my eye. He is beautiful, polite and patient. I saw how he treated my child. He is always calm and gentle. I saw how he stared at my daughter so fondly like she's his own. Maybe that's why ChanRi likes him. She found what I am lacking from Seokjin. And that's time and attention. I really do admire Seokjin. I really do.



It's been two weeks since I moved in to Taehyung's house. ChanRi has been very nice to me and I never really had any issues or problems with her. I actually find my job here as no challenge. The routine is just the same everyday. I will wake up at 6 in the morning to prepare breakfast. I will wake ChanRi up at 7 and we will eat breakfast together. We are on our way to school by 8:30 since her class will start at 9 and will end at 12. Once I dropped her to school, I will stay at the office. Basically, just helping Jimin file or helping him type the reports. Then I will pick ChanRi from school, we will go home and take some lunch. She has a butler that helps her take a bath and get dressed. Then she will take a short nap, have snacks then I will help do her homeworks. Then playtime, dinner, bath time and sleep. My day goes on like that. It's boring if you ask me but it's not physically and mentally draining compared to office work.

I always put her to sleep. She's not like the regular kids who loves fairy tales before sleeping. She said she just want to talk. "Oppa?" ChanRi called. She was ready to sleep.

"Yes, princess?" I answered while tucking her under the blanket.

"Can you be my Eomma?"

My heart leaped on her question. My brows curved up, "Princess, oppa is a boy. And eomma's are girls. I can't be your eomma."

"Then be my appa."

I gulped. How could a 5 year old say this kind of things? I giggled, "Princess, you already have an appa. That's your father. I can see that he loves you so much and he gives you everything you need."

"But my classmates have father and mother or father and appa. I want mine too." ChanRi pout.

"When your father met the right person to marry or to be with him, that person will be your eomma or your appa. Whoever your father chooses." I smiled. It's so hard to explain to a 5 year old. She will bombard you with too many questions.

"Then I want you to be my appa. I want father to marry you."

I coughed, "Uhmmm... princess, listen to oppa okay? Oppa is your caretaker. And your father is my boss. I can't be your appa because your father doesn't like me." I really don't know how to explain. Why did I say that to a 5 year old?

"How come? I like you oppa. You are very kind and loving. You always take care of me. You always cook delicious food. Father should like you too. I don't want any other appa, i only want you to be my appa."

"Princess, you're still young and you will not understand oppa. Remember, whoever your father chooses, oppa loves ChanRi this big." I spread my arms wide.

"I will tell father to like you."

My mouth fell open. This kid, "No princess, don't say that to your father. Okay, just listen. Your father needs time to look for appa or eomma. You need to wait. Okay? Don't worry, I will stay here with you until your father finally found appa or eomma. Okay?"

ChanRi pout at me. Clearly, she doesn't understand. She is so innocent. And it's hard for me to tell her that rich and poor are not meant to be with each other, that's what I believe in. More so, I am just her father's employee. Her father is a fine handsome young man. And he will never get interested to someone like me. Getting lost in my thoughts, I saw ChanRi already sleeping. I didn't notice. I stood up and felt the urge to take a shower. It's been a long day and ChanRi's question really stressed me out.

I carefully shut the door behind me so as not to wake ChanRi up. As I turned around, my face almost bumped to someone's face. My eyes widened as I met Taehyung's eyes. I stepped backwards. My face turned red. Why the hell I did not notice him there that I almost kissed him.

"I'm sorry Sir, i did not notice you there." I know I looked dumb and suddenly, I remembered what ChanRi and I were talking about not too long ago. Did he heard it?

Taehyung smiled, "So what was my daughter telling you?" Oh fuck! He heard it. It took me a while to gather my thoughts.

"Uh...sir.. she's just curious about things. I think it's too early for her to understand." I stuttered.

"Really?" A smirked formed on his face. He stepped forward, I stepped backward. My heart racing.

"Yes sir. But I tried to explain." I swallowed wishing the wall behind me will suck me in. I knew I only have a step or two to the wall behind me.

"Explain what?" He stepped forward causing me to step backwards again. And as what I am dreading to happen, my heals felt the hard wall. I'm dead. No more steps left.

"I...i'm s-sorry sir. It's j-just that I'm not good in words." I said. I knew that I suck in explaining everything to ChanRi. I believe she is too young to understand adult things.

"Why are you stuttering?" He moved forward again. My heart pounded feeling every beat in my throat. He is so near, so near that I can smell his sweet breath. I saw him staring at my lips. I don't know what crossed in my head that I want him to come closer.

"No sir, its just that..." I stopped when he moved his face forward that only our breath separated our lips. I can feel his nose touching mine.

"Well, I guess I'd rather ask ChanRi, don't you think?" He whispered, his eyes piercing into mine. My breath hitch. He then moved his face away from mine and turned his back. "Sleep well Seokjin." Before he walks on the way to his bedroom.

I was left there frozen. I can feel the coldness of the wall pressing on my back. I am still in utter shock. Why did he do that? Is he trying to persuade me? Is he really trying to kiss me?

I walked back in my room. I think I need a very very cold shower.

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