32. Gem Heist/ The Zoo

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So I said that if we could reach 100k in a week I would today's chapter a double upload...You guys did it in 2 and a half days....So here's a visual of me as I continue to watch this story grow far beyond what I expected...

So here's a visual of me as I continue to watch this story grow far beyond what I expected

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The Crystal Gems arrive in the Roaming Eye at Pink Diamond's Zoo, which is being watched by a Red Eye.

"The human zoo. I can't believe it still exists." Pearl says.

"Dad's gotta be in there. We just have to find him and bust him out." Steven says.

The Roaming Eye enters the ship hangar of the zoo via its ring. The Crystal Gems gasp as they notice the two Amethyst guards standing at the entrance door.

"Those Gems." Amethyst notices them. 

"Amethyst guards. Right, like we could just waltz up as an ownerless Pearl, a fusion, A black gem and- and you." Pearl says despairingly. 

"We just need disguises. I'll be Esteban Universidad." Steven says.

"Steven, it doesn't matter what your name is. We're all going to stand out!" Pearl tells him.

At that moment, Garnet unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire.

"We won't stand out if we play the roles we were made for." Sapphire says.

"Ruby! Sapphire!" Steven says happy to see the two despite the situation. 

"You have a plan?" Y/n asks looking down at Sapphire and she nods her head.

"Okay, everybody. Hear her out." Ruby says.

"Today, I'm a Sapphire traveling with my Ruby guard, and my personal Pearl. Esteban, I've brought you as an offering for the zoo." Sapphire says.

"Pobrecito Esteban!" Steven says excited.

"Uhh... What about me?" Amethyst asks.

"Myself as well." Y/n adds.

"Y/n I'm afraid you really will need a disguise." Sapphire says.

Y/n concentrates and his Gem glows and changes into a blue colour now as he takes the form of a Blue Amethyst. "Will this suffice?" He asks. 

 "Perfect, Now you two are accompanying me as extra muscle." Sapphire says. 

"Muscle like them?" Amethyst asks as she points at the Amethyst guards.


"But I've never even seen another Amethyst before. What do I do? What if I say something wrong?" Amethyst asks nervously.

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