A Game of Chess

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I walked to the Volturi castle, wanting the Volturi to kill me. I know that I cannot bury myself alive since I can't suffocate from the lack of oxygen. As I walked through those familiar wooden double doors, every set of red eyes turned towards me. Gasps of shock rippled throughout the throne room. 

"My dear...you have returned. And Alec here said that you wouldn't." said Aro delightedly.

"I am not here to join this coven Aro. I came here to ask you to kill me." I spoke up.

"But why?" he asked.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I smirked.

He laughed and I saw Marcus chuckle a little. Well...at least one of my to-do things is now checked off. Now, three more impossible things to go before my death in about four minutes and thirty-seven minutes. My odds? Absolutely zero.

"I'm sorry my dear. We will not kill you. You are too valuable." said Aro.

"You mean my gift is too valuable to you. You want me as your guard." I stated.

"No. Don't you understand Secret? After you left, this place lost its magic. Your laughter is what made it shine. Without you....it's as dead as a cemetery. Did you not just see? Within thirty seconds of your arrival, you even made Marcus laugh. And that hasn't happened in quite a while my dear." he said with all the sincerity in the world.

"You don't want me for my gift?" I asked, shocked, would be an understatement.

"No. Of course we don't." smiled Aro.

The doors burst open and in came Demetri and Felix.

"She's here! She's here again!" he said.

"Who?" I asked.

He jumped a little when he saw you.

"Oh hey Secret what's up? Anyway, that girl is back!" he said.

I stormed out since I knew that I wasn't going to get any answers just by asking. Outside, I saw her. 

"You!" she snarled, pointing a bony finger at me.

I saw that she wasn't alone this time. A shadowy figure loomed behind her. Was this her husband?

"You. I don't even know your name....yet you know almost everything about me. Not quite proper is it?" I mused.

"You don't know my name?!" she snarled, obviously greatly offended.

"Your reputation does not proceed you." I smirked.

She growled and sent a wave of fire to me. I easily blocked it with a shadow shield.

"Is that all you got?" I laughed.

"No. Remember little girl. I control your prophecy. I will make sure that the seventeen promises are broken alright. But I will also make sure that you will die without your eighteenth." she smirked.

"So it is true. You are the prophecy inflicter. So we meet at last. Or I should say, we formally meet at last." I smiled.

She growled at me even more.

"And who are you?" I asked, looking at the shadowy figure.

"Her husband." he replied, his voice as chilly as night.

So I was right. 

"Listen....girl that I don't know the name of. You don't control my destiny. No one did, and no one will ever. I am not an object, as I have to countless others before."

"Ah...but in my eyes, you are nothing more than an object. I am the gamer. I control the pawns. I control where you go and when you get eaten by the opposing side." she smirked.

"So this is a chess game?" I asked.

"Yes darling."

"But you are not that wise to send out your greatest offense first." I mused.

"But you are not my greatest offense. The greatest offense in the game of chess is the king. Everything else is meant to protect it. You are nothing but a pawn. And in the game of chess, the pawns go first."

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