Life is So Cruel

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That was the third promise that someone made me....and broke. Why am I so naive? I should know by now that I cannot trust anyone. They will just end up hurting me. I wasn't meant to be born. I wasn't meant to be conceived. Rosalie was right by tossing me out of the house. In fact, she could've done me a greater favor by killing me. Saved me all this trouble. I wandered around in the dark alley, aimlessly, hoping maybe Death will claim be quickly and spare me the other fourteen promises. One more second and I would've committed suicide. On any other day, my common sense would've shouted out 'danger'! But today was no other day. Today was today. Yesterday was yesterday. Tomorrow will not be tomorrow. I had a gut feeling that I will not live to see the next sunrise and surprisingly, I was okay with it. If Death would be so kind to claim me, I would accept with all the gratitude int he world. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize the group of boys ganging up on me. be more specific....vampire boys.

"What's a cutie like you doing out in the streets this late at night?" one shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I took a quick look behind me and cold sweat started pouring down my forehead. There were five of them. There was one of me. And they were full vampires. I was nothing but a hybrid, as Alec would say. I quickened my pace before going on a full on sprint.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" they sneered, easily matching my slow pace.

I panted, trying my best not to trip and fall with the high heels that I was wearing. They were slowly gaining on me, trying to make me more nervous by the suspense. I ran faster and faster, trying to evade my pursuers only to find myself in a dead end.

"No..." I whimpered, clawing at the wall behind me.

One of them slowly caught up to me, smirking at my pathetic attempts to escape from his grasp. Two of the five men pinned my arms down, the third ripping my clothes off. I cried and plead for them to stop, but not a single one listened.

"Please! Please!" I begged.

The leader ignored me and began my long torture in hell.

Alec stumbled back into his room, collapsing on the floor in sobs. Jane rushed towards him, taking her little brother in her arms. This was the first time in history that she saw him cry. He usually kept his emotions to himself.

"Brother! Are you alright?" she asked.

He furiously shook his head, unable to get hte image of him hurling words he didn't mean at Secret.

"What happened?" Jane begged, not knowing what to do.

"Secret." he finally manage to sputter.

"What about Secret?! Is she hurt?" Jane asked, shaking her limp brother.

Alec finally managed to get the entire story out, sobbing even more in the end.

"Wait. Where is Secret now? It's the middle of the night! She could get kidnapped or killed or hurt!" cried Jane.

The thought of Secret getting killed because of him immediately got Alec's attention.

"We have to find her." he said, wiping his tears off and putting on a murderous face.

"Demetri!" shouted Jane, knowing that he could hear her with his vampire senses.

Right on cue, Demetri appeared in their suite, looking around for any sort of danger. When he didn't find any, he looked at Jane with a curious look, ignoring Felix who just rushed in.

"What's the matter? What is all this yelling about?" he asked in a civilized manner.

"It's Secret! She could be in danger! You have to track her Demetri! Now!" growled Alec.

Demetri closed his eyes and concentrated on Secret's scent, opening his eyes a moment later.

"Got her."

He turned around and out of the room in a solid second, racing down the streets of Seattle. Alec, Jane, and Felix followed in suit, matching his pace.

"We have to hurry. I could sense that she is in danger." growled Demetri, his eyes turning coal black with anger, for he was like Secret's brother.

Then, the smell of blood hit him. It stopped him in his tracks and he growled out loud.

"It's Secret. She's bleeding!" he shouted, immediately following the scent of the blood.

Turning around the dark alley, he stopped abruptly at the sight in front of him. Secret's clothes were torn off, discarded on the floor, scratches covering her bruised body, forming a puddle of blood on the ground underneath her. Her hair was all tangled up, signaling that there was a fight. She was motionless, the loss of blood making her unconscious.

"Secret!" screamed Alec, rushing towards her and trying to shake her awake.

A loud groan made its way up her throat, her weak eyes barely staying open.

"A-Alec?" she whispered, her voice hoarse from all the screaming she had done.

He nodded, trying to blink back the venom tears that will never spill.

Secret immediately scooted back into a corner, covering herself as best as she could and crying into her knees.

"S-Secret?" asked Alec, a little heartbroken.

"S-stay away from me." she stuttered through tears.

Jane's hand made its way to her twin's shoulder, trying to comfort him at the least.

"Brother." she whispered, looking down at him.

Alec shakily stood up and turned around, walking back to the hotel with nothing but anger in his system. Demetri and Felix rushed to Secret, draping their cloaks over her and carrying her bridal style to the castle after Alec.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, baby girl." whispered Demetri.

Secret buried her head into his chest, sobs racketing all over her body. Jane and Felix looked at her helplessly, ashamed that they were not able to prevent this. One thing was absolutely clear. They were finishing this mission as soon as possible and getting the hell out of Seattle. 

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें