'Goodbye' Does Not Mean 'See You Later'

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Everyone gathered at the front gate to bid us a good trip to Paris. Alec hugged his sister goodbye. I walked to the masters and bowed slightly.

"You know you don't have to do that Secret." smiled Aro, ushering me up.

I smiled weakly.

"I know. It just may be that last time I will be able to do that." I whispered, my voice very hoarse.

They looked very confused.

"What do you mean, my dear? You are coming back aren't you?" asked Marcus.

"Yeah. I will come back." I sighed.

I walked to Felix and Demetri, each giving a big hug.

"Bye big brothers." I smiled.

"Have a good trip Secret." they smiled.

"Bring us back something!" smiled Demetri.

I rolled my eyes but nodded. I walked to Jane and hugged her.

"Goodbye Jane." I smiled.

"Don't say 'goodbye'. It means that we will never see each other again. See you later Secret." she smiled.

"Goodbye Jane." I repeated, walking to Alec.

After ushering goodbye to all the other guards and the wives, Alec and I entered the limo.

"Secret...why did you say 'goodbye' to my sister even after she said to say 'see you later'?" asked Alec.

"Another one of my secrets." I smiled.

As we boarded the Volturi's private jet, I felt a whole lot more weak than I have felt in the last few days. It became a burden to even lift my suitcase, which Alec being the gentleman he was, offered to carry for me. I walked into the jet and gaped at the sight in front of me. There were no ordinary airplane seats. We had couches and beds of the finest leather and material. The windows were a lot bigger than usual, curtains draping around it. The floor was covered in dark blue carpet, soft underneath my feet. The walls were lined in black wallpaper, filled with pictures of the Volturi members. I smiled when I saw a picture of Alec and I getting married, framed on top of the bed. I sat in a purple leather couch, looking out the window. This may be the last time I will ever see Volterra again. Alec plopped down next to me and wrapped his arm around my wast, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I turned away from the window and rested my chin in his hair, closing my eyes.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you more." I responded.

"That's not possible." he murmured, kissing me passionately.

I responded and pulled back reluctantly. He pouted as I giggled.

"You are such a tease." he muttered.

I laughed.

"Yes I am." I smirked.

Passengers, please fasten your seat belts. We are coming into landing. Thank you for flying Volturi Air and I hope you have a good time in Paris, France.

I raised an eyebrow. 

"That is so old school." I muttered.

Alec laughed and shook his head. I walked to the cabinet and got our luggage out, waiting at the entrance. Alec walked behind me a second later just as the door opened. We walked down and saw that it was still night time. From the distance, I saw the Eiffel Tower glowing.

"Beautiful isn't it?" murmured Alec.

I nodded.

"Come on." he said.

We walked to the black Ferrari that was parked in the airport.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup. Only the best for my love." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and slapped his arm.

"Oh my god Secret! How could you! That hurt so much! I think you broke it! Quick! Call the doctor!" feigned Alec.

I laughed and walked into the car.

"Call the doctor if you want Alec but I think they're going to be too distracted with your handsomeness to do a good job. They'll probably end up sawing your arm off or something." I joked.

Alec walked into the car and drove to a hotel.

"Yeah. At least I can repair it." he said.

I nodded. A door hob got our bags as we checked in. However, the clerk seemed a little too attracted to Alec for my liking even after we said it was for our anniversary. I literally dragged Alec away to the elevator.

"Is someone getting jealous?" he teased.

I huffed but nodded. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry. I only have eyes for you, mio amore." he said.

I giggled like a little child and buried my head into his chest. We reached the tenth floor and walked out of the elevator, walking to where our suite was. It was absolutely gorgous.

"You are so spoiing me." I muttered, tracing my finger on a glass vase.

Alec laughed.

"Oh well." he said.

"If I ever go in a regular hotel again, I will complain so much about everything." I moaned.

He laughed again.

"But you won't ever go in a regular hotel again. Members of the Volturi get the best. And my wife gets the best of the best." he smirked.

I giggled and plopped onto the king sized bed, fascinated at how soft the silk was. 

"Nope. We really need to spoil you more. You seem so fascinated at the smallest luxury." he said, shaking his head.

"Alec...you shouldn't spoil me." I reprimanded.

"And why not love?" he asked, lying on the bed with me, laying his head on my stomach.

"Because then I'm going to be a spoiled little arrogant brat that no ones likes. You'll start to hate me." I muttered.

He cupped my cheeks and made me look into his eyes.

"I will never hate you Secret. I can't. It's impossible." he scoffed.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No. I don't want to hate you." he smiled.

I smiled back and got under the covers.

"You should go to sleep. It's been a long day." he whispered.

"I can't believe that the infamous Alec Volturi fell in love with a hybrid." I muttered.

He chuckled deeply.

"You are no hybrid. You are a vampire." he smiled.

I sighed.

"In my heart, you always will be a vampire." he added, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you Alec." I whispered before drifting off to where my mind wil lead me.

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