46. A Single Pale Rose

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Okay so got some sad news. Unfortunately the story's artist can longer produce artwork for the story as they have personal life things they need to focus on which is understandable :) I want to thank them for all the wonderful drawings they have created for this story. For now we will have no artwork for the movie or Future unless someone is able to take over. I'm afraid I am broke I won't be able to commission anyone otherwise I would have hired someone to complete the story's artwork. :/

There is some good news at least however and that is we have reached over 200k in reads and 8k in votes :D once again thank you so much everyone!!

Steven is sitting on the couch in the living room, deep in contemplation and having several flashbacks.

"I watched the leader of the Crystal Gems, Rose Quartz, shatter Pink Diamond!" Eyeball shouts.

Back in Steven's dream, Pink Diamond punched the glass in Yellow Diamond's Jungle Moon Base in anger, smashing it.

"So how did a Rose Quartz, with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond, get so close in the first place?" The Blue Zircon says.

Back in Steven's dream again, a silhouette of Pearl held up Rose's Sword behind Pink Diamond and glared at Steven intimidatingly.

"Steven how could Rose shatter anyone with that Sword?"  Y/n asks.

Steven gasps in fright from Pearl's glare in his dream, snapping him out of his thoughts, when Pearl and Amethyst walk into the house.

Steven quickly shakes Y/n who was sat beside them and their eyes open and they nod at Steven. 

"I can't believe you've had your phone for a month, and you haven't used it at all!" Amethyst says.

"That's not true! I use it to tell the time!" Pearl replies.

Steven groans in anxiety, as Pearl and Amethyst sit by the kitchen counter.

Amethyst Sighs "... Come here, P. Huh, let's change your wallpaper."

Amethyst takes Pearl's cellphone and takes a picture of Y/n, setting it as the wallpaper.

"Looks great. Okay, now texting is in the messages. Just click on this screen icon-" Amethyst says.

 "PEARL, CAN I ASK YOU SOM-" Steven says panicking.

"Hold on, Stevo. I'm in the middle of a demonstration. Hey, anyway... Then you can type pretty much anything you want." Amethyst continues teaching Pearl how to use her phone. 

"So I can send these messages to Y/n?" Pearl asks.

"Yeah if he got a phone. Let's just stick to Steven for now." Amethyst replies.

Steven receives a text from Pearl, reading "Dear Steven, Hello. Love, Pearl".

"You should get a case for that thing." Amethyst says now.

"I do." Pearl says as she pulls out a suitcase from her gem.

"Okay. I have a whole bunch of actual phone cases in my room. Don't go and throw that thing against a rock or anything until I'm back." Amethyst say as she walks away to enter the Temple Gate into her room. With Pearl now alone, Steven approaches her nervously. While Y/n watches on.

"Pearl?" Steven asks.

"What is it, Steven?" Pearl asks and Y/n now moves to stand beside him.

"...You remember how Mom shattered Pink Diamond? Well, Y/n and I were just wondering, if maybe... You shattered Pink Diamond." Steven proposes. 

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