A Break

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There was silence at first; nothing but pure, deafening silence. I stared at his kneeling form, barely staying on his knees. I could almost feel a tang of pity for him, almost. But all that was washed away when I thought about what he did to me.

"My shadows told me that you have been outside my doorway for a week now. They tried all their cruel torture methods on you yet you still refuse to move from your spot. Interesting. Very interesting." I mumbled.

He kept his head down.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you." I ordered, walking towards him.

He lifted his chin up but kept his eyes lowered. I sighed and turned away, walking towards my balcony and looking at the citizens of Volterra, strolling along, so carefree.

"I am leaving for a while." I said simple, wanting to take a break from all the chaos. 

Even if it was just for a little while. I knew that Aro wouldn't want my gone for too long. I was too valuable to him and the guard.

"How long is a while?" asked Alec, his voice cracked from the loss of blood and the incessant torture.

"I don't know." I mumbled, walking past him and out my room, to the throne room.

As I approached the huge double doors, I can't help but feel surprised that Alec did not follow me. Not that I wanted him to but still. It was strange. Felix and Demetri stepped aside to open it for me.

"Thank you." I whispered.

They looked so concerned.

"What's wrong baby sis?" asked Demetri, closing the door and putting two hands on my shoulders.

"Nothing." I lied.

He scoffed a little.

"You're a terrible liar." he stated.

"I'm just....leaving for a little while." I mumbled.

"Leaving? To where?" he asked, surprise crossing his eyes.

"You're the tracker. You should know." I answered, walking past him and towards Aro.

His face brightened as I approached him.

"What a wonderful surprise! Hello Secret!" he said, walking down the pedestal towards me.

"Master." I said, bowing in respect.

"How may I help you?" he asked, joyful as usual.

"I would like permission to leave the Volturi for a while." I said bluntly.

Confusion crossed his face.

"My dear is everything alright?" he asked.

I nodded.

"May I?" he asked, extending his hand.

I shakily placed my hand in his, closing my eyes and letting the memories flow.

"My dear....I'm so sorry." he said, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you master." I whispered.

"You may leave. For as long as you please." he said understandingly.

I bowed.

"Thank you master. See you in two thousand years. Addio." I whispered.

"Ci vediamo in duemila anni la mia cara." he responded.

I turned and walked away, leaving the guards without saying goodbye to any of them.

Translations (From Italian to English)

Addio: Goodbye

Ci vediamo in duemila anni la mia cara: I'll see you in two thousand years, my dear."

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