19. Alone At Sea

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Y/n is stood on the warp pad ready to warp back to near the barn when his attention is suddenly caught. 

"Wait!!!!" Y/n hears and he doesn't warp. He sees Steven run up to him. Steven is out of breath and trying to get his breath back with his hands on his knees. 

"Is everything alright Steven?" Y/n asks. 

Steven nods and stands back up now. "I need your help Y/n!" Steven announces.

Y/n nods. "Of course Steven I would be happy to help. What do you need me to do?" Y/n asks calmly.

"Can you bring Lapis to the pier tomorrow me and Dad have a surprise for her." Steven says. 

"A good surprise or bad surprise?"  Y/n asks with a brow raised. 

"A good one." Steven says with a big smile. 

"Then I'll make sure she's there." Y/n says. 

"Oh I almost forgot! Can you wait a moment?" Steven says running off.

"For you Steven of course." Y/n says to himself as he smiles at watching Steven run up to his bedroom. He returns a few moments later with something in his hands outstretched to Y/n. 

"Ta dah!" He hands Y/n a rectangle shaped object covered in black wrapping paper. 

"Steven...Thank you." Y/n says slowly unwrapping the paper. Once the paper is removed it reveals a tablet rather like Peridot's but his one has a case to tell the difference between the two. 

"I know you were interested in one when I gave Peridot hers so I asked my dad for another one. " Steven presses a button on it. "Look I even managed to download some Dragonball for you." Steven says happily and Y/n's eyes light up. 

"Perfect now I will have something to enjoy when Lapis and Peridot watch reruns of Camp Pining Hearts." Y/n says happily. He takes the ribbon from his present and gives it to Steven  

"I hope you enjoy. See you tomorrow Y/n!" Steven says as Y/n warps out the temple. 

Y/n arrives at the warp pad nearest the barn and he can hear a quiet television in the distance which he assumes is the barn. Y/n sighs with content and makes his way over to the barn. 

When Y/n arrives he can see both Lapis and Peridot sat in the truck watching what he can only assume is Camp Pining Hearts. "What episode are you watching?" Y/n calls out. 

Both Lapis and Peridot peer over the truck side to look down at Y/n. 

" Y/n has returned!" Peridot says happily. 

Lapis stands up in the truck sprouting her wings and she slowly lowers herself down in front of Y/n. Peridot tries to lower herself using what appears to be a trashcan lid but she struggles to maintain control over it and begins to fall. Luckily Y/n manages to catch her before she falls on her face. 

"Keep practicing." Y/n encourages Peridot as he places her down on her feet.

"Hello Y/n." Lapis says warmly. 

"Hello Lapis." Y/n returns her welcome. "Steven wants us to go to the Pier tomorrow I believe."

"All of us?" Peridot asks straightening her hair out a bit.

"Just Lapis I think." Y/n replies and he can see the look of uncertainty in Lapis's face. "You know you can trust Steven right?" Y/n says in a reassuring voice and Lapis nods. "If it will make you feel better I can come with you. I'm sure Steven wouldn't mind." Y/n suggest and Lapis nods her head.

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