Death is Near and So Are You

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I got up and slowly walked out of the room, not wanting my friends to stare at me like that. I walked to the balcony and looked over the beautiful city of Volterra. The image of couples kissing and making out filled my mind and brought tears to my eyes. Why couldn't my life be that simple? I felt a pair of strong arms wind themselves around my waist and smiled.

"Alec." I whispered.

"What's wrong love? Why are you crying?" he asked, concern filling his voice.

"Nothing. It's just that I want to stay on this earth a little longer. I want to stay in the Volturi with Aro, Marcus, Caius, and my friends for a little longer. I want to stay with you a little longer." I whispered, more tears threatening to spill.

"It sure doesn't look like nothing." he joked.

I managed a weak smile.

"Come on now. Tell me." he prompted.

"I'm afraid that I don't feel as well as I did before Alec. I know that I am dying. I won't live to see the next sunrise. I won't live to see another day. No matter how hard I fight, I won't make it. Alec....I don't want to die." I cried, sobbing into his chest, soaking his shirt wet.

He rubbed my back.

"I know baby girl. I don't want you to die either. I really don't." he whispered.

He carried me bridal style to our room and set me on the bed, rubbing my arms reassuringly. I tried so hard to contain my tears but I couldn't. After an hour or two, I quieted down and cuddled against Alec's stomach, him drying my tears with a napkin.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You have nothing to thank me for. I'm just doing what I think you deserve." he smiled.

I smiled back.

"Still. Thank you for everything." I chuckled.

"Even turtles?" he asked.

I laughed.

"Yes. Even turtles." he smirked.

I laughed even harder.

"You are such a liar." I smirked.

" know you love it." he smirked, kissing the base of my neck.

I moaned softly and arched my head back. He continued to take me and make me completely his.

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