That Scene in the Movie Before the Fight Begins

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"Is that right? Then may I remind you that in the game of chess, it's game over when the king gets eaten." I smirked.

He eyes flamed with anger.

"Your worry for me is flattering young woman but I don't need your pity." she snapped.

I laughed darkly.

"Oh...I'm not giving you pity. The fact is that I am not giving you anything. You don't deserve anything. If you think that ruining my life with a stupid prophecy is funny, then you have another thing coming for you." I hissed.

"Don't speak to my wife like that." hissed the shadow.

"I can speak to your slut however I wish to." I retorted.

He lashed at me and I placed a shadow wall in front of me just in time as he collided against it. I smirked as he dropped to the ground, groaning in pain.

"How dare you!" hissed the girl, running to her husband.

"No. How dare you? You think you can control my life? Well guess what? You can't! You need to understand that I am not your pawn. I am the king of your opponent. And the pawns are in my control. You'll never win this game without killing me first." I hissed.

She laughed darkly.

"Oh really? So you're saying that your precious Volturi family members are my pawns to control and manipulate as I please?" she asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You seem to be lost. Let me help you. Do you really think that Alec kissed Corin voluntarily? That he completely forgot about it as soon as it happened? That he acted confused when you accused him of adultery? That the masters would really send someone to kidnap you? Let's phrase it this way. I have my pawns in my grasp. What about you?"

"You manipulated Alec?!" I screamed.

"Yes. And I'll have to admit that it was quite difficult. Your bond is indeed very strong." she smirked.

Everything in the room turned darker by the second.

" the king angry? Is he ready to take a move? To take a step forward?" she taunted.

I growled and the shadows appeared. She smirked and snapped her fingers, tigers made of fire appearing around her.

"You can control the shadows? I can control the elements." she said arrogantly.

"You can't use fire. Or air. They are in my control." I smirked, waving my hand.

The tigers disappeared immediately.

"What? How?!" she hissed in annoyance.

"You never you? I told you. Air and fire are dark elements. I control darkness. Therefore, those elements are in my control." I smirked.

She growled and suddenly, rain started pouring down over us. Lightning cackled and the wind howled. Cracks started appearing underneath me. 

"Let's have a little fun, shall we?" she asked, her pupils dominating her eyes.

I watched as a giant tsunami appeared behind her.

"My dear....why don't you show dear Secret what you can do?" smirked the girl, turning towards her husband.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment. What was he waiting for? Didn't he want me dead? Or did he just want me to die from the suspense? Finally, he glared at me. At first, I felt nothing. Was he doing something or did he just hate me so much that he started glaring at me? Maybe a mixture of both? Suddenly, images of people breaking their promises entered my mind. I started screaming and covering my ears, falling to the ground.

"Stop! Stop it!" I screamed.

The girl laughed and laughed, her cackles increasing my migraine.

"Dear little girl...I have planned my revenge for a long time. At first, I wanted to spare you. You got out of my life and I was glad you did. Perhaps that was the one thing that you ever did right in your life. But the moment you arrived on that field, I promised myself that I would kill you no matter how long it took. It seems that Satan does have his ways of doing things. He's granted me with this new amazing life that gave me a newly found hatred for you. And trust me dear's a deep deep hatred." she hissed.

"Stop! Who are you?!" I screamed.

"My name is of no concern to you. You do not need to know my name." she hissed at me.

I suddenly screamed at an ungodly octave, causing everyone around me to cover their ears in pain. I stopped once I saw that my attackers fainted. I got up wobbly and slowly walked towards them. Lifting their hoods, I gasped as I saw....

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