65. Prickly Pair

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Steven stands at the door of the Conservatory as Y/n, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl walk up the stairs to meet him. Y/n, Garnet and Amethyst are holding bags of dirt, and Pearl is holding a small bucket. Amethyst gives one of the bags to Steven.

"We got your dirt, dude!" Amethyst says.

"Thanks, guys! Come on in." Steven says as he enters the building.

The four follow him inside and are greeted by a plethora of blossoming plants.


"You certainly have been busy."  Y/n says looking at the plants.

"How much magic spit did it take to grow all these plants?!" Amethyst asks.

Steven chuckles. "I grew these the old-fashioned way."

"So this is what you've been doing since you left Little Homeschool." Garnet says.

"You left little Homeschool?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, working at the school was great, but I dunno if it's my calling. Besides, watching the Off Colors graduate was so bittersweet." Steven says 

"Well I think this is a wonderful way to get into some much-needed 'you' time." Pearl says.

" 'Me' time? I'm hardly alone." Steven says and he crouches to look at a blue flower. "This lil' smartie is named Connie. This onion's name is - Onion. And these perennials always come back. That one's Sadie, and the rest are her band. 'Daisy Clover and the Shrub-spects'. I named this one Lars." Steven says and everyone looks at him.

 "You're stuck in da ground, aren't cha? Not gonna zip into space and leave evwy'one behind, isn't that right?" Steven says in a babyish voice.

Garnet, Y/n and Pearl look on in concern, as Amethyst holds up a wad of dirt.

"Uhhh, Steven?" Amethyst says as she eats the dirt ball in a single bite.

"This may not be the healthiest approach to your new hobby." Y/n says.

"I'm just - havin' a lil' fun, that's all! B-but seriously, everything's going great." Steven says more to himself than the others.

"In that case, we'll leave you to it!" Pearl says. 

"Have fun with your plants, dude." Amethyst adds as she and Pearl leave followed by Y/n and Garnet.

Garnet peeks in again briefly. "You should keep a close eye on your cactus." Garnet says.

The door shuts. Steven turns around to look at a small, solitary cactus which sits atop a wooden table.

Y/n is stood at the top of the stairs to the conservatory with a furrowed brow. 

"Yo something wrong dude?" Amethyst asks. Both Garnet and Pearl stop and look at Y/n as well now.  

"Maybe..." Y/n says. "Steven's been acting strange...One minute he was so excited about little homeschool, The next he won't have anything to do with it. There's clearly some abandonment issues as well..." Y/n muses. "I had plans to return to Homeworld today but do you think I could stay a while longer?" Y/n asks.

"Yes!" Pearl quickly blurts out. "I mean, Of course Y/n, you are free to stay for as long as you like no need to ask." Pearl says to him with a smile. Y/n returns the smile and takes Pearl's hand. As the four begin to walk down the stairs with Y/n and Pearl hand in hand he delves back into his thoughts again.  

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