The Newbies

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I have a high tolerance for most things. But there are some things that just piss me off. If you guessed Bella and Edward, you just won the lottery. Yay. Good for you. Anyway, I think I was going to pull my hair out five minutes into the limo ride to the airport. They just can't shut their mouths! I just want to take a needle and sew their mouths shut.

"Wow! You guys are so rich! Even the Cullens can't compare to this!" exclaimed Bella, touching every inch of the limo.

I just rolled my eyes. 

"Like how much money do you have? A billion gazillion dollars?" she added.

I mentally groaned and face palmed. Again, as I said before. Some vampires just don't get the intelligence part down.

"Yes...we have accumulated a substantial amount of currency over the last centuries of our existence." smiled Aro, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Damn! What's with the fancy words?" said Bella.

"They're not fancy. You're just too dumb for your own good." I hissed, astounded at her disrespect to the Volturi leaders.

Edward growled as the rest of the Volturi members smirked.

"You little bitch!" snarled Bella, attacking me.

Alec ran in front of me and kicked her against the wall of the limo, causing it to shift a little. Thank goodness Aro ordered an extra durable limo. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome." he smiled back at me.

I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. All the other vampires smirked at us and started whispering things to each other.

"Alec and Secret. Sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." sang Demetri and Felix.

I rolled my eyes.

"And I thought that vampires were supposed to mature." I mumbled.

"Hey! I heard that!" said Demetri.

"Good. You were supposed to." I retorted.

He pouted and I smirked. 

"Ooo! You just got burned!" said Bella, trying to get involved in our little conversation.

I just rolled my eyes. If that was a burn, that was the worst one in history.

" Just no." I said in a bored tone.

"What? I was just making a joke!" she exclaimed.

"Worst joke ever." we all said simultaneously.

The entire Volturi started laughing while Bella growled in embarrasment and humiliation, her entire body shaking in anger.

"It's confirmed. Secret has cancer." whispered a voice.

"Very well then. We will attack at dawn."

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