16. A Fresh Start

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With the Cluster and Malachite safely dealt with Steven and the other gems had returned to the temple. while Y/n, Lapis and Peridot had all decided to remain at the barn. The three were stood in the barn doorway.   

"Well it seems we have alot of work ahead of us!" Peridot grins putting her hands on her hips.

"We?" Lapis asks. 

"This barn belongs to us all. We must work together if we are to fix it." Y/n says. "Peridot you are responsible for the hole in the barn wall so I'm afraid that will be yours to attempt to fix." He adds. 

"That is...reasonable." Peridot replies and starts to look at the wall as if working out an idea in her head. 

"Lapis is there anything in particular you would like to do to the barn?" Y/n asks her. 

Lapis thinks for a minute and looks around. Soon she spots the broken down truck. She raises her hand and soon the water from the small lake Peridot and Steven had made rises. Lapis controls the water to surround the truck and pick it up. Peridot and Y/n stand and watch as Lapis then lifts the truck upwards and crashes it into the barn leaving it up there. Lapis then returns the water to lake. 

"Well...we certainly will have a good seat for sunsets..." Y/n says and Lapis gives a small smile but keeps it to herself. 

"Ah you cloddy piece of wood! Why won't you fit back into place!" Peridot can be heard saying as she tries to place a piece of wood back into the wall.     

"Peridot. I don't think thats going to work." Y/n says to her. 

"Well how else am I supposed to fix this primitive wall!?" Peridot ask frustrated. 

Y/n looks around the barn for something they could use to help.

"We just need something to fill the hole...Oh that will do." Y/n says.   

Y/n points the index and middle finger on his preferred hand out and closes his eyes. 

"Uhh The Y/n what are you doing?" Peridot asks. 

Suddenly the sound of metal can be heard in the distance. Both Lapis and Peridot's eyes are drawn to the Silo nearby and they watch in surprise as it lifts out the ground. Y/n concentrates as he lifts the Silo with his use of ferrokinesis and holds it in the air. He suddenly swipes his other hand in a straight horizontal line and the silo is cut in half. The bottom half of the silo falls to the ground with a heavy thud while Y/n keeps a hold of the top half.  Holding it he moves it over to the barn. Peridot quickly moves out of the way standing beside Lapis. Y/n has to focus as he carefully rotates the Silo and moves it into position. He then slowly lowers the Silo into the hole filling it. He lets out a sigh of relief and drops his hand. 

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