Part 56

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"It was at the Namsan Tower. Seeing you cry because it's your dream to be there. And we had dinner at the restaurant where you got to view the whole of Seoul at night?"

I stared at his eyes. His tears started to fall.

"T-Tae?" And my tears began to fall uncontrollably.

"Tae please, stop this if this is just a joke. I've been in to so much pain and-"

He cups my face with his hands and he presses his lips against mine. I gasped as I get to taste his lips again. The kiss is hard but passionate. My whole body went weak. I've tasted our tears that fell on our lips. I love every single millisecond of this moment. No matter how many times he's going to kiss me, I will never ever get tired of it.

"D-do you remember me now Tae? Me? Seokjin. Kim Seokjin?" I'm nervous and my hands are shaking as we pulled out from the kiss. I wanted to wake up now if this is just a dream.

He pulled me closer. His hands still on my cheeks, his eyes staring on my eyes as if searching for my soul, his tears welling up in his eyes, mine too. "My heart always remembers you Kim Seokjin."

He held my hand and place it on his chest. I can feel his heart beating, i found the comfort knowing that it is beating only for me. "My heart stopped beating four years ago. But it came alive and continue beating for you. My mind forgot about you but my heart never. Jin you're always here, you never left."

I cried, hard. So hard that I almost forgot how to breathe. All the pains that I felt before suddenly disappeared. I just can't speak. My eyes full of tears I can't even see Taehyung clearly.

He pull me close for a tight embrace. In his arms I feel so loved and secured. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. Never want to let him go. I bury my face on his chest. I can't help it, I just cried.

"Jin, I have not yet recovered all my lost memories but I am sure that I recovered some or maybe more of yours. I am sorry for unintentionally hurting you. Please help me bring all our memories back. Good or bad, I want to remember everything about you. I want you Jin. I only want you. I so love you. And it will never change."

And it made me cried even more.

I calmed down soon after. Not remembering how long I cried. Now I am so embarrassed to look at him as I know that my face are swelling like hell.

"I'm sorry I cried too much." I said, still sobbing in between words.

"You look cute when you're crying." He smiled while he pinched my nose.

I frowned. He gave me a slice of steak and have me eat it.

"I don't want you crying from now on, alright?" He said. He never changed. I always get lost in his expressive eyes. And I only want his eyes to lay only on me. And not on someone else.

"Tae.. since when?" I asked.

"Since we're in France." He answered while he eats his food.

"But why didn't you tell me?"

"It's complicated Jin. A lot of things happened in France and that's the reason why I asked Jungkook to come over. I know in my heart that I've met you before but my mind cannot remember. Meeting you feels like a deja vu. You looked so familiar. Everything about you feels so right. Knowing I suffered partial amnesia, I know that I have to ask someone I trust. Jungkook told me everything about you that day."

"I regret that I never listen to him before. I was in a complete denial that time. And I took your advice. I read the news on the internet and things just came flashing back. It's you that I am with when the accident happened. I have not yet recalled exactly what happened that time but everything became clearer when I knew that it's you beside me in that car."

"When I kissed you in the hotel, I felt that longing I have in my heart. And I suddenly remember all the dreams that I had before. I am with someone in Namsan, someone watching a movie with me, someone making love with me in the car.. all of that just flashed back in my head. I thought they were nothing but a dream. I never knew that they were present memories. And after I kissed you, my dreams now have the face. Not blurred, not someone without name. It's you Jin."

"Jin, I felt guilty when you said that your boyfriend forgot about you. I never knew that you're talking about me. I want to tell this to you now. My mind might forget what we have before but my heart always remembers how it feels. And my heart will never forget you Jin. And now that I remember you, I will never let you go."

I wiped my tears. What he said are all the words that I wanted to hear. I don't want to ask him about my Noona. I think it will only ruin this very special night. I pick up my phone and dial Jimin's number. I know he's still at home.

He took my video call. "Hyung! How was it? Oh.. why your eyes are puffy?" Jimin said, he is so excited.

"It's all good, don't worry. Can you give the phone to Soobin Jimin?" I asked. I think this is the perfect time to introduce Taehyung to our son.

"Papa! Where are you? Why is dark out there?" His small voice echoed on my phone.

"Papa?" Taehyung whispered, confused. Maybe nervous.

"Soobinnie baby, I told you that Dada is far away right?"

"Yes papa. Dada in the States."

I can already see the tears falling on Taehyung's cheeks. I know that he already got it.

"You want to meet your Dada Binnie?"

"Yes papa! Where's my dada?"

I stood up, pulled a chair and sat beside Taehyung. "This is dada baby". Meet your Dada Tae Tae."

Taehyung stared at the screen. Maybe seeing his younger self from there. I saw how Soobin giggled. Showing his boxy smile to his father. Soobin keeps on saying Hi Dada but Taehyung cannot talk. I know he's holding back his tears.

Taehyung breathe out. "Hi baby. " Tae finally greeted.

"His name is Soobin." I whispered to his ears.

"Hi dada! Papa said Soobin looks like dada." My precious little Soobin.

"I love you Soobin baby. I will see you tomorrow okay? And yes, you look a lot like me." Taehyung said smiling.

My heart is so full right now. Full only of happy emotions.

"Dada, Uncle Chimchim said Soobin will have a baby sister or brother soon. Is that true?"

I gasped when I heard that. I can even hear Jimin laughing hard at the background. He will surely get a slap from me when I come back. Teaching my son something like that? That Park Jimin!

"You want a sibling baby?" Taehyung asked. I slapped him on his arm. I grabbed the phone.

"Soobin, you sleep now okay? Goodnight! I love you!" Soobin said I love you back and I hanged the phone.

And before I can even talk, Taehyung grabbed the back of my head and captured my lips. We are both lost in each other's embrace and deep kiss.


We cried together right?

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