The Volturi Don't Give Second Chances

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We checked out of the hotel at around 9 am, when most of the lazy vacationers were still sleeping. The lobby was mostly empty with the exceptions of a few early birds drinking coffee and eating croissants. We walked over to the receptionist, leaving our luggage with Felix and Demetri.

"Good morning. How may I help you?" I asked the lady, smiling gently.

"We are here to check out." I said, handing her our key cards.

She nodded and took them, signing us out and calling a few of the housekeepers to go clean our suites.

"You are all set. Thank you for staying with us and I hope you enjoyed it and to see you again soon." she said.

"Thank you." I said, walking back towards Felix and Demetri.

"Let's go to the stupid Cullens." snarled Jane, tossing her luggage in the back trunk of the limo along with the rest of our suitcases.

Felix walked to the front of the car as Demetri took shotgun. We didn't want to hire a human to drive because we didn't want to waste time finding a suitable one, then disposing of him or her. We drove out of the hotel grounds and into the woods of Seattle.

The infamous five observed the fight from the thick trees, noting how the Cullens were winning significantly. The leader sighed and shook her head. Another promise broken. She had given them five days to prepare their army in hope that they may wipe out one or two Cullens before they were demolished. She always knew that the newborn army was going to lose. Once the last of the newborns were disposed of, the five Volturi guards walked into the clearing, glaring at the Cullens. In sync, they stopped and took off their hoods. The Cullens gasped at the sighed of their leader, the vampire standing in the very front. They growled and Bella got ready to attack. All Volturi guards except for one hissed and crouched into defensive mode. The leader raised her hand slightly and looked back a little.

"Peace." she whispered.

They immediately relaxed and stood up. The leader turned her head back towards the Cullens.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape a fight of such magnitude intact." said Jane monotonously.

"We were lucky." said Carlisle in a strained friendly tone.

"I doubt that." Jane smirked.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." said Alec, half joking.

Jane seemed to share her brother's sick humor.

"'s not often we're rendered unnecessary." she smiled innocently.

"If you arrived a half an hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." said Edward.

Jane's sadistic grin turned into a frown.

"Pity." she spat.

Jane slowly glanced at the newborn standing next to the Cullens, looking around frantically for something or someone.

"You missed one." she said, a little humor returning to her system.

The Cullens turned towards her as Jasper moved to walk towards the newborn. Carlisle turned his head back to face us.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." he explained miserably.

Jane inwardly smirked, knowing that she won in her own twisted way.

"That wasn't yours to offer." she retorted.

She locked gazes to with the newborn.

"Why did you come?" she asked, full of authority.

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